Index: C | British History Online (2024)

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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Index: C | British History Online (1)

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C ... ert, _, letter to, 5757 ii.

C ..., Mons. de, 5646.

Ca ..., _, letter from, 1021.

Cabanylls, _, a Spaniard, 1504.

Cabot, Sebastian, p. 154.

Cabrik alias Cavril, Oliver, g. 3142 (21).

Cabull, John, g. 787 (14).

Cachemaide, Ric., g. 464 (22), g. 546 (5).

Cacheme, Ric., 1939 (8).

Cacianus, a Croat, general to Ferdinand, 5767.

Cadbury, Soms., g. 1533 (1).

Cadbury or Cadbery, Th., 1939 (8), p. 3068.

Cade, _, 3216, 4546.
-, -, -, letter to, 3807.
-, -, John, g. 464 (14).
-, -, Th., g. 961 (18), g. 1610 (11), g. 2002 (11), 4318, g. 5083 (4, 6), g. 5610 (und.), 6186 (2), p. 3048.
-, -, -, his sig., 6186 (2).
-, - See Cadye.

Cadern, Hen., 1941.

Cadillac, letter dated at, 2078.

Cadix, 3798, 6686.
-, -, bay of, 3519, p. 1620.

Cadye, Th., 4229 (10).

Caen (Kane), 4064.
-, -, stone of, 4778, 5212.
-, -, bailly of, 57.
-, -, St. Stephen of, g. 4993 (6).

Caerlyon, or Kaerlion, &c., 976, g. 1230 (30), 1941, g. 2599 (5), g. 3008 (9), g. 3324 (5), g. 6301 (12).
-, -, mayor of, g. 3008 (9).

Caermarthen. See Carmarthen.

Caernarvon. See Carnarvon.

Cæsano, Gab., 2670, 2891.

Cæsar, chief esquire to the Emperor, 2601–2.
-, - le Graunde, 2986.

Cæsarians, the, 3799, 4775–6, 4961, 5675, 5761.

Cæsarinus, Alex., card, 150, 3116, 3206, 3802, p. 1820, 5529, 5735, 6362.
-, -, -, letter from, 150.
-, -, -, his servant, Ponge, p. 1619.

Cæsis, cardinal de, p. 1820.

Cagarde, Th., 6277 (2).

Cage, _, his wife, 4012 (2).

Cagninus, lord, 5705. See also Caynini.

Caigne (Canna) in Provence, 494, 552 ii.

Caipthetone, 5085.

Cairo (Cayre), 320.

Caister Bardolf, Norf., 3056 (1, 2).

Cajazzo, count of, 2820.

Cajetan, Card., 6408.

Calabria, 4833, 4844.
-, -, Anth. duke of, son of, 6364.

