PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24 · 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (2024)

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (1)



Aircraft Accident Investigation Report

PT. Sriwijaya Air

Boeing 737-500; PK-CLC

Near Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta

Republic of Indonesia

9 January 2021


PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (2)

This Preliminary Report was published by the Komite Nasional

Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT), Transportation Building, 3rd Floor,

Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 5 Jakarta 10110, Indonesia.

The report is based upon the initial investigation carried out by the KNKT

in accordance with Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil

Aviation Organization, the Indonesian Aviation Act (UU No. 1/2009) and

Government Regulation (PP No. 62/2013).

The preliminary report consists of factual information collected until the

preliminary report published. This report will not include analysis and


Readers are advised that the KNKT investigates for the sole purpose of

enhancing aviation safety. Consequently, the KNKT reports are confined to

matters of safety significance and may be misleading if used for any other


As the KNKT believes that safety information is of greatest value if it is

passed on for the use of others, readers are encouraged to copy or reprint

for further distribution, acknowledging the KNKT as the source.

When the KNKT makes recommendations as a result of its

investigations or research, safety is its primary consideration.

However, the KNKT fully recognizes that the implementation of

recommendations arising from its investigations will in some cases

incur a cost to the industry.

Readers should note that the information in KNKT reports and

recommendations is provided to promote aviation safety. In no case is

it intended to imply blame or liability.

Jakarta, 9 February 2021





PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (3)



TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... iii

ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................... iv

SYNOPSIS .............................................................................................................................. vi

1 FACTUAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 1

1.1 History of the Flight............................................................................................... 1

1.2 Injuries to Persons.................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Damage to Aircraft ................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Other Damage ........................................................................................................ 2

1.5 Personnel Information ........................................................................................... 3

1.5.1 Pilot-in-Command (PIC) .......................................................................... 3

1.5.2 Second in Command ................................................................................ 3

1.5.3 Flight Attendants ...................................................................................... 4

1.5.4 Terminal East (TE) Controller ................................................................. 4

1.6 Aircraft Information............................................................................................... 5

1.6.1 General ..................................................................................................... 5

1.6.2 Engines ..................................................................................................... 6

1.6.3 Maintenance Log Examination ................................................................ 6

1.7 Meteorological Information ................................................................................... 7

1.8 Aids to Navigation ................................................................................................. 8

1.8.1 ABASA 2D ............................................................................................... 8

1.8.2 Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast ...................................... 8

1.9 Communications .................................................................................................... 9

1.10 Aerodrome Information ......................................................................................... 9

1.11 Flight Recorders..................................................................................................... 9

1.11.1 Flight Data Recorder ................................................................................ 9

1.11.2 co*ckpit Voice Recorder ........................................................................... 9

1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information ........................................................................ 9

1.13 Medical and Pathological Information ................................................................ 11

1.14 Fire ....................................................................................................................... 11

1.15 Survival Aspects .................................................................................................. 11

1.16 Tests and Research .............................................................................................. 11

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (4)


1.17 Organizational and Management Information ..................................................... 11

1.17.1 Aircraft Operator .................................................................................... 11 Upset Recovery Procedure .................................................... 11 Upset Recovery Training ...................................................... 12

1.17.2 Air Traffic Services Provider ................................................................. 16 Procedure of Aircraft Lost Contact ....................................... 16

1.17.3 Civil Aviation Authority in Indonesia .................................................... 17 Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Standard .............. 17 Notification of Rescue Coordination Centers Standard ........ 18

1.17.4 ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices ...................................... 19 Upset Prevention and Recovery ............................................ 19 Notifications to Rescue Coordination Centers ...................... 20

1.18 Additional Information ........................................................................................ 22

1.19 Useful or Effective Investigation Techniques ..................................................... 22

2 FINDINGS...................................................................................................................... 23

3 SAFETY ACTION ........................................................................................................ 26

3.1 Directorate General of Civil Aviation ................................................................. 26

3.2 Sriwijaya Air ........................................................................................................ 26

4 SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 28

4.1 Directorate General of Civil Aviation ................................................................. 28

5 APPENDICES................................................................................................................ 30

5.1 Sriwijaya Air Quality Safety and Security Recommendation ............................. 30

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (5)



Figure 1: Enhanced infrared satellite image at 0730 UTC and 0740 UTC at accident site (red-

dotted circle) ............................................................................................................ 7

Figure 2: The superimposed ADS-B-based flight profile with BMKG radar weather image at

1438 LT .................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 3: The RNAV-1 SID of Runway 25R (extract from AIP Volume II) ......................... 8

Figure 4: Location of FDR CSMU, FDR ULB and CVR ULB relative to the last ADS-B

recorded data .......................................................................................................... 10

Figure 5: Scanning result from multibeam echosounder ...................................................... 10

Figure 6: Training preparation guideline for upset recovery – nose low ............................. 15

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (6)



A/T : Autothrottle

ADI : Attitude Director Indicator

ADS–B : Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast

AIP : Aeronautical Information Publication

ALERFA : Alert Phase

AML : Aircraft Maintenance Log

AMM : Aircraft Maintenance Manual

AOC : Air Operator Certificate

AP : Autopilot

ATC : Air Traffic Controller

ATO : Approved Training Organization

ATPL : Airline Transport Pilot License

ATS : Air Traffic Services

AUPRTA : Airplane Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Aid

BITE : built-in test equipment

BMKG : Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (Badan

Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika)

°C : Degree Celsius

CASR : Civil Aviation Safety Regulation

CPL : Commercial Pilot License

CPL(A) : Commercial Pilot License-Aeroplane

CRM : Crew Resources Management

CSMU : Crash Survivable Memory Unit

CVR : co*ckpit Voice Recorder

DAAO : Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations

DAN : Directorate of Air Navigation

dBz : Decibel relative to Z. It is a logarithmic dimensionless technical unit

used in radar, mostly in weather radar, to compare the equivalent

reflectivity factor (Z) of a remote object (in mm6 per m3) to the

return of a droplet of rain with a diameter of 1 mm (1 mm6 per m3)

DETRESFA : Distress Phase

DGCA : Directorate General of Civil Aviation

DMI : Deferred Maintenance Item

ELBA : Emergency Locator Beacon

FCTM : Flight Crew Training Manual

FDR : Flight Data Recorder

FIM : Fault Isolation Manual

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (7)


FL : Flight Level

FMC : Flight Management Computer

ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization

INCERFA : Uncertainty Phase

IPC : Illustrated Part Catalog

JATSC : Jakarta Air Traffic Services Center

JICT : Jakarta International Container Terminal

KNKT : Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi

LT : Local Time

m : Meter

MEL : Minimum Equipment List

MHz : Mega Hertz

MPL : Multi-crew Pilot License

NTSB : National Transportation Safety Board

OM : Operation Manual

PF : Pilot Flying

PIC : Pilot in Command

PM : Pilot Monitoring

QPM : Quality Procedure Manual

QRH : Quick Reference Handbook

ROV : Remotely Operated Vehicle

SIC : Second in Command

SID : Standard Instrument Departure

SOP : Standard Operation Procedure

TE : Terminal East

TOGA : Takeoff and Go Around

TSIB : Transport Safety Investigation Bureau

ULB : Under-water Locator Beacon

UPRT : Upset Prevention and Recovery Training

UTC : Universal Time Coordinated

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (8)



On 9 January 2021, a Boeing 737-500 aircraft, registration PK-CLC, on a scheduled domestic

flight, took off from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta, to Supadio International

Airport (WIOO), Pontianak, at 0736 UTC (1436 LT).

