Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (2024)

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Virgo, an Earth sign ruled by Mercury, is known for their meticulous nature, practicality, and analytical mindset.

They make loyal and dedicated friends, always willing to lend a helping hand or offer sound advice.

A best friend for Virgo appreciates their attention to detail, reliability, and willingness to provide thoughtful advice. To make great friends with Virgo, demonstrate loyalty, consistency, and a genuine interest in their well-being.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore Virgo’s compatibility with each zodiac sign, revealing their best and worst friendship matches, as well as providing essential tips for building strong bonds.

Let’s dive into the world of Virgo friendships!

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (1)

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Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (2)

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Virgo and Aries – 78% (High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (3)

Virgo and Aries forge a friendship based on mutual respect and excellent advisory skills. The detail-oriented Virgo complements Aries’ big-picture thinking, allowing them to learn from one another and grow together. Both signs value honesty and direct communication, fostering trust and open dialogue.

While their friendship might require some adjustments due to their differing temperaments, the bond between Virgo and Aries can be strong and enduring. They may need to be patient with one another, as Aries’ impulsiveness can sometimes clash with Virgo’s methodical approach.

By focusing on their shared values and the strengths of their differences, Virgo and Aries can build a lasting and fulfilling friendship.

Virgo and Aries can tackle challenges together head-on, with Virgo providing strategic planning and Aries bringing enthusiasm and drive. In social settings, Aries can encourage Virgo to step out of their comfort zone, while Virgo helps Aries stay grounded and organized.

To make the most of this friendship, Aries should be open to Virgo’s practical advice and respect their need for organization, while Virgo can learn to embrace Aries’ spontaneity and adventurous spirit.

Virgo and Taurus – 95% (Very High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (4)

The friendship between Virgo and Taurus is marked by deep mutual understanding, good romance potential, and a shared appreciation for stability and practicality.

As fellow Earth signs, they find common ground in their grounded, sensible approach to life. Both signs value loyalty and commitment, creating a strong foundation for a lasting bond.

Virgo’s meticulous nature and Taurus’ determination make them an unstoppable team, able to achieve their goals together. They can also rely on each other for sound advice, as both are excellent at problem-solving and offering practical solutions.

To make the most of this friendship, Taurus should be patient with Virgo’s need for precision and order, while Virgo can learn to appreciate Taurus’ slow and steady approach. By supporting each other’s strengths and respecting their differences, Virgo and Taurus can enjoy a long-lasting and fulfilling friendship, enriched by their shared values and complementary personalities.

Virgo and Gemini – 70% (High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (5)

The friendship between Virgo and Gemini offers a unique blend of similarities and differences, with both signs ruled by Mercury and sharing a love for communication and intellectual pursuits. However, their approaches to life can be quite different, with Virgo being more practical and detail-oriented, while Gemini is adaptable and focused on ideas.

In this friendship, Virgo can help Gemini turn their ideas into concrete plans, while Gemini can inspire Virgo to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. Their shared curiosity and love for learning can lead to fascinating conversations and mutual growth.

To make the most of this friendship, Gemini should be understanding of Virgo’s need for order and structure, while Virgo can embrace Gemini’s flexibility and penchant for change. By finding a balance between their distinct approaches, Virgo and Gemini can create a dynamic and intellectually stimulating friendship that enriches both of their lives.

Virgo and Cancer – 98% (Very High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (6)

Virgo and Cancer form an incredibly strong bond, marked by deep mutual understanding (6), good romance potential, and a shared appreciation for nurturing relationships.

These two signs complement each other well, with Virgo’s practicality and Cancer’s emotional intuition creating a harmonious balance. Both signs prioritize security and stability, which strengthens their connection.

As friends, Virgo and Cancer can rely on each other for excellent advice, with Virgo offering practical solutions and Cancer providing emotional support. Their combined strengths create a safe space for each other, allowing them to grow and thrive together.

To make the most of this friendship, Cancer should respect Virgo’s need for order and routine, while Virgo can learn to be more attuned to Cancer’s emotional needs. By nurturing their shared values and appreciating their complementary qualities, Virgo and Cancer can build a lasting and deeply rewarding friendship.

Virgo and Leo – 25% (Very Low)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (7)

The friendship between Virgo and Leo can be quite challenging, as their differing temperaments may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

With Virgo’s analytical nature and Leo’s exuberant personality, they may struggle to find common ground. They should exercise caution with romance and be prepared for potential stormy moments.

However, if Virgo and Leo are willing to put in the effort, their friendship can offer valuable learning experiences. Virgo can teach Leo the importance of humility and attention to detail, while Leo can inspire Virgo to be more confident and self-assured.

To make the most of this friendship, both signs must practice patience and understanding. Leo should be open to Virgo’s practical advice and respect their need for organization, while Virgo can learn to appreciate Leo’s warmth and enthusiasm. By focusing on their shared values and the potential for growth, Virgo and Leo can cultivate a unique and transformative friendship.