Calais, 24, 30, 57–8, 68, 85, 89, 110, 167, 179, 188, pp. 84–5, 253, 259, 269, 272–4 (2), 281, 285–7, 293, g. 297 (16, und., 29), 309, 315, 375, 384, g. 390 (10), 394, 398, 400, 414, 418, 428, 441, 456–7, 479, 484, 493, 510, 544, g. 546 (23), 564, 581 (2), 589, 627, 631, 633, 724, 789, g. 895 (5), 952, 975, 984–5, 1013, 1018, 1101, 1119, 1128, 1167, 1240, 1261, 1265, 1275, 1293, g. 1298 (und. and at end), 1301 (1, 2), 1307, 1350, 1363, 1370, g. 1377 (11, 18, 20), 1414, 1455, 1464, 1473, 1480, 1488, 1495, 1504, 1508, g. 1533 (11), 1535, 1580, 1612, 1613, 1620, 1632, 1647, 1652, 1660, 1664, 1687, 1701, 1721–2, 1731–2, g. 1736 (10, 30), 1741, 1752–3, p. 796, 1803, 1853, g. 1860 (16), 1864, 1869, 1922, 1938 ii., 1939 (14), g. 2002 (9, 13, 25), 2006, 2047, 2055, 2057, 2088, 2161, 2216, g. 2218 (4, 9), g. 2291 (26), 2324, 2329, 2342, 2611, 2656, 2658, 2744, 2746, 2751, 2755, 2889, 2909, 2915, g. 2927 (19), 2970, p. 1332, 2980, g. 3008 (1), 3041 (5), 3079–80, 3088, p. 1412, g. 3142 (5, 16, 30), 3152 (1), 3154 (2), 3171, 3188, 3247, 3251, 3304, g. 3324 (5), 3369, 3402, 3433, 3441, 3485, 3527, 3556, 3594, 3619, 3651, 3655, 3781, p. 1714, 3928, 3939 g. 3991 (26), 4008, 4025, 4063, 4119, 4127, 4147, 4165, 4182, 4193, g. 4231 (1), 4251, 4328, 4338, 4344, 4359, 4374, 4406–7, g. 4445 (5, 26), 4510, 4542, 4552, g. 4594 (14), 4611, 4632, 4644, 4656, 4661, 4742–3, 4750, 4766, 4782, 4789, 4798, 4803, 4908, 4938, 4945, 4961, 4966, 4988, 4997, 5007, 5065, 5094, 5102 (1 to 5), 5150, 5192, 5195, g. 5243 (8), 5314, 5325, g. 5336 (7, 11, 17), 5393, 5395, g. 5510 (14 und.), 5515 (2), 5537, 5554, 5567–8, 5630, 5654, g. 5748 (10), p. 2556, 5774 (2), 5862, 5869, 5874, 5939, 5942, 5950, g. 5978 (14 bis, 15 bis), 6022, 6070, g. 6072 (19, 22), 6093, 6134, g. 6135 (21), 6227, g. 6248 (7, 8, 17), 6285, 6375, g. 6418 (14), g. 6490 (4), 6541, g. 6542 (8), g. 6600 (18 bis), 6633, 6637, 6710 (1, 2), 6748 (5), 6789 (2), App. 46, 146.
-, -, letters dated at, 89, 428, 457, 484, 493, 627, 631, 1013, 1119, 1128, 1167, 1363, 1473, 1508, 1535, 1580, 1612, 1613, 1620, 1664, 1724, 1731–2, 1752, 1753, 1922, 2006, 2047, 2329, 2552, 2597, 2626, 2701, 2730, 2816, 2975 (6), 3035, 3158, 3209, 3214, 3254, 3262, 3268–9, 3279, 3283, 3313, 3410, 3530, 3611, 3620, 3655, 3659, 3809, 3835, 3865, 3894, 3932–3, 3938, 3946, 3954, 3958, 4321, 4330, 4394–5, 4492–3, 4601–2, 4667, 4689, 4704–5, 4712, 4761, 4768, 4861, 4887, 4936, 4985, 5008–9, 5051, 5066, 5074, 5166–7, 5171–2, 5198, 5214, 5296, 5343, 5420, 5433, 5435, 5444, 5466–7, 5494–5,5504, 5569, 5570, 5585–6, 5603, 5629, 5724, 5752, 5892, 6706, App. 176.
-, -, accounts, various, for, 5102.
-, - castle, constable of, 1480, 1632.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 269, 286, 400, 577, 2356, 2546.
-, -, -, lieut. of, g. 6490 (23).
-, -, comptroller of, 569, g. 1945 (27), 4601–2, 5947, 6134, App. p. 3105.
-, -, council of, 3158.
-, -, -, letter from, 3569.
-, -, customs of, g. 4231 (und.)
-, -, deputy of, 2518, 2839, 3254, 3620, 3938, 3988, 4194, 4321, 4328, 4359, 4390, 4395, 4510, 4601, 4656, 4661, 4798, 4988, 5208, 5214–15, 5292, 5352, 5395, 5433, 5439, 5455 ii., 5493, 5536, 5629, 5654, 5874, 5947, 6134, g. 6709 (11), App. p. 3105.
-, -, -, letter to, 5455 ii., 5874.
-, -, - See Berners, Lord: Wingfield, Sir Rob.
-, -, Exchequer at, g. 6072 (19).
-, -, fortifications of, 5296, g. 5906 (13).
-, -, fair at, g. 4231 (und.), g. 6248 (7).
-, -, friars of, 5102 (2).
-, -, knights at, 1687.
-, -, lieutenancy of, 400, 1301.
-, -, Marches of, 5947.
-, -, marshal of, 208, 3494, 3691, g. 6490 (82), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, marshal, under, of, 6706.
-, -, mayor and other officers of, 631, 2507, 2518–19, 2546, 2611, 2656, 2661, 2755, 3262, 3651, 3655, 3659, g. 4231 (und.), 4321, 4552, 5102 (1–5), 5466, 5947, 6134.
-, -, ordnance at, master of the, g. 5815 (5).
-, -, porter, chief, of, 2284.
-, -, posts of, 57, 984–5.
-, -, proclamation at, 3492, 5393, 5874.
-, -, retinue of, 5433.
-, -, scunage of, 5439.
-, -, shipping to and from, of Dover, App. 87, 92.
-, -, staple of, 545, 952, g. 2218 (4), 3587 (5), 3843, 4330, 4809, 4889, 5393.
-, -, -, chaplain of the, 4395, 4761.
-, -, -, officers and merchants of the, 1508, 3958, 5051, App. p. 3109, App. 37.
-, -, survey of, 2751, 5332.
-, -, treasurer of, g. 297 (und.), 985, 1077, 1580, 1613, 1632, 1724, 1741, 1752, 1767, 1864, 1939 (14), 2088, 3494, 3569, 3651, 4330, 4393, 4798, 4887, App. 58, p. 3105, p. 3109, g.4313 (12), App. 111.
-, -, under treasurer of, 5420, 5433, 5603, 5947.
-, -, treaty of, 1101.