The flight was cleared by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to depart on a Standard Instrument

Departure (SID) ABASA 2D to Flight Level (FL) 290. After taking off from Runway 25R,

the autopilot was engaged at altitude of 1,980 feet. The pilots subsequently requested a

heading change to 075° to enable them to deviate from weather. ATC responded with

clearance for heading 075° and the flight began a turn to the right. ATC then instructed the

flight to stop climbing at 11,000 feet due to conflicting departure traffic from Runway 25L.

About 10,600 feet, the aircraft heading started turning to the left. About 10,900 feet, the

autopilot disengaged, and the aircraft turned to the left and started its descent.

At 14:40:37 LT, the radar target of the aircraft disappeared on the ATC radar screen.

Thereafter, ATC attempted to obtain information of SJY182 aircraft by calling several times,

activating and calling on the emergency frequency, and asking other pilots that were flying

nearby. All efforts were unsuccessful to get a response from the SJY182 pilot.

About 1455 LT, the Air Traffic Services (ATS) provider reported the occurrence to the

Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency (Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan/BNPP),

and at 1542 LT, declared the uncertainty phase (INCERFA) of SJY182. The distress phase of

SJY182 (DETRESFA) was subsequently declared at 1643 LT.

At the time of issuing this preliminary report, the memory unit of the co*ckpit Voice Recorder

(CVR) has not been recovered and the search is continuing.

The Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) acknowledged that the safety

actions taken by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Sriwijaya Air were

relevant to improve safety, however there are safety issues remain to be considered.

Therefore, the KNKT issued safety recommendations to address the safety issues identified in

this report.

This investigation involved the participation of the National Transportation Safety Board

(NTSB) of the United States of America as the State of Design and the State of Manufacture,

and the Transport Safety Investigation Bureau (TSIB) of Singapore as States providing

assistance. Both agencies have appointed their accredited representatives to assist in this

investigation in accordance with the provisions in ICAO Annex 13.

The investigation is ongoing. Should further safety issues emerge during the course of the

investigation, KNKT will bring the issues to the attention of the relevant parties and issue

safety recommendation(s) as required.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (9)



1.1 History of the Flight

On 9 January 2021, a Boeing 737-500 aircraft, registration PK-CLC, was being

operated by PT. Sriwijaya Air on a scheduled passenger flight from Soekarno-Hatta

International Airport (WIII), Jakarta 1 to Supadio International Airport (WIOO),

Pontianak2. The flight number was SJY182. According to the flight plan filed, the

fuel endurance was 3 hours 50 minutes.

At 0736 UTC (1436 LT 3 ) in daylight conditions, Flight SJY182 departed from

Runway 25R of Jakarta. There were two pilots, four flight attendants, and 56

passengers onboard the aircraft.

At 14:36:46 LT, the SJY182 pilot contacted the Terminal East (TE) controller and

was instructed “SJY182 identified on departure, via SID (Standard Instrument

Departure) unrestricted climb level 290”. The instruction was read back by the pilot.

At 14:36:51 LT, the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) data recorded that the Autopilot

(AP) system engaged at altitude of 1,980 feet.

At 14:38:42 LT, the FDR data recorded that as the aircraft climbed past 8,150 feet,

the thrust lever of the left engine started reducing, while the thrust lever position of

the right engine remained. The FDR data also recorded the left engine N14 was

decreasing whereas the right engine N1 remained.

At 14:38:51 LT, the SJY182 pilot requested to the TE controller for a heading

change to 075 to avoid weather conditions and the TE controller approved the


At 14:39:01 LT, the TE controller instructed SJY182 pilot to stop their climb at

11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was

departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the SJY182 pilot.

At 14:39:47 LT, the FDR data recorded the aircraft’s altitude was about 10,600 feet

with a heading of 046 and continuously decreasing (i.e., the aircraft was turning to

the left). The thrust lever of the left engine continued decreasing. The thrust lever of

the right engine remained.

At 14:39:54 LT, the TE controller instructed SJY182 to climb to an altitude of

13,000 feet, and the instruction was read back by an SJY182 pilot at 14:39:59 LT.

This was the last known recorded radio transmission by the flight.

1 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (WIII), Jakarta will be named as Jakarta for the purpose of this report.

2 Supadio International Airport (WIOO), Pontianak will be named as Pontianak for the purpose of this report.

3 The 24-hours clock in Local Time (LT) is used in this report to describe the local time as specific events occurred. Local

time is Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) +7 hours.

4 N1 is the speed of the engine’s low pressure rotor assembly.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (10)


At 14:40:05 LT, the FDR data recorded the aircraft altitude was about 10,900 feet,

which was the highest altitude recorded in the FDR before the aircraft started its

descent. The AP system then disengaged at that point with a heading of 016, the

pitch angle was about 4.5° nose up, and the aircraft rolled to the left to more than

45°. The thrust lever position of the left engine continued decreasing while the right

engine thrust lever remained.

At 14:40:10 LT, the FDR data recorded the autothrottle (A/T) system disengaged and

the pitch angle was more than 10° nose down. About 20 seconds later the FDR

stopped recording. The last aircraft coordinate recorded was 5°57'56.21" S

106°34'24.86" E

At 14:40:37 LT, the TE controller called SJY182 to request for the aircraft heading

but did not receive any response from the pilot. At 14:40:48 LT, the radar target of

the aircraft disappeared from the TE controller radar screen.

At 14:40:46 LT, the TE controller again called SJY182 but did not receive any

response from the pilot. The TE controller then put a measurement vector on the last

known position of SJY182 and advised the supervisor of the disappearance of

SJY182. The supervisor then reported the occurrence to the operation manager.

The TE controller repeatedly called SJY182 several times and also asked other

aircraft that flew near the last known location of SJY182 to call the SJY182. The TE

controller then activated the emergency frequency of 121.5 MHz and called SJY182

on that frequency. All efforts were unsuccessful to get any responses from the

SJY182 pilot.

About 1455 LT, the operation manager reported the occurrence to the Indonesian

Search and Rescue Agency (Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan/BNPP).

At 1542 LT, the Air Traffic Services (ATS) provider declared the uncertainty phase

(INCERFA) of the SJY182. The distress phase of SJY182 (DETRESFA) was

subsequently declared at 1643 LT.

1.2 Injuries to Persons

Injuries Flight crew Passengers Total in

Aircraft Others

Fatal 6 56 62 -

Serious - - - -

Minor - - - -

None - - - -

TOTAL 6 56 62 -

All occupants were Indonesian citizens.

1.3 Damage to Aircraft

The aircraft was destroyed.