Virgo and Virgo – 70% (High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (8)

A friendship between two Virgos offers a strong foundation of deep mutual understanding, as both individuals share the same meticulous nature, practicality, and analytical mindset. They can rely on each other for support and guidance, as they know what the other needs and expects in a friendship.

Together, they can form a highly organized and efficient team, able to tackle challenges and accomplish their goals with precision and determination. However, their shared perfectionism may sometimes create unnecessary pressure and stress.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo friends should be mindful of their mutual tendency to overanalyze and set unrealistic expectations. By learning to let go of perfectionism and embracing self-compassion, they can support each other in a healthy, balanced manner and enjoy a long-lasting and fulfilling friendship.

Virgo and Libra – 75% (High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (9)

Virgo and Libra form a friendship based on mutual respect and a shared appreciation for harmony and balance. Virgo’s practical, analytical nature complements Libra’s diplomatic and fair-minded approach, allowing them to work together effectively and find solutions that satisfy both parties.

However, they should exercise caution with romance, as their differing approaches to love and relationships may create challenges. In friendships, Virgo can help Libra make decisions and take action, while Libra can teach Virgo the value of compromise and seeing different perspectives.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo and Libra should be patient with each other’s differences and focus on their shared values. Virgo can learn to appreciate Libra’s social skills and ability to maintain harmony, while Libra can benefit from Virgo’s organization and attention to detail.

By supporting each other’s strengths and learning from their unique qualities, Virgo and Libra can build a balanced and enriching friendship.

Virgo and Scorpio – 90% (Very High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (10)

The friendship between Virgo and Scorpio is marked by deep mutual understanding and a shared appreciation for loyalty and commitment.

Virgo’s analytical nature complements Scorpio’s emotional depth and intuition, creating a powerful bond. Both signs are excellent advisors, with Virgo offering practical solutions and Scorpio providing emotional support and insight.

Together, Virgo and Scorpio can tackle challenges and pursue their goals with determination and resilience. Their combined strengths create a strong support system that fosters growth and personal development for both individuals.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo and Scorpio should respect each other’s needs and be mindful of their differences. Virgo can learn to be more attuned to Scorpio’s emotional needs, while Scorpio can appreciate Virgo’s methodical approach and attention to detail.

By nurturing their shared values and appreciating their complementary qualities, Virgo and Scorpio can build a lasting and deeply rewarding friendship.

Virgo and Sagittarius – 55% (Medium)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (11)

The friendship between Virgo and Sagittarius can be both exciting and challenging, as their contrasting personalities offer opportunities for growth and learning.

While Virgo is detail-oriented and practical, Sagittarius is adventurous and focused on the big picture. They should exercise caution with romance, as their different approaches to love may create conflicts.

In this friendship, Virgo can help Sagittarius stay grounded and organized, while Sagittarius can inspire Virgo to explore new experiences and expand their horizons. Their shared love for learning and intellectual pursuits can lead to stimulating conversations and mutual growth.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo and Sagittarius should be open to each other’s perspectives and embrace their differences. Virgo can learn to appreciate Sagittarius’ optimism and adventurous spirit, while Sagittarius can benefit from Virgo’s practicality and organizational skills.

By focusing on their shared values and the potential for growth, Virgo and Sagittarius can build a dynamic and enriching friendship.

Virgo and Capricorn – 100% (Very High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (12)

Virgo and Capricorn form an incredibly strong bond, marked by deep mutual understanding, excellent advisory skills, and good romance potential.

As fellow Earth signs, they share a grounded, practical approach to life and a strong work ethic. Both signs value loyalty, commitment, and stability, creating a solid foundation for a lasting friendship.

Together, Virgo and Capricorn can achieve their goals and overcome challenges, with Virgo’s meticulous planning and Capricorn’s determination forming a powerful team. They can also rely on each other for sound advice and support, offering practical solutions and guidance in times of need.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo and Capricorn should nurture their shared values and support each other’s strengths. By appreciating their complementary qualities and maintaining open communication, they can enjoy a long-lasting and deeply rewarding friendship.

Virgo and Aquarius – 36% (Low)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (13)

The friendship between Virgo and Aquarius can be quite challenging, as their differing temperaments may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Virgo’s practical, detail-oriented nature can clash with Aquarius’ innovative, unconventional approach to life. They may experience stormy moments and struggle to find common ground.

However, if both Virgo and Aquarius are willing to put in the effort, their friendship can offer valuable learning experiences. Virgo can help Aquarius turn their visionary ideas into reality, while Aquarius can inspire Virgo to think outside the box and embrace new perspectives.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo and Aquarius must practice patience and understanding. Virgo should be open to Aquarius’ inventive ideas and respect their need for freedom, while Aquarius can learn to appreciate Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail.

By focusing on their shared values and the potential for growth, Virgo and Aquarius can cultivate a unique and transformative friendship.