Calais, places in and near:_
-, Andern, plashe of, 5947.
-, Beauchamp (Beecham) tower, 4726 p. 2233.
-, Bessinges?, 5439.
-, Bollengate, 5102 (4).
-, Bollingate St., 4552.
-, Bolynghove, g. 2291 (26).
-, Bray, 5467.
-, Bullenwell, 4552.
-, Causeway, the, 5439.
-, Colam (Colne) island, g. 4801 (11), 5102(5), 5947.
-, Colnebank, 5947.
-, Colnhill, 5947.
-, Conduyt house, 5102 (5).
-, Couswade marsh, 5947.
-, Cowbridge, 5947.
-, Dickland, 5439.
-, Gempe church, 5102 (5).
-, George, the, without the Gate, 2316.
-, Goyle, 5102 (5, iv.)
-, Great Hall of, 5947.
-, Guisnes. See under G.
-, Haile Faires, 5102 (5).
-, Hammes castle. See under H.
-, Harway, 5102 (5).
-, Haven, 5208.
-, Hofkirche, 5102 (5).
-, Howlett river, 5102 (5).
-, Lady church in, 3304.
-, Lantron Gate, 5102 (5).
-, Lazar house, 5102 (5).
-, "Le Bankett house" at le Campe, marches of Calais, g. 5906 (13).
-, Mark lordship. See under M.
-, Measnebroke in, 5947.
-, Martyn's Hoke, 5439.
-, Middleway, lazar house at, 5102 (5, iv.)
-, Mill street, 5438.
-, Millman's brook, 5102 (5).
-, Newenham bridge, 564, 569, 592, 1612, 2077, 2088, 4726, 4768, 4798, g. 5083, (14), 5102 (4, 5), 5332, 5335, 5419.
-, - -, captainship of, 1580, 4601–2.
-, -, collector, &c. of tolls, &c. on, g. 5748 (10).
-, Olderkirke or Owderkyrke, g. 1377 (18), 5102 (5.)
-, Oye. See under O.
-, Pas de, 670 ii.
-, Peppeling, par. ch. of, g. 6490 (21).
-, Plasshe, 5102 (5, iv.)
-, St. John Baptist, 5102 (2).
-, St. Mary, Shew street, 2661.
-, -, ch. of, g. 390 (10).
-, St. Peter's, 5102 (5).
-, - ch., 5102 (5).
-, Sandgate, 5504.
-, Shew street, 2661.
-, Sproyere, 5103 (8).
-, Symm's Dyke, foss called, 5947.
-, Treasury of, letter dated at, 5947.
-, Waleden. See Mark.

Calais pursuivant, 324, 330, 334–5, 380, 384, 414, 418.

Calatayud, 5423, 5425, 5457.

Calatrava, grand commendador of, 1391.

Calawaye, Wm., 1939 (11).

Calcagninus, Coclius (Cœlius), 6568, 6581, 6639, 6641, 6644, 6694, 6696, 6713, 6727–8.

Calcat or Calcott, John, p. 237, g. 961 (26), 1795, g. 2003 (11).

Calceto, Causay, or Causway, Suss., 650, 697, 1913 (2), 1964, 2340, 3190, 6516 (15).
-, -, mon. of St. Barth. de, 1913 (2), 2340, 2379, 3537 (1, 6), 3961, 4229 (4), p. 3064.
-, -, Rob. prior of, 1137 (4).
-, -, prior of, p. 2701.

Calcote, Bucks, 1913(1), p. 986.
-, -, watermen of, p. 986.

Calcott, Nic., g. 6301 (16), g. 6363 (11).
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8).

Calculi (Carchere), in Italy, 6375.

Caldecootes, 2527.

Caldecot, Rutland, g. 5748 (28).

Caldecott, Nich., g. 4124 (3).
-, -, Ric., g. 5336 (12).
-, - See Chalcote.

Caldwell, prior of, 1330.
-, -, John, prior of, p. 2699.

Calentyre, Th., 161.

Caleweye, Calway, or Kailwey, John, pp. 235–6, g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (6, 11).

Calleybot, App. 99 (3).
-, - See Calybutt.

Caleys, Hen., 1939 (8).

Calfilde, Humph., 1577 (2) iii.

Calicut, 2091.

Calkett Hall, 5096.

Callan, Ireland, 2404 (3).

Callirrhous, Mount, 6107.

Callistus, Dr., letter from, 6492.

Calne (Cawlne), Wilts, g. 4445 (17), p. 2692, g. 6363 (und.)

Calne, John, 3678.

Calo, doctor of arts and medicine, 6266.

Calsehowange, g. 2065 (12).