1.4 Other Damage

No other damage to property and/or the environment.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (11)


1.5 Personnel Information

1.5.1 Pilot-in-Command (PIC)

Gender : Male

Age : 54 years old

Nationality : Indonesia

Marital status : Married

Date of joining company : 24 November 2014

License : Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)

Date of issue : 11 August 1997

Aircraft type rating : Boeing 737

Instrument rating validity : 30 November 2021

Medical certificate : First class

Date of last medical : 23 July 2020

Validity : 23 January 2021

Medical limitation : Holder must possess glasses that correct for near


Last line check : 19 May 2019

Last proficiency check : 18 November 2020

Last upset recovery


: 6 May 2019

Flying experience

Total hours : 17,904 hours 12 minutes

Total on type : 9,023 hours 22 minutes

Last 90 days : 142 hours 40 minutes

Last 30 days : 53 hours 24 minutes

Last 7 days : 13 hours 6 minutes

Last 24 hours : Nil

This flight : about 4 minutes

1.5.2 Second in Command

Gender : Male

Age : 34 years old

Nationality : Indonesia

Marital status : Married

Date of joining company : 8 November 2013

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (12)


License : Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

Date of issue : 23 November 2011

Aircraft type rating : Boeing 737

Instrument rating validity : 31 July 2021

Medical certificate : First class

Date of last medical : 3 July 2020

Validity : 3 January 20215 with exemption

Medical limitation : None

Last line check : 14 February 2020

Last proficiency check : 24 July 2020

Last upset recovery


: 15 July 2019

Flying experience

Total hours : 5,107 hours 39 minutes

Total on type : 4,957 hours 39 minutes

Last 90 days : 113 hours 44 minutes

Last 30 days : 30 hours 10 minutes

Last 7 days : 6 hours 29 minutes

Last 24 hours : Nil

This flight : about 4 minutes

1.5.3 Flight Attendants

All flight attendants held valid Flight Attendant Certificates with rating for Boeing

737 and valid medical examination certificates.

1.5.4 Terminal East (TE) Controller

Gender : Male

Age : 34 years

Nationality : Indonesia

Year of joining company : 2013

License : ATC

Type rating : • Tower Control

• Approach Control Surveillance

• Approach Control Procedural

Validity 30 June 2021

5 The SIC was included to have medical certificate validity exemption due to Covid-19 pandemic to the Directorate

General of Civil Aviation.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (13)


Medical certificate : Third Class

Date of last medical : 26 June 2018

Validity : 26 June 2022

Medical limitation : None

ICAO Language Proficiency : Level 4

Date of issue : 15 November 2018

Validity : 15 November 2021

Working time6

Last 7 days : 19 hours 10 minutes

Last 24 hours : 40 minutes

Duty time7

Last 7 days : 9 hours 40 minutes

Last 24 hours : 40 minutes

1.6 Aircraft Information

1.6.1 General

Registration Mark : PK-CLC

Manufacturer : Boeing Company

State of Manufacturer : United States of America

Type/Model : 737-524

Serial Number : 27323

Year of Manufacture : 31 May 1994

Certificate of Airworthiness

Issued : 17 December 2020

Validity : 16 December 2021

Category : Transport

Limitations : None

Certificate of Registration

Number : 3090

Issued : 15 May 2019

Validity : 14 May 2022

Time Since New : 62,983 hours

6 The working time is the time period when the person attends their particular working shift.

7 The duty time for Air Traffic Controller is the time period when the person performs their duty to provide air traffic

control service.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (14)


Cycles Since New : 40,383 cycles

Last Major Check : C06 (on 18 March 2019)

Last Minor Check : A05 (on 18 December 2020)

1.6.2 Engines

Manufacturer : CFM International

Type/Model : CFM56-3B1

Serial Number-1 engine : 859110

Serial Number-2 engine : 858702

1.6.3 Maintenance Log Examination

The Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML) recorded that the aircraft had two Deferred

Maintenance Items (DMIs) related to the first officer’s Mach/Airspeed Indicator and

the other to autothrottle system. The details were as follows:

DMI number list 07956

On 25 December 2020 during preflight check, the engineer found the first officer’s

Mach/Airspeed Indicator malfunctioned. The engineer then transferred the defect

into the DMI list number 07956 due to unavailability of spare part. According to the

Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737 Minimum Equipment List (MEL), the item was classified

as repair category C8.

On 4 January 2021, the first officer’s Mach/Airspeed Indicator was replaced and test

result was satisfied. As such, the DMI number list 07956 was closed.

DMI number list 07958

On 3 January 2021, the pilot reported that autothrottle was unserviceable. The

engineer rectified the problem by cleaning the autothrottle computer’s electrical

connector. After re-installation, the Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) test result was


On 4 January 2021, the pilot reported that autothrottle was unserviceable. The

engineer tried cleaning the autothrottle computer’s electrical connector but the

problem remained and it was transferred to DMI number list 07958.

On 5 January 2021, the engineer rectified the problem as stated in the DMI number

07958 by cleaning autothrottle Takeoff and Go Around (TOGA) switch and

conducted a BITE test on the autothrottle computer. The BITE test result was good

and the DMI was then closed.

8 According to the Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737 Minimum Equipment List (MEL), the MEL repair category C means the item

must be repaired within 10 consecutive calendar-days (240 hours) excluding the day the malfunction was recorded in the

Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML).

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (15)


1.7 Meteorological Information

The Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG – Bureau of

Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics) provided enhanced infrared satellite

images. The enhanced infrared satellite images at 0730 UTC (1430 LT) and 0740

UTC (1440 LT) indicated that the cloud top temperature at the accident site (red

circle) was from -34°C to -21°C.

Figure 1: Enhanced infrared satellite image at 0730 UTC and 0740 UTC at

accident site (red-dotted circle)

The superimposed ADS-B-based flight profile with radar weather image at 1438 LT

provided by the BMKG indicated that the radar intensity level along the flight profile

was not more than 25 dBz9, which means that the flight path did not indicate any

significant development of clouds.

Figure 2: The superimposed ADS-B-based flight profile with BMKG radar

weather image at 1438 LT

9 Decibel relative to Z. It is a logarithmic dimensionless technical unit used in radar, mostly in weather radar, to compare

the equivalent reflectivity factor (Z) of a remote object (in mm6 per m3) to the return of a droplet of rain with a diameter

of 1 mm (1 mm6 per m3).

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (16)


1.8 Aids to Navigation

1.8.1 ABASA 2D

Runway 25R utilized RNAV-1 Standard Instrument Departure (SID). The SID

ABASA 2D given by the ATC requires aircraft to climb on heading 247° after

departure from the Runway 25R. At or above 1,000 feet, the aircraft is then required

to turn right to WINAR to AJUNA to NABIL to RATIH to LARAS to TOMBO to

MULAN to ABASA (see Figure 22).

Figure 3: The RNAV-1 SID of Runway 25R (extract from AIP Volume II)

1.8.2 Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast

Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS–B) is a surveillance

technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and

periodically broadcasts it, thereby enabling it to be tracked by ground receivers.

The term “automatic” in the ADS-B means that the technology does not require

flight crew or external input. The term “dependent” means its surveillance process

relies on data from onboard aircraft systems to provide surveillance information to

the receiver. The term “broadcast” means the originating source has no knowledge of

who receives the data and there is no interrogation or two-way contact.