Virgo and Pisces – 85% (Very High)

Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (14)

The friendship between Virgo and Pisces is marked by good romance potential and a shared appreciation for empathy and compassion. Virgo’s practical, analytical nature complements Pisces’ emotional depth and intuition, creating a harmonious balance.

Both signs are excellent advisors, with Virgo offering practical solutions and Pisces providing emotional support and insight.

Together, Virgo and Pisces can tackle challenges and pursue their goals with determination and resilience. Their combined strengths create a strong support system that fosters growth and personal development for both individuals.

To make the most of this friendship, Virgo and Pisces should respect each other’s needs and be mindful of their differences. Virgo can learn to be more attuned to Pisces’ emotional needs, while Pisces can appreciate Virgo’s methodical approach and attention to detail.

By nurturing their shared values and appreciating their complementary qualities, Virgo and Pisces can build a lasting and deeply rewarding friendship.

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Virgo Friendship Compatibility with All Zodiac Signs (Percentages and Chart) (2024)


Who is Virgo most compatible with friendship? ›

Virgo's analytical and practical nature make them compatible with earth signs, like Taurus and Capricorn, as these signs appreciate a Virgo's reliability in their friendships. The emotionality of water signs, like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, also balance out Virgo's typically stoic and grounded nature.

What is a Virgos perfect match? ›

The most compatible matches for Virgos are other Virgos, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

What zodiac sign does Virgo not get along with? ›

These two are perfect inverses. Virgo is too rigid for unconstrained Sagittarius, who frequently doesn't finish on plans. Virgo and Pisces also fight and do not get along easily. Pisces don't commit effectively, which disappoints Virgo, as they hold fast to structure.

What zodiac sign is compatible with Virgo? ›

Virgos are grounded, so their ideal matches are often Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus. Virgos may intellectualize their feelings before leading with their hearts. Yet, once they feel that it is safe to be vulnerable, they will do everything possible to bring pleasure to others and be a rock for them.

Who is Virgos soulmate? ›

So, Who's the Best Match for Virgo? Virgo, practical and analytical, seeks a soulmate who shares their pragmatism and commitment to self-improvement. Taurus and Capricorn provide the stability and dedication that Virgo seeks, fostering a partnership grounded in mutual support and growth.

Who are Virgos' true friends? ›

Virgo best friend: Taurus

Like Virgo, Taurus is dependable and loyal. Both earth signs, a Virgo and Taurus friendship is one of the most stable out there. The two zodiac signs have similar interests and even their differences are complementary.

What is a Virgos worst match? ›

Worst love match: Virgo

Virgo is prone to prioritizing order and practicality, while Sagittarius prefers to “go big or go home.” This Earth sign is inherently cautious and meticulous, which could come across as rigid or overly critical in the eyes of Sagittarius.

Who is Virgos' true love? ›

Virgo chooses rare and distinct personalities when it comes to love and romance and hence, they are more attracted to Pisces. Both Pisces, and Virgo form a great pair in terms of romance and marriage. Although they do not show it to the world, they are never withdrawn from each other.

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Because they're caring, they tend to be good partners for everyone. But there are a few signs they're most compatible with, which are Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.

What sign opposes Virgo? ›

Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac and mutable water sign, is opposite (or six signs apart from) Virgo, which makes for an extremely yin-yang pairing.

What sign rules over Virgo? ›

Virgo is governed by Mercury, the messenger planet of communication. Though Mercury also rules Gemini, these two signs are radically different: Gemini is about output and expression, whereas Virgo is about input and processing.

What are the three types of Virgos? ›

There's three types of Virgo Suns: Virgos who have Mercury in Leo, Virgos who have Mercury in Libra, and Virgos who have Mercury in Virgo.

What is the animal of a Virgo? ›

​​Virgo: Bear.

Who is the perfect match for a Virgo woman? ›

For fun and growth, the best matches for a Virgo woman are Capricorn and Pisces. Remember earlier when I said Virgo women are always preparing for an earthquake? A Capricorn is exactly the type of stable planner that a Virgo woman can appreciate. Together, the two will develop plans for a better tomorrow.

Does Virgo fall in love easily? ›

Virgos are often slow to fall in love. Conservative by nature and cautious with their hearts to a certain point, they benefit from a more flirtatious aggressive partner to start things off. They appreciate a direct and tactful lover and give preference to honesty and openness rather than quirky flirting styles.

What are Virgos attracted to? ›

Virgos are often attracted to people who have a strong connection with their faith. If they're not falling in love with a spiritual person, they're likely attracted to someone who is open-minded, as anyone who cannot see the world beyond themselves is a turn-off for Virgo.

Are Virgos loyal in friendship? ›

They are devoted, loyal, and excellent communicators.

Who is a Virgos karmic partner? ›

Virgo. Your karmic partner can come in the form of an Aquarius. Aquarius karmic partners can sometimes behave cold and aloof, which can trigger your anxious nature and need to control, micromanage, and police things.

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