Calstok ch., Cornwall, Exeter dioc., g. 1533 (8), g. 5624 (28).

Calthorp, g. 5083 (10).
-, - (Galthrop), lady, 2326.
-, - or Calthrop, Chr., p. 236, 3005.
-, -, Fran., p. 238.
-, -, Jas., 3005.
-, -, Joan, g. 1610 (14).

Calthorp, Margery, letters from, 5556–7.
-, -, Ph., g. 1533 (12), 3005.
-, -, Sir Ph., g. 1533 (12), 1577 (10), g. 1610 (14), g. 2002 (11), 2331 (2), p. 1331, 3005.
-, -, -, his wife, 1577 (10), 3005.
-, -, Ric., 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., p. 236.

Calton, Th., 2595, 3738.

Calveley, _, p. 2691.

Calverley, _, p. 794.
-, -, Walt., p. 237.
-, -, Sir Walt., 6792.

Calvert, John, 4835 viii.

Calvill, Humph., 1939 (8).

Calvimont, Jean de, president of Bordeaux, 3857, App. 75, 130, 180.
-, -, -, letter from, 3597.

Calwich, prior of, 6313.
-, -, founder of, 6313.

Calwodby, John, p. 236.

Calybutt, Wm., g. 4124 (30), g. 5406 (30).
-, - See Calleybot.

Cam. See Camme.

Cambell. See Campbell.

Camber (Chamber), the, near Rye, 310, 1269, 1387, 1435, 3887, 5000 (1, 2), 5016–7, 5031, 5134, 5137, 5164

Camberwell, Surrey, g. 3087 (5).

Camboys, Northumberland, 1764.

Cambray, 24, 109, 1806, 4578–80, 4624, 5441 (1), 5554, 5566–7, 5583, 5588, 5597, 5599, 5628, 5636, 5645, 5655, 5665, 5675, 5677, 5681, p. 2516, 5688, 5690, 5698, 5700–1, 5704, 5710, 5712, 5720, 5723, 5725, p. 2537, 5733, 5741–2, 5753, 5766, 5771, 5775, 5789–90, 5796, 5801, 5814, 5827, 5836, 5841, 5845, 5866, 5877, 5879, 5893, 5899, 5910, 5918, 5931, 5942, 6002, 6011, 6026, 6073, 6285, 6312, App. 158, 196, 198–9, 234.
-, -, letters dated, 5745, 5824, 5829 (2–4 10), 5832–4, 5840, 5843.
-, -, treaty of, 5744 (1–6), 5745, 5829, 5832, 5853, 5862, 5889–91, 6067, 6087, 6208, 6231, 6234, 6258, 6410, 6440, App. 240.
-, -, the cordelier of, 109.
-, -, congress of, 5775.
-, -, bishop of, 5833.
-, -, instructions to English ambassadors at, 5818.
-, -, St. Mary's, 5829 (3).

Cambre, the, 310, 1269, 3887, 5000 (1, 2), 5016, 5017, 5031,5134, 5137, 6119, App. 7.

Cambridge, 293, 298, p. 151, g. 546 (16), p. 237, 969 (2), 969 (8), g. 1136 (11), 1288, 1323, 1329, g. 1377 (16), 1939 (8), g. 1945 (28), 2159, 2318, g. 2362 (11), 3029, 3536 (1), 3581, 3866, 3968, 4472, 4560, 5124, p. 2691, 6259, p. 3067.

Cambridge, letters dated at, 234, 3388, 4512, 4629, 4869, 4885 ii., 4906, 5745, 5757, 6247, 6325, 6663, 6722.
-, -, four orders of Friars at, p. 155.
-, -, scholars at, 3380 (8), 4073, 4685, 6076, g. 6135 (13), 6219, 6699.
-, -, heresy at, 4685, 4765.
-, -, deanery of, 4351.
-, - castle, g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20, 28).
-, -, Christ's College, g. 6135 (13), 6516 (6, 15).
-, -, -, letter dated at, 6678.
-, -, Gunwell Hall College, 6385.
-, -, King's college, or St. Mary and St. Nich. College, 4126, 4765, 4902, g. 5083 (12), 5607 ii., 6377, App. 201.
-, -, -, letters from, 4126, 4765, App. 201.
-, -, -, provost of, 4765, 6162. See Fox, Edw.
-, -, King's Hall, warden of, 4975.
-, -, Jesus College, master of, 6230.
-, -, Pembroke Hall, letters dated at, 4314, 4433, 4560, 4837, 4916.
-, -, -, master of, 4685 note.
-, -, St. John's College, 686, 1140, 1300, 1314, 2082, 6162.
-, -, Trinity Hall, 3213 (26).
-, -, St. Nicholas Hostell, 6325.
-, -, University of, 298, 730, 963, 1272, 1329, 4074, 4837, 4869, 4885, 5050, 5123, 5236 (2), 5639, 6247, 6303, 6367, App. 254, 260.
-, -, -, letters from the, 234, 4512, 4885 (2,4), 5118 (1,2), 5119, 5236 (2).
-, -, -, letter to, 6218.
-, -, -, chancellor of, 6247.
-, -, -, vice-chancellor of, 2752 vi., 3703, 6162, 6176, 6247, 6259, 6367.
-, -, -, -, letter to, 6367.
-, -, -, booksellers in, 4885 (2).
-, -, senate of, 6176, 6247, 6259, 6487.