Several ADS-B receivers have been installed in several places including in the

Jakarta Air Traffic Services Center (JATSC). The PK-CLC aircraft had ADS-B

capability installed and the investigation retrieved the broadcasted aircraft data from

the JATSC facility.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (17)


1.9 Communications

All communications between Jakarta air traffic controllers and the pilot were

recorded by ground based automatic voice recording equipment. The quality of the

recorded aircraft transmissions was good. The excerpt of communications between

the pilot and the controller will be included in the final report.

1.10 Aerodrome Information

Not relevant to this accident.

1.11 Flight Recorders

1.11.1 Flight Data Recorder

The aircraft was fitted with a solid-state Flight Data Recorder (FDR) of part number

980-4700-001 and serial number 4355, manufactured by Honeywell.

On 12 January 2021, the Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU) of the FDR was

recovered by the search team. The CSMU was transported to the KNKT recorder

facility for data downloading. The read-out was performed by KNKT investigators

with the participation of the Transport Safety Investigation Bureau (TSIB) of

Singapore, and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) of United States of

America as Accredited Representatives.

The memory unit recorded 370 parameters and approximately 27 hours of aircraft

flight data that contained 18 flights (including the accident flight).

The FDR information will be included in the final report.

1.11.2 co*ckpit Voice Recorder

The aircraft was fitted with a FA2100 co*ckpit Voice Recorder (CVR) of part number

2100-1020-00 and serial number 000286507, manufactured by L3 Technologies.

At the time of the issuance of this preliminary report, the CSMU of the CVR has not

been recovered and the search is continuing.

1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information

The search team utilized a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) which was equipped

with an under-water camera, a side scan sonar, an Under-water Locator Beacon

(ULB) pinger receiver, and a Multi Beam Echo Sounder.

The search team identified that the wreckage was about 80 meters south east from

the last known aircraft position recorded by the ADS-B. The wreckage was

distributed across an area of about 80 by 110 meters on the seabed at a depth of

approximately 16 meters.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (18)


Figure 4: Location of FDR CSMU, FDR ULB and CVR ULB relative to the last

ADS-B recorded data

The FDR’s CSMU was found within the wreckage distribution area at coordinate

5°57'51.00" S 106°34'31.00" E. The ULBs were detached from both the FDR and the

CVR10. The FDR’s ULB was found at coordinate 5°57'50.76" S 106°34'32.10" E

approximately 35 meters from the FDR’s CSMU, and the CVR’s ULB was found at

coordinate 5°57'50.98" S 106°34'30.90" E.

Some other wreckage were recovered and transported to Jakarta International

Container Terminal (JICT) for examination by the investigation team.

Figure 5: Scanning result from multibeam echosounder

10 Each flight recorder has a CSMU and an ULB.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (19)


1.13 Medical and Pathological Information

This information was not available at the time of the issuance of this report. Should

any medical and/or pathological information be obtained in the course of this

investigation that is of relevance to this investigation, it will be included in the final


1.14 Fire

There was no evidence of in-flight fire.

1.15 Survival Aspects

The accident was not survivable.

1.16 Tests and Research

The investigation will conduct examinations of several components including the

recovered Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System unit. The result of these

examinations will be included in the final report.

1.17 Organizational and Management Information

1.17.1 Aircraft Operator

The Boeing 737-500 aircraft registered PK-CLC was owned and operated by PT.

Sriwijaya Air. The aircraft operator held a valid Air Operator Certificate, number


The Sriwijaya Air operated a total of 2 Boeing 737-900ERs, 13 Boeing 737-800s,

and 6 Boeing 737-500s inclusive of the PK-CLC aircraft. Upset Recovery Procedure

The Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737 Quick Reference Handbook (QRH), page MAN.1.7,

described the upset recovery procedure as follows:

Historically, an upset has been defined as unintentionally exceeding any one or

more of the following conditions:

• pitch attitude greater than 25° nose up

• pitch attitude greater than 10° nose down

• bank angle greater than 45°

• less than the above parameters but flying at an airspeed inappropriate for the


An upset condition is now considered any time an airplane is diverting from the

intended airplane state. An airplane upset can involve pitch or roll angle

deviations as well as inappropriate airspeeds for the conditions.

The following actions represent a logical progression for recovering the airplane.

The sequence of actions is for guidance only and represents a series of options to

be considered and used dependent on the situation. Not all actions may be needed

once recovery is under way. If needed, use minimal pitch trim during initial

recovery. Consider careful use of rudder to aid roll control only if roll control is

ineffective and the airplane is not stalled.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (20)


These actions assume that the airplane is not stalled. A stall condition can exist at

any attitude and can be recognized by one or more of the following:

• Stick shaker

• Buffet that can be heavy at times

• Lack of pitch authority

• Lack of roll control

• Inability to stop a descent.

If the airplane is stalled, first recover from the stall by applying and maintaining

nose down elevator until stall recovery is complete and stick shaker stops.

Nose Low Recovery

Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring

Recognize and confirm the developing situation

• Disengage autopilot

• Disengage autothrottle


• Recover from stall, if needed

• Roll in the shortest direction

to wings level. If bank angle is more

than 90 degrees, unload and roll. *

Complete the recovery:

• Apply nose up elevator

• Apply nose up trim, if needed


• Adjust thrust and drag, if


• Call out attitude, airspeed

and altitude throughout the


• Verify all needed actions

have been done and call out any

continued deviation.

WARNING: * Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder can aggravate an upset,

result in loss of control, or result in high structural loads. Upset Recovery Training

The Sriwijaya Operation Manual Part D (OM-D), subchapter 4.3, described that the

upset recovery training is included as part of the mandatory training program which

required recurrency of every 24 months.

In the OM-D subchapter 4.13.3, the curriculum of the proficiency check is as




Pilot Proficiency Check Check Ride FFS* 1 Session 1

*FFS: full flight simulator

The OM-D subchapter 4.13.4, described that upset recovery maneuver is one of the

training modules that had to be conducted during proficiency check. In the OM-D

subchapter 4.13, the proficiency check is described as follows:

Sriwijaya Air may not use any person nor may any person serve as a required

pilot unless that person has satisfactorily completed a proficiency check in

approved airplane simulator within the preceding 6 calendar months in which he

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (21)


satisfactorily performs the duties and responsibilities, and must be carried out in

that type of aircraft he is to fly.

Pilot proficiency check is renewed within the last 60 days of its validity period,

such check is deemed to have taken place on the last day of the validity period.

The Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737 CL Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM), page 7.3.3,

described upset recovery as follow:

For detailed information regarding the nature of upsets, aerodynamic principles,

recommended training and other related information, refer to the Airplane Upset

Prevention & Recovery Training Aid (AUPRTA) available through your operator

and on the ICAO website.

The latest revision of AUPRTA concludes that an upset condition exists any time

that an airplane is deviating from the intended airplane state. The AUPRTA has

been updated to emphasize the importance of recognition and avoidance of

situations that can lead to airplane upsets and to improve a pilot’s ability to

recover control of an airplane that deviates from the intended airplane state. An

airplane upset can involve pitch or roll angle deviations as well as inappropriate

airspeeds for the conditions.

