Kilometers to Miles (km to miles) conversion calculator
Miles to Kilometers (Swap units)
1.6094km = 1.00003mi
Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.
Km to Miles formula
Miles = Kilometers / 1.6093445
1.6094 Kilometers to Miles calculation
Miles = Kilometers / 1.6093445
Miles = 1.6094 / 1.6093444978926
Miles = 1.00003
Is there a simple way to convert Kilometers to Miles in my head?
We have two methods to get a close value. The actual formula is mi = km * 0.62137119 but our methods are easier to do in your head.
The first method is to multiply the kilometres value by 0.6.
The second, more accurate method, is to multiply the kilometers value by 2 and then divide by 3.
Worked Example: 1 kilometer x 0.6 = 0.6 miles
Second method: 1 kilometer * 2 = 2.0, 2 / 3 = 0.666667 miles
The actual answer is 0.62137119 miles, so these methods are close enough for many purposes
How many Kilometers are in 1 Mile?
There are 1.609344 Kilometers in 1 Mile
How many Miles are in 1 Kilometer?
There are 0.62137119 Miles in 1 Kilometer
Some common Kilometers to Miles conversions
1 km to miles = 0.621371mi
10 km to miles = 6.21371mi
18km in miles = 11.184678mi
650 kilometers to miles = 403.89mi
How long is 1 Kilometer?
1 Kilometer - The distance travelled in 9 to 12 minutes walking at normal pace
4 Kilometers - the length of Central Park, NY
5 Kilometers - The furthest distance that be seen on earth to the horizon
12,713.6 Kilometers - the distance from the North to South Pole
How long is 1 Mile?
1 Mile - distance walked in 15-20 minutes by an average person
2.5 Miles - Approximate length of Central Park, NY
3.1 Miles - The furthest distance that be seen on earth to the horizon
7900 Miles - the approximate distance from the North to South Pole
What is the definition of Kilometers?
(km) The kilometer is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to one thousand meters (meter being the SI unit that lengths are derived from).1 kilometer (1 km) is approximately equal to 0.6214 miles.
What is the definition of Miles?
(Mi) One Mile is a unit of length equal to 1760 yards
What are some common conversions from Kilometers to Miles?
1 kilometer = 0.62 miles
5 kilometers = 3.11 miles
10 kilometers = 6.21 miles
100 kilometers = 62.14 miles
1000 kilometers = 621.4 miles
What are the most common misspellings of Kilometers
Kilometre (not actually a mis-spelling - this is the British English spelling)
Kilometres - as above, not actually a misspelling
Can I do the opposite conversion - ie Miles to Kilometers - on this site?
Yes - just click here to use our Miles to Kilometers calculator
What is the difference between Kilometres and Kilometers?
There is no difference between Kilometers and Kilometres - they are just different ways of spelling the same thing. Kilometres is the British English spelling, and Kilometers is the American English spelling.
I asked for a conversion from Kilometers to Miles, but my answer includes Yards, why?
We included Yards because Miles are an imperial measure, which can be further divided into 1760.0 Yards.
Yards units can also be further sub-divided, into 3.0 Feet
Feet units can also be further sub-divided, into 12.0 Inches
You can view the answer in terms of just Miles, by selecting 'decimal' format in the 'format' field. You can find that field directly underneath the conversion result in the above calculator
How do I use the Fibonacci sequence to convert from Kilometers to Miles?
The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. It begins with two 1s as such: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on. The difference between two adjacent numbers in the sequence provides a good estimation of the relationship between miles and kilometers and this becomes a better estimate as the sequence progresses.
To use this to estimate the conversion of Kilometers to Miles, choose a number in the sequence such as 21 for kilometers. The preceding value in the sequence is the approximate equivelent in miles, 13.
This works as the closed-form factor of the sequence is 1.61803 which is very close to the conversion factor of Miles to Kilometers which is 1.60934.