Cambridgeshire, 58, 106 (5), g. 137 (10), pp. 83–4–5, 298, p. 237, 819, 969 (2), 972, g. 1136 (11), 1272, 1327, 1329, g. 1377 (16), 1499 (27), 1795, 1939 (8), 1944, 2427, 2801, 3380 (11), 3537 (1), 4143, 4914, 5124, 5792, g. 6038 (22), 6043 (2) i., 6516 (1, 2), g. 6803 (6), App. 241.
-, -, deaneries in, 4351.
-, -, men of worship in, 4762.
-, - and Hunts, sheriff of, g. 6072 (9), 6598, 6721.

Cambuskenneth, Alex. abbot of, 540, 561, 830, 834, 855, 864 (2), 866–7–8, 889, 892, 906, 988, 1034, 1171, 1206, 1246, 1268, 1273, 1372, 3021, 4817.
-, -, sig. of, 540, 561, 1726.
-, -, letters from, 1246, 1268.
-, -, letter to, 1034.

Cambusnethan, 1545.

Camel, Queen's, Soms., p. 673 note, 4536 ii.

Cameltou, Beds., 1309.

Camerino, 3405, 4905.
-, -, duke of, 2249, 3405.
-, -, his natural son, Radulpho, 3405.

Camfere or Ferre, in Flanders, 167.
-, -, lord of, 5044.

Camillo, _, 2778.

Camillus, Paulus, 3701.

Cammare Opole, g. 5336 (20).

Camme or Cam, Ric., g. 1533 (6), 1577 (2), g. 2002 (23), 3678, g. 4445 (28).

Camnova, in Italy, 6785.

Campania, 2098, 2596 ii., 2715, 3949, 4871.

Campano, Francesco, the Pope's Chamberlain, 5032–3, 5073, 5178–9, 5518–19, 5572, 5636, 5649, 5725.

Campbell, letter dated at, 1041.

Campbell (Cambell), servant of Argyle, prisoner in London, 1372.
-, -, Dougal, 858, 1174, 1355, 1360.
-, -, Sir Hugh, (of London, hereditary sheriff of Ayr), 4531–2, 4709, 4718–19, 4728 (2) ii., 4925.
-, -, Sir John, (of Lundy, treasurer of Scotland,) 1545, 4728 (2) ii., 4817, App. 239.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1726.
-, - (Camell), Sir John, (uncle to the Earl of Argyle,) 4940, 5690, 5718, 5736.
-, -, John, (tenant of St. Peter, Ipswich,) 4229 (10).
-, -, Wm., (of Lundy,) 1174.
-, -, -, letter from, 1146.

Campden, deanery of, 971.

Campe, Toynen de, 5439.

Campe, par. ch. of, Cant. dioc., g. 6803 (11).