With the focus on upset recognition and avoidance, pilots should understand how

to operate the airplane throughout the entire operational flight envelope. Pilots

should have practical knowledge of and demonstrate proficiency in airplane

performance and handling characteristics.

Upset prevention and recovery training should emphasize the entire operational

flight envelope to develop pilot awareness and handling skills in both manual and

automated flight.

Upset Recovery Maneuvers

If an upset situation is recognized, immediately accomplish the Upset Recovery

maneuver found in the non-normal maneuvers section in the QRH.

It is possible to consolidate upset recovery maneuvers into two basic scenarios,

nose high and nose low, and to acknowledge the potential for high bank angles in

each scenario. Recognizing and confirming the upset, reducing automation, and

completing the recovery are included in the Upset Recovery maneuvers in the

QRH. The maneuvers provide a logical progression for recovering the airplane.

To recognize and confirm the situation the crew must assess the airplane attitude,

airspeed, altitude and trend information through instrument crosscheck.

The ADI11 should be used as the primary reference in assessing airplane attitude.

The pitch scales and color coding above/below the horizon (blue/brown) should

be used when making the pitch assessment.

For any pitch attitude, the bank pointer stays perpendicular to the horizon. When

completing the upset recovery maneuver, roll the shortest direction to wings level

(toward the bank pointer).

11 Attitude Director Indicator.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (22)


Though flight crews in line operation rarely, if ever, encounter an upset situation,

understanding how to apply aerodynamic fundamentals in such a situation helps

them control the airplane. Several techniques are available for recovering from

an upset. In most situations, if a technique is effective, it is not recommended that

pilots use additional techniques. Several of these techniques are discussed in the

example scenarios below:

• stall recovery

• nose high, wings level

• nose high, high bank angles

• nose low, wings level

• nose low, high bank angles

• high bank angles

Note: Higher than normal control forces may be required to control the airplane

attitude when recovering from upset situations. Be prepared to use a firm

and continuous force on the control column and control wheel to complete

the recovery.

Nose Low, High Bank Angles

The nose low, high angle of bank upset requires prompt action by the pilot as

altitude is rapidly being exchanged for airspeed. Even if the airplane is at a high

enough altitude that ground impact is not an immediate concern, airspeed can

rapidly increase beyond airplane design limits. Simultaneous application of roll

and adjustment of thrust may be necessary. It may be necessary to apply nose-

down elevator to limit the amount of lift, which will be acting toward the ground

if the bank angle exceeds 90°. This also reduces wing angle of attack to improve

roll capability. Full aileron and spoiler input should be used if necessary to

smoothly establish a recovery roll rate toward the nearest horizon. It is

important to not increase g force or use nose-up elevator or stabilizer until

approaching wings level. The pilot should also extend the speedbrakes as


High Bank Angles

If the airplane is not in “zero-angle-of-bank” flight, lift created by the wings is

not being fully applied against gravity, and more than 1 g is required for level

flight. At bank angles greater than 67°, level flight cannot be maintained within

AFM load factor limits. In high bank angle increasing airspeed situations, the

primary objective is to maneuver the lift of the airplane to directly oppose the

force of gravity by rolling in the shortest direction to wings level. Applying nose-

up elevator at bank angles above 60° causes no appreciable change in pitch

attitude and may exceed normal structure load limits as well as the wing angle of

attack for stall. The closer the lift vector is to vertical (wings level), the more

effective the applied g is in recovering the airplane.

A smooth application of up to full lateral control should provide enough roll

control power to establish a very positive recovery roll rate. If full roll control

application is not satisfactory, it may even be necessary to apply some rudder in

the direction of the desired roll.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (23)


Only a small amount of rudder is needed. Too much rudder applied too quickly

or held too long may result in loss of lateral and directional control or structural


The Sriwijaya Air has developed a training aid document for upset recovery training.

The document described the training preparation guidelines for aircraft upset

recovery in a variety of situations, including recovering an aircraft in a nose low


Figure 6: Training preparation guideline for upset recovery – nose low

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (24)


1.17.2 Air Traffic Services Provider

The Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan

Indonesia (AirNav Indonesia) is the ATS provider within Indonesia. The ATS in

Jakarta is provided by AirNav Indonesia branch office located at the Jakarta Air

Traffic Service Center (JATSC) which held a valid ATS provider certificate. The

services provided were aerodrome control, approach control, aeronautical

communications, and flight information services.

The approach control services for SJY182 flight were provided by the Terminal East

controller utilizing surveillance control (radar service). Procedure of Aircraft Lost Contact

The JATSC Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for Approach Control Services

subchapter 6.2.1 contained guidance in declaring an aircraft, which was suspected or

deemed to be in an emergency situation, in the event that the pilot of the aircraft

could not be contacted or a loss of communication with the aircraft. The subchapter

6.2.2 described the different states of emergency as follows:

a. Uncertainty Phase (INCERFA)

i. No information has been received from an aircraft within a period of thirty

minutes or since the first attempt to establish communication with such


ii. An aircraft fails or has not arrived within thirty minutes of the estimated time

of arrival.

b. Alert Phase (ALERFA)

i. Subsequent attempts to establish communication with the aircraft and

enquiries with other relevant sources have failed to reveal any news of the


ii. Information has been received which indicates that the aircraft has

experienced system malfunction, but not to the extent that a forced landing is


iii. An aircraft is known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference;

iv. An aircraft has been cleared to land but fails or have not land within five

minutes of the estimated time of landing, and that communication has not

been re-established with the aircraft.

c. Distress Phase (DETRESFA)

i. Further unsuccessful attempts to establish communication with the aircraft

and unsuccessful enquiries with other sources point to the probability that the

aircraft is in distress;

ii. The fuel on board is considered to be exhausted, or to be insufficient to enable

the aircraft to reach the destination or alternate destination;

iii. When information is received which indicates that the aircraft has experience

system malfunction to the extent that a forced landing is likely;

iv. Information is received or it is reasonably certain that the aircraft is about to

make or has made a forced landing, except when there is reasonable certainty

that the aircraft and its occupants are not threatened or in imminent danger

and do not require immediate assistance.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (25)


The subchapter described the procedures to be followed in handling an


• Immediately report the situation to the supervisor.

• Obtain from the operator or the flight crew information that may be relevant such

as: number of persons on board, amount of fuel remaining, possible presence of

hazardous materials and the nature thereof.

• Notify the appropriate ATS units and authorities.

• Inform all aircraft who operate near the emergency aircraft.

• Instruct all other aircraft to fly near the location of emergency aircraft and relay

controller instruction if the emergency aircraft is unable to receive the instruction

and to monitor the Emergency Locator Beacon-Aircraft (ELBA).

According to the subchapter 6.2.7, the ATS personnel can escalate the emergency

phase on receiving information that increase the likelihood of the emergency

condition, and coordinate with the Search and Rescue Agency in the escalation of the


1.17.3 Civil Aviation Authority in Indonesia

The safety oversight on civil aviation in Indonesia is administered by the Directorate

General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) which is part of the Ministry of Transportation.

The requirement standards for civil aviation safety in Indonesia are published in the

Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR).