Campeggio, Antonio, 4803.
-, -, Lawrence, Cardinal, 14, 35, 41, 46, 77, 222, 320, 446, 679–80, 690, 696, 721, 791, 820, 837, 885–6, 902, 910, 946, 986–7, 1011, 1017, 1068–9, 1286, 1506–7, 1575, 1619, 1716–17, 1742, 1771, 1835, 1865–6, 1875, 1937, 1959, 1998, 2089, 2098, 2172, 2231, 2304, 2307, 2313, 2515–16, 2522, 2541, 2578, 2613–14, 2648, 2762, 2775, 2819, 2857, 3031, 3038, 3041, 3072, 3090, 3114, 3160, 3550, 3643 (3), 3693, 3788, 3802, 3910, pp. 1741–2, 3921, 3949, 3970, 3995, p. 1822, p. 1841, 4217, 4232, 4249, 4288–89, 4290, 4345–46, 4355, 4364, 4368, 4379–80, 4391, 4401, 4430, 4440, 4446, 4533, 4535, 4553, p. 1993, 4605, 4611–12, 4621, 4637, 4644, 4656, (1,2), 4665–6, 4679, 4685, 4705, 4721, 4724–5, 4733, 4735,–39, 4742, 4745, 4749–51, 4753–4, 4760, 4763, 4766–7, 4775, 4782, 4788, 4793, 4795, 4803–5, 4813, 4820–1, 4845, 4851–2, 4854, 4857–8, pp. 2105–6, 4875 (1,2), 4879, 4880 (1,2), 4881, 4894, 4897–8, 4903, 4915, 4920, 4942, 4956, 4961, 4978–9 (1), 4980, 5014, 5016, 5028, 5038, 5050, 5053–4, 5063, 5072–3, 5094,5133, 5150–1, 5156, 5163, 5177, 5179, 5181, 5209–10, 5213, 5217, 5230, 5237–8, 5255, 5270, 5301, 5344, 5346, 5391, 5402, 5416–17, 5427–9, 5440, p. 2394, 5441 (2, 3), 5447, 5452, 5471, p. 2410, 5474, 5476, 5480–1, 5512, 5518–19, 5523, p. 2447, 5535, 5544, 5564, 5572, 5576, 5581, 5584, 5595, 5601, 5604, 5606–7, 5609, 5611 (2), 5613 (1–6), 5616, 5635–6, 5641, 5646–7, 5649, 5679, 5681, p. 2516, 5695 (2), 5696, 5700–2, 5710, 5712–13, 5716, 5725, 5732–3, p. 2560, 5759–64, 5769, 5775, 5780, 5784–5, 5789, 5797, 5802, 5819,–21, 5827, 5864, 5867, 5885, 5907, 5916, 5919, 5925, 5928–9, 5936, 5942, 5945, 5949, 5951, 5953, 5961, 5966, 5980, 5995, 6003, 6008, 6016, p. 2683, 6050, 6053, 6158, 6280, 6288, 6290, 6362, 6480, 6528, 6638–9, 6660, 6748 (5, 9, 11), App. 181, 192, 195–6, 203, 208, 225.
-, -, -, letters from, 41, 46, 77, 222, 690, 696, 721, 885–6, 946, 1068–9, 1286, 1506–7, 1742, 1771, 1835, 1865–6, 1875, 1937, 1959, 1998, 2089, 2098, 2172, 2231, 2304, 2307, 2313, 2515–16, 2522, 2578, 2613–14, 2648, 2762, 2775, 2857, 3031, 3038, 3072, 3160, 4735–7, 4751, 4803–4, 4857–8, 4875 (1,2), 4880 (1,2), 4881, 4898, 4903, 4980, 5416, 5535, 5564, 5572, 5584, 5636, 5681, 5700, 5712–13, 5732–3, 5775, 5995, 6050, 6053, 6480.
-, -, -, letters to, 902, 3910, 3921, 4232, 4249, 4288, 4721, 4738, 4920, 5072, 5181, 5391, 5441 (2), 5447, 5477, 5480, 5604, 5916, 6016.
-, -, -, extracts from, 5544.
-, -, -, sig. and seal of, 5820.
-, -, -, his chamberlain, Giacomo, 866, 1068, 1506, 4804.
-, -, -, his secretary, Florian, 4879, 5572, 5636, 6694.
-, -, -, -, letter from, 5734.
-, -, -, his brother, 1937, p. 2384.
-, -, -, his proctor in dioc. of Salisbury, 5951.

Campen, in the bishopric of Utrecht, g. 1230 (16).

Campion, Chr., 3440.
-, -, John, g. 5624 (1).

Campo Fregroso, J. de, 5394.

Campon, Gerart of, 2718.

Camps, (Campys or Campes,) 106 (4), 2427, 4586.
-, -, castle of, 106 (5).
-, -, Camb., deanery of, 4351.

Campton, Beds., 1309.

Campuche, John, 5960.

Camskynnell. See Cambuskenneth.

Camyllo. See Camillo.

Camyne, Paule, 3680.

Camys in Ireland, 1352 (2).

Canbery (? Canonbury), Middx., 5772.

Candela, Th., g. 1533 (12).

Candeler, Hen., p. 986.
-, -, Rob., g. 86 (28).

Candia, 2270, 6357.

Candishe. See Cavendish.

Caney, Wm., letter from, 1989.

Canford, Dors., 390 (7), p. 673 note, 4654, 4828.
-, -, stewardship of, 4536, 4547.
-, -, vicar of, 5746.

Caninovo, in Italy, 6375.

Canna. See Caigne.

Cannar. See Canner.

Canne, Barth., g. 3087 (und.)

Canner, Cannar, or Cannor, Th., sub-dean of Wolsey's College, 1728, 1834 (2), 2379, 3406.
-, -, -, letters from, 3806, 5069, 5304.

Cannes, in Provence, 494–5, 552 ii.

Cannington, g. 4313 (14).

Cannonby, debateable ground, 4020, 4134 (1).
-, -, Hole or Holl house in, 4014 (2).

Canon, Ro., 4229 (10).

Canon Courte alias Cowley Courte, in lo. Cowley, Glouc., g. 4124 (23).

Canons Asheby, Northt., 5318.

Canossa, Lodovico, 1467. See Bayeux, bp. of.