The DGCA has several directorates which includes

• the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations (DAAO) that are

responsible for formulating policies and standards including the regulatory

oversight of the civil aircraft operators; and

• the Directorate of Air Navigation (DAN) that are responsible for formulating

policies and standards including the regulatory oversight of the ATS

providers and aviation meteorological providers. Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Standard

The CASR Part 121 subpart 121.404 requires aircraft operators to have several

training components which included initial and recurrent for Aircraft Flight Training.

The detail content of the “Aircraft Flight Training” component in the CASR Part 121

Appendix C included upset recovery training that may be accomplished in an aircraft

or aircraft type simulator.

The CASR Part 121 Appendix C also required recurrent training for the “Aircraft

Flight Training” component to be conducted every 12 months.

In 2018, the DGCA published a safety circular number SE.003 Tahun 2018 that

required aircraft operators to conduct upset prevention recovery training as follows:

The Operator shall ensure flight crew members complete training in procedures

for aircraft upset recovery during Initial ground training and subsequently during

recurrent training either once every 36 months or, if applicable, in accordance

with the continuing qualification schedule as defined in the Operator's Advanced

Qualification Program.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (26)


Note: Training is applicable to all pilot crew members and typically addresses

pilot flying (PF) and pilot monitoring (PM) duties.

Aircraft upset recovery training typically includes:

• Upset prevention;

• Factors leading to an upset or loss of control situation;

• Upset situation Identification;

• Recovery techniques;

• Emphasis on aerodynamic factors present during the upset and the recovery.

Acceptable means of ground training may include video presentation(s), verbal

instruction and/or group discussion.

The investigation was unable to find procedures pertaining to the delivery of upset

prevention and recovery training, and guidance from the DGCA to aircraft operators

and/or approved training organizations (ATOs) to enable and support the

implementation of effective upset prevention and recovery training. Notification of Rescue Coordination Centers Standard

The Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 170 subpart 5.2 described the different

states of emergency as follows:

a. Uncertainty phase, when:

1) air traffic services unit has not received communication from an aircraft within

a period of thirty minutes after the time a communication should have been

received, or from the time an unsuccessful attempt to establish communication

with such aircraft was first made;

2) an aircraft fails to arrive within thirty minutes of the estimated time of arrival

last notified to or estimated by air traffic services unit, except when no doubt

exists as to the safety of the aircraft and its occupants.

b. Alert phase, when:

1) following the uncertainty phase, subsequent attempts by air traffic services unit

to establish communication with the aircraft or inquiries to other relevant

sources have failed to reveal any news of the aircraft;

2) an aircraft has been cleared to land and fails to land within five minutes of the

estimated time of landing and communication has not been re-established with

the aircraft;

3) air traffic services unit has been received information which indicates that the

operating efficiency of the aircraft has been impaired, but not to the extent that

a forced landing is likely, except when evidence exists that would allay

apprehension as to the safety of the aircraft;

4) air traffic services unit has received information and believed the aircraft is to

be the subject of unlawful interference.

c. Distress phase when:

1) air traffic services unit has unsuccessful attempts to establish communication

with the aircraft and more widespread unsuccessful inquiries point to the

probability that the aircraft is in distress;

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (27)


2) air traffic services unit has received information that the fuel on board is

considered to be exhausted, or to be insufficient to enable the aircraft to reach

the destination;

3) air traffic services unit is received information which indicates that the

operating efficiency of the aircraft has been impaired to the extent that a forced

landing is likely;

4) air traffic services unit is received information that the aircraft has made a

forced landing, and the aircraft and its occupants are not threatened by grave

and imminent danger and do not require immediate assistance.

The subpart 5.2 also described that the notification to the rescue coordination center

must contain the information as follows:

a. the phases/states of the emergency (INCERFA, ALERFA or DETRESFA);

b. agency and person calling;

c. nature of the emergency;

d. significant information from the flight plan;

e. unit which made last contact, time and means used;

f. last position report and how determined;

g. color and distinctive marks of aircraft;

h. dangerous goods carried as cargo;

i. any action taken by reporting office; and

j. other pertinent remarks.

1.17.4 ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices Upset Prevention and Recovery

The ICAO Annex 6 Part I (International Commercial Air Transport – Aeroplanes)

subchapter 9.3 required aircraft operators to establish and maintain a ground and

flight training program, approved by the civil aviation authority, which included

upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT).

The ICAO Document 9868 (Procedure for Air Navigation Services – Training)

provided procedures in the delivery of UPRT for aeroplane pilots. This was

supported by the ICAO Document 10011 (Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention

and Recovery Training), which provided guidance to civil aviation authorities,

aircraft operators and approved training organizations (ATOs) for instituting best

practices into the UPRT.

The ICAO Document 10011 described that the UPRT should focus to the following


a. heightened awareness – of the potential threats from

events, conditions or situations;

Prevention b. effective avoidance – at early indication of a potential

upset-causing condition; and

c. effective and timely recovery – from an upset to restore the aeroplane to safe

flight parameters.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (28)


The ICAO Document 10011 subchapter 2.1.2 described the following:

Effective UPRT programme development and supporting regulatory frameworks

require an integrated comprehensive approach to ensure standardization in the

levels of knowledge and skill sets within the pilot community.

This integration effort should comprise the following UPRT components:

a) academic training — designed to equip pilots with the knowledge and

awareness needed to understand the threats to safe flight and the employment

of mitigating strategies; and

b) practical training — designed to equip pilots with the required skill sets to

effectively employ upset avoidance strategies and, when necessary, effectively

recover the aeroplane to the originally intended flight path. The practical

training component is further broken down into two distinct subcomponents


1) on-aeroplane training — during CPL(A) 12 or MPL13 training in suitably

capable light aeroplanes to be conducted by appropriately qualified

instructors to develop the knowledge, awareness and experience of

aeroplane upsets and unusual attitudes, and how to effectively analyse

the event and then apply correct recovery techniques; and

2) FSTD training — on specific or generic aeroplane types to build on

knowledge and experience, and apply these to the multi-crew crew

resource management (CRM) environment, at all stages of flight, and in

representative conditions, with appropriate aeroplane and system

performance, functionality and response. Once again, this instruction

should only be provided by appropriately qualified instructors.

ICAO also provided Airplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Aid

(AUPRTA), available on the ICAO website, as an effort to increase the ability of

pilots to recognize and avoid situations that can lead to aircraft upsets, and to

improve their ability to recover control of an aircraft that diverges from a pilot’s

desired aeroplane state. Notifications to Rescue Coordination Centers

The standards on notification to rescue coordination center are described in the

ICAO Annex 11 Standard 5.2 as follows:

5.2.1 Without prejudice to any other circ*mstances that may render such

notification advisable, air traffic services units shall, except as prescribed in

5.5.1, notify rescue coordination centres immediately an aircraft is considered to

be in a state of emergency in accordance with the following:

c) Uncertainty phase when:

1) no communication has been received from an aircraft within a period of

thirty minutes after the time a communication should have been received,

or from the time an unsuccessful attempt to establish communication with

such aircraft was first made, whichever is the earlier, or when

12 Commercial Pilot License – Aeroplane (CPL-A).

13 Multi-crew Pilot License.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (29)


2) an aircraft fails to arrive within thirty minutes of the estimated time of

arrival last notified to or estimated by air traffic services units, whichever

is the later,

except when no doubt exists as to the safety of the aircraft and its occupants.

d) Alert phase when:

1) following the uncertainty phase, subsequent attempts to establish

communication with the aircraft or inquiries to other relevant sources have

failed to reveal any news of the aircraft, or when

2) an aircraft has been cleared to land and fails to land within five minutes of

the estimated time of landing and communication has not been re-

established with the aircraft, or when

3) information has been received which indicates that the operating efficiency

of the aircraft has been impaired, but not to the extent that a forced landing

is likely,

except when evidence exists that would allay apprehension as to the safety of

the aircraft and its occupants, or when

4) an aircraft is known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference.

e) Distress phase when:

1) following the alert phase, further unsuccessful attempts to establish

communication with the aircraft and more widespread unsuccessful

inquiries point to the probability that the aircraft is in distress, or when

2) the fuel on board is considered to be exhausted, or to be insufficient to

enable the aircraft to reach safety, or when

3) information is received which indicates that the operating efficiency of the

aircraft has been impaired to the extent that a forced landing is likely, or


4) information is received or it is reasonably certain that the aircraft is about

to make or has made a forced landing,

except when there is reasonable certainty that the aircraft and its occupants

are not threatened by grave and imminent danger and do not require

immediate assistance.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (30)


1.18 Additional Information

The investigation is ongoing and will continue to focus on, but not limited to the


• Continuing underwater search for the Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU)

of the CVR;

• Understanding the cause of the split thrust levers;

• Reviewing the history of the autothrottle system serviceability and maintenance


• Reviewing the pilot’s performance and their training on upset prevention and


• Reviewing operations – human factors issue in this occurrence;

• Reviewing organizational issues in this occurrence.

Should further safety issues emerge during the course of the investigation, KNKT

will bring the issues to the attention of the relevant parties and issue safety

recommendation(s) as required.

1.19 Useful or Effective Investigation Techniques

The investigation was conducted in accordance with the KNKT approved policies

and procedures, and in accordance with the standards and recommended practices of

ICAO Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (31)



The findings are statements of all significant conditions, events or circ*mstances in

the accident sequence. The findings are significant steps in the accident sequence,

but they are not always causal, or indicate deficiencies. Some findings point out the

conditions that pre-existed the accident sequence, but they are usually essential to the

understanding of the occurrence, usually in chronological order.

1. The pilots and the flight attendants held valid licenses and medical certificates.

2. The air traffic controller held valid license and medical certificate.

3. The aircraft had valid Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) and Certificate of

Registration (C of R).

4. At 0736 UTC (1436 LT) in daylight conditions, flight SJY182 departed from

Runway 25R of Jakarta.

5. The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) data recorded the Autopilot (AP) system

engaged at altitude of 1,980 feet.

6. After the aircraft climbed past 8,150 feet, the thrust lever position of the left

engine started reducing, while the thrust lever position of the right engine

remained. The FDR data also recorded the left engine (N1) was decreasing

whereas the right engine N1 remained.

7. The SJY182 pilot requested to the Terminal East (TE) controller for a heading

change to 075 to avoid weather conditions and was approved. The TE controller

predicted the heading change would make the SJY182 conflicted with another

aircraft that was departing from Runway 25L to the same destination. Therefore,

the TE controller instructed the SJY182 pilot to stop climbing at 11,000 feet.

8. The FDR data recorded that when the aircraft’s altitude was about 10,600 feet

the aircraft began turning to the left. The thrust lever position of the left engine

continued decreasing while the thrust lever position of the right engine remained.

9. At 14:39:54 LT, the TE controller instructed SJY182 to climb to an altitude of

13,000 feet, and the instruction was read back by an SJY182 pilot at 14:39:59

LT. This was the last known recorded radio transmission by the flight.

10. The highest aircraft altitude recorded in the FDR was about 10,900 feet,

thereafter the aircraft started its descent. The AP system then disengaged with a

recorded heading of 016, the pitch angle was 4.5° nose up, and the aircraft

continued to roll to the left to more than 45°. The thrust lever position of the left

engine continued decreasing while the right engine thrust lever remained.

11. About 5 seconds after the aircraft started its descent, the FDR data recorded the

autothrottle (A/T) system disengaged and the pitch angle was more than 10°

nose down.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (32)


12. At 14:40:48 LT, the radar target of the aircraft disappeared on the TE controller

radar screen. Thereafter, the TE controller attempted to obtain information of

SJY182 aircraft by calling the flight several times, activating the emergency

frequency and calling SJY182 on that frequency. The TE controller also asked

other pilots that were flying nearby to attempt contact with the flight. All efforts

were unsuccessful to get any response from the SJY182 pilot.

13. About 1455 LT, the Air Traffic Services (ATS) provider reported the occurrence

to the Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency (Badan Nasional Pencarian dan

Pertolongan/BNPP), and at 1542 LT, declared the uncertainty phase

(INCERFA) of the SJY182. The distress phase of SJY182 (DETRESFA) was

subsequently declared at 1643 LT.

14. The search team identified that the wreckage was about 80 meters south east

from the last known aircraft position recorded by the ADS-B. The wreckage was

distributed across an area of about 80 by 110 meters on the seabed at a depth of

approximately 16 meters.

15. The ATS in Jakarta is provided by AirNav Indonesia branch office Jakarta Air

Traffic Service Center (JATSC) which held a valid ATS provider certificate.

16. The JATSC Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for Approach Control Services

contained guidance in declaring an aircraft which was suspected or deemed to be

in an emergency situation in the event that the pilot of the aircraft could not be

contacted or a loss of communication with the aircraft.

17. The JATSC SOP also mentioned several states of emergency that are in

accordance with the requirement standard in Civil Aviation Safety Regulation

(CASR) Part 170.

18. The determination of the states of emergency in the CASR Part 170 was adopted

from ICAO Annex 11 subchapter 5.2 without including the alternative

conjunction (or) on each states of the emergency. This was not in accordance

with the standard described in the ICAO Annex 11.

19. The Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML) recorded that the aircraft had two

Deferred Maintenance Item (DMIs) related to first officer’s Mach/Airspeed

Indicator and the autothrottle system which were entered on 25 December 2020

and 4 January 2021 respectively. The first officer’s Mach/Airspeed Indicator

was replaced and DMI closed on 4 January 2021. The autothrottle system TOGA

switch was cleaned and the DMI was closed on 5 January 2021.

20. After 5 January 2021 until the day of the accident, there was no record of DMI

in the AML.

21. The Boeing 737-500 aircraft registered PK-CLC was owned and operated by PT.

Sriwijaya Air. The aircraft operator held a valid Air Operator Certificate,

number 121-035.

22. According to the Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737 Quick Reference Handbook (QRH),

an upset condition had been defined as unintentionally exceeding any one or

more of the following conditions: pitch attitude greater than 25° nose up, pitch

attitude greater than 10° nose down, bank angle greater than 45°, less than the

above parameters but flying at an airspeed inappropriate for the conditions.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (33)


23. The Sriwijaya Operation Manual Part D (OM-D) described that upset recovery

training was included as mandatory training program, which was required for

recurrency within 24 months, and was also included as one of the training

modules that had to be conducted during proficiency check.