Canot, John, 3396.

Cant, Jas., 891.
-, -, John, 891.

Cantaily. See Cantley.

Canterbury, 72, 152, 459, 544, p. 235, 614, 615, 652, 969 (2), g. 1136 (11), 1157, 1305, 1306, 1311, 1332, g. 1533 (1, 26), 1703, 2178, 2342, 2686, 3247, 3252, 3380 (8), 3494, 3527, 3643 (2), 3866, 4545, 4660, 4763, 4788, 4820, p. 2253, g. 5406 (20), g. 5748 (4), 5995, p. 2691, 6748 (5, 11), g. 6751 (23), App. 39, 88–9, 123.
-, -, letters dated at, 152, 1157, 1305, 1306, 3240 (1), 3243, 3244, 3245, 3577, 4620, 4803, 4804, 4805, 4806, g. 5748, (1), 5995, App. 254 iii.
-, - castle, g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20, 28).
-, -, Christchurch, prior, &c. of, 614, 1518, 2341 (2), 2686, 4619, 4805.
-, -, -, Th., prior of, 72, 193, g. 464 (2), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2), p. 2696.
-, -, -, -, his brother, 193.
-, -, chapter and convent of, 6045, p. 2696.
-, -, St. Augustine's or St. Austin's without, abbot of, 614.
-, -, John, abbot of, g. 464 (2), 1703, g. 2002 (11), 2758, 3243, 4805, g. 5083 (2), p. 2696.
-, -, Th., late abbot of, 1703.
-, -, St. Dunstan's, 72, 1518.
-, -, St. Sepulchre's, 4806.
-, -, Westgate, 72.
-, -, Friars preachers of, p. 869.
-, -, Friars minors of, p. 869.
-, -, Friars observant of, 2527.
-, -, mayor and aldermen of, 4251, 4803.

Canterbury, abp. of. See Warham, William.
-, -, -, apparitors of, 5870 x.
-, -, -, commissary of, 1518.
-, -, -, his court of Audience, 368, 6127.
-, -, Lanfrancke, abp. of, (temp. Will. II.), 5773 (9).
-, -, Anselm abp. of, (temp. Hen. I.), 5773 (9).
-, -, Boniface, abp. of, (temp. Hen. III.), 842.
-, -, Rob. de Winchelsea, abp. of, (temp. Edw. I.,) 4041.
-, -, archbishop and clergy of, App. 262.
-, -, archbishops of, 2636, note p. 2698.
-, -, -, jurisdiction of, g. 546 (19).
-, -, archdeacon of. See Warham, William.
-, -, chapter house of, 4041.
-, -, chapter seal of, 3403.
-, -, lord suffragan of, App. 89.
-, -, officials of the court of, 4029 (3), 5732.
-, -, province of, 2836, 6047 (1–3), 6687, p. 3022.
-, -, register of wills of, p. 151.
-, -, cathedral of, 2622.
-, -, St. Thomas (à Becket) of, 2622, 4242, 4619–20.
-, -, St. Thomas' shrine, App. 91.
-, -, dean of, 1544.
-, -, see or diocese of, 4631, 5228, pp. 2696–7, App. 34.
-, -, -, list of spiritual persons within the, pp. 2696–2701.
-, -, -, temp. Hen. VII., 5773 (3).

Canterell, Th., g. 3540 (23).
-, - See Cantrell.

Cantire (Kyntire), in Scotland, North and South, 715.

Cantley or Cantaily, John, archdeacon of St. Andrews, 540, 1051, 1105, 1111, 1113, 1446, 1462, 1637.
-, -, -, sig. of, 540.
-, -, -, letter to, 1111.

Cantre, Wales, 1941.
-, -, St. Mary and St. Kenedrie ch., St.David's dioc., g. 3398 (14).

Cantrecelly, g. 4313 (8).

Cantrech, _ (? Lautrec), 3443 (2).

Cantrell, Ralph, 5859.

Cantymede Inland, Beds, g. 6751 (28).

Canway, 250.

Canwell or Canwall, Staff., mon. and manor of, 650, 697, 1913, 1964 (2), 2024, 2217, 3190, 3537 (1,7), 3538 ii. iii., 4275, 6222 (1–2), 6516 (15), p. 3064.

Canyngis, Wm., g. 297 (28).

Canyvet, Nich., 4091.,

Cape Breton, 5756.

Cape Corso, 4666.

Cape de Bas, App. 113–14.

Cape de Sper, App. 113–14.

Capell, Suff., 1833, 2024, 5076.

Capell, Eliz., p. 987.
-, -, Sir Giles, p. 236, g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11), g. 3008 (16), 3149, g. 3324 (3), 4914, 5330 ii., 6264, g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Hen., letter from, 4141.
-, -, (Caple,) John, p. 236.
-, -, Mary, 6264.

Capernes, p. 989.