24. Sriwijaya Air developed the Training Aid document for upset recovery training.

The document described training preparation guidelines for recovery of upset

condition, including nose low recovery.

25. The Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737 CL Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM)

contained training material for upset recovery.

26. The CASR Part 121 required aircraft operator to have initial and recurrent for

Aircraft Flight Training which included upset recovery training that might be

accomplished in an aircraft or aircraft type simulator, as described in the

Appendix C. The published CASR Part 121 by DGCA required upset recovery

training but did not include the requirement of upset prevention training.

27. In 2018, the DGCA published a safety circular number SE.003 Tahun 2018 that

required an aircraft operator to conduct upset prevention and recovery training


28. The investigation was unable to find procedures or guidelines in the delivering

of UPRT from the DGCA to an aircraft operator and/or approved training

organization (ATO) to enable and support the effective implementation of


29. The ICAO Annex 6 Part I (International Commercial Air Transport –

Aeroplanes) required aircraft operators to establish and maintain a ground and

flight training program, approved by the civil aviation authority, which included


30. The ICAO Doc 9868 (Procedure for Air Navigation Services – Training)

provided procedures in the delivery of UPRT for aeroplane pilots. This was

supported by the ICAO Doc 10011 (Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and

Recovery Training), which provided guidance to civil aviation authority, aircraft

operator and approved training organization (ATO) for instituting best practices

into the UPRT.

31. The ICAO Doc 10011 described that the UPRT should focus on the areas of

heightened awareness of the potential threats from events, conditions or

situations; effective avoidance at early indication; and effective and timely


32. ICAO also provided Airplane Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Aid

(AUPRTA), as an effort to increase effectiveness of UPRT.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (34)



At the time of issuing this report, the Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi

(KNKT) had been informed of safety actions resulting from this occurrence.

3.1 Directorate General of Civil Aviation

On 11 January until 3 February 2021, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation

(DGCA) conducted special inspection to all Boeing 737-300/400/500 air in

Indonesia. The areas of the inspection were as follow:

• Airworthiness Directive (AD) compliances;

• routine and major inspection implementations;

• continuing analysis surveillance program implementation including the handling

of repetitive defects;

• pilot training program implementation, including weather avoidance and upset

recovery training program;

• pilot proficiency check implementation;

• flight duty time limitation and pilot recent experience;

• implementation of DGCA Circular regarding COVID-19 pandemic.

On 29 January and 4 February 2021, the DGCA initiated a discussion with aircraft

operators and approved maintenance organizations related to the handling of

repetitive problem.

On 28 January 2021, the DGCA initiated a discussion with aircraft operators on the

implementation of upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) program.

3.2 Sriwijaya Air

The Quality Maintenance Division of Sriwijaya Air issued a quality notice on 18

January 2021 to maintenance control center and engineers for ensuring:

• the repetitive defect handling must be conducted in accordance with the Safety

Circular from the DGCA and Company Maintenance Manual;

• to follow the procedure described on the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM),

Fault Isolation Manual (FIM) and Illustrated Part Catalog (IPC) for


• to fill the Aircraft Maintenance Log in accordance with the Quality Procedure

Manual (QPM);

• to follow part robbing procedure as describe in the QPM and Aircraft

Maintenance Procedure Manual (AMPM).

The Chief Pilot of Sriwijaya Air issued the following notice to pilots on 20 January


This notice reach you as a call toward the safe flight. With recent tragedy, we

urge all pilots to raise awareness and keep the highest professionalism and

discipline on your duty. This can be fulfilled with many guidance that we had:

• Follow Operating Experience guidance.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (35)


• Review Training Aid.

• Awareness of aircraft position, attitude, aircraft systems by active monitoring

the state of aircraft on every phase of flight.

• Awareness of aircraft configuration, thrust lever position/power setting and

flight control system modes, anytime airplane deviate from its intended state

must be corrected immediately.

• co*ckpit crew is responsible for entering clear and accurate write-ups of any

discrepancies, including any incident or anomaly observation in AML, use of

FRM (737NG) and/or describe discrepancy information comprehensively.

On 28 January 2021, the Standard, Quality, and Training Division of Sriwijaya Air

included the upset recovery training as part of the training syllabus in the next Line

Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) – Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC).

On 2 February 2021, the Quality and Safety Division of Sriwijaya Air issued safety

recommendations to its Operation Directorate and Technical Directorate. The details

of the safety recommendations could be found in the appendices of this report.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (36)



The Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) acknowledged the safety

actions taken by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Sriwijaya Air.

The KNKT considered that the safety actions were relevant to improve safety,

however there are still safety issues remain to be considered. Therefore, the KNKT

issued safety recommendations to address safety issues identified in this report.

4.1 Directorate General of Civil Aviation

• 04.R-2021-01.01

The ICAO Annex 6 (Part I – International Commercial Air Transport –

Aeroplanes) required the aircraft operators to establish and maintain upset

prevention and recovery training (UPRT) program. The ICAO Doc 9868

(Procedure for Air Navigation Services – Training) provided procedures in the

delivery of upset prevention and recovery training for aeroplane pilots.

The ICAO Doc 10011 (Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery

Training) also provided guidance to civil aviation authorities, aircraft operators

and approved training organization (ATOs) for instituting best practices into the

UPRT. The ICAO Doc 10011 described that the UPRT should focus on the areas

of heightened awareness of the potential threats from events, conditions or

situations; effective avoidance at early indication; and effective and timely


ICAO also provided Airplane Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Aid

(AUPRTA), as an effort to increase effectiveness of UPRT.

The CASR Part 121 required aircraft operators to have initial and recurrent for

“Aircraft Flight Training” which included upset recovery training that might be

accomplished in an aircraft or aircraft type simulator, as described in the appendix


In 2018, the DGCA published a safety circular that required an aircraft operator to

conduct upset prevention and recovery training. The requirement for upset

prevention training was not been included in CASR Part 121.

The investigation was unable to find guidance from the DGCA to aircraft operator

and/or approved training organization (ATO) to enable and support the

implementation of effective upset prevention and recovery training.

Therefore, KNKT recommends the DGCA to include a requirement of UPRT in

the CASR and to develop guidance to increase the effectiveness of UPRT.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (37)


• 04.R-2021-01.02

The ICAO Annex 11 subchapter 5.2 described the state of emergency that requires

notification to the rescue coordination center, this standard was adopted in the

CASR Part 170 subpart 5.2. However, the adoption of determination of the state

of emergency did not include the alternative conjunction (or), which was not in

accordance with the Standard 5.2 described in the ICAO Annex 11. The absence

of the conjunction may confuse the determination of the state of emergency and

may delay the activation the search and rescue activity.

Therefore, KNKT recommends the DGCA to review the requirements of

notification of rescue coordination center in the CASR 170 to ensure that the

requirement is in accordance with the standards in ICAO Annex 11.

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (38)



5.1 Sriwijaya Air Quality Safety and Security Recommendation

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (39)


PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24· 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (40)

PRELIMINARY - Flightradar24 · 11,000 feet to avoid conflict with another aircraft with the same destination that was departing from Runway 25L. The instruction was read back by the - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.