Caphyden, in Ireland, letter dated at, 4283.

Capi, D., signature, 3063.

Capien, in Italy, 1123.

Capino,_, papal nuncio in France, 2058, 2232–3, 2235, 2257, 2288, 2465 ii.

Capistrano, St. John de, 2381.

Capisucchi, (Capasuk, Capilcuzis, &c.) Dr., Paulo de, auditor of the Rota, 5156, p. 2305, 5575, p. 2608, 5908, 6256, 6462, 6772.

Capo, S. T. P. Alex. de, sig. of, App. 265 (5).

Capon, John, 2001, p. 988.

Capon, or Saltcot, John, abbot of St. Benet's Hulme, and afterwards of Hyde, brother to the dean of Ipswich, 955 (1), 5667.
-, -, -, letter from, App. 38.
-, -, Ric., g. 6248 (11).
-, -, Dr. Wm., dean of Card. Coll., Ipswich, 963, 3216, 3764, 4229 (2, 6, 9), 4460, 4577, 4598, 4623, 4778, 4872, 5052, 5077, 5286, 5330 ii., 5353 (3), 5409, 5458, 5526, 5550, 5667, 5792, 5810–11, 5932 (1, 2), 5933, 5985, 6034, 6039, 6055, 6061, 6230, 6330, 6510, 6523, 6645, 6663, 6748 (9, 11), 6750.
-, -, -, letters from, 4778, 4872, 5052, 5077, 5409, 5458, 5526, 5550, 5811, 6034, 6039, 6055, 6061, 6330, 6510, 6523, 6663.
-, -, -, master of Jesus Coll. Camb., 6230.

Capone, Fran., g. 3869 (12).

Caponi, Nicolo, letters to, 2804, 2858.

Caponis, Jacobus de, 5350.
-, -, John de, g. 1377 (1).
-, -, John Baptist de, 5350.

Capos, 6375, 6785.

Capriati, 389.

Capron, Hen., g. 6418 (27).

Capsanus, 2685.

Captheton, 278.

Capua, 3682, 3949, 3995, 4086, 4103, 4352.

Capua, Nicholas Schomberg, abp. of, 116, 153, 170, 196, 206, 262, 276, 284, 295, 296, 320, 354–6, 358, 370, 374–5, 389, 394, 423, 458, 505, 507–8, 511, 568, 583, 586, 652, 671, 678, 680, 711, 720, 724, 732, 751, 776, 780, 826–7, 841, 843, 883, 934, 992, 1009, 1017, 1036, 1078, 1083, 1107, p. 524, 1238, 1249, 1868, 1879, 1902, 1905, 2158, p. 1104, 2600, 2629–30, 2670, 2715–16 ii., 2723, 2728, 2732, 2762–3, 2782 ii., 2860, 2907, 2912, 3003, 3497, 3682, 4352, 4871, 5073, 5150, 5230, 5394, 5427–9, 5452, 5529, 5536, 5655, 5676–7, p. 2609, 5845, 5848, 6007.
-, -, -, letter from, 5845.
-, -, -, letters to, 843, 883.

Capua, Julio de, 5157.

Caracciolo, _, 1099, 1748.

Caracciolo (or Caratzole), Marino, prothonotary, 1625, 1900, 2213, 2237, 2239, 2245, 2262, 2273 (2), p. 1022, 2624, 5633, 5963 (2), 6338, 6378.
-, -, -, letters from, 2624, 6338.
-, -, -, his secretary, 2239.
-, -, or Acciaiolo, Roberto, nuncio in France, 2235, 2254–5, 2259–60, 2264, 2278–9, 2369, 2465, 2470.
-, -, -, letter from, 2465.
-, -, -, letters to, 2259, 2278.

Caraffa, family of, 2615.
-, -, Frederic, 5157, 5633.

Carampton, Soms., g. 5083 (1).

Caraunte. See Carent.

Carbonus, Moranus, 5705.

Carbot, Dr. Hen., 6530, 6558, p. 3048.
-, -, -, letter from, 6558.

Carbridge, p. 3068.

Carcewell, Northt., g. 4231 (und.)

Carcolston, Notts, 3819 (1).

Carcrost, in Auston, Yorksh., g. 895 (5).

Carde, Stevyn, 4029.

Cardele, Edw., p. 235.

Cardenell, John, p. 989.

Cardiff, 976, 1941, g. 5978 (1).
-, - castle, g. 6248 (30).

Cardigan, g. 612 (18), 976, g. 1610 (14), g. 1676 (10), 1872, 1887, 2200–1.
-, -, "raglership constabulary" of, g. 5748 (4).
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 2701.
-, - castle, constable of, g. 3471 (30).

Cardinals, college of, 153, 295 (2), 986–7, 1548, 1766 (2), 2446, 2866, 2870, 3465, 5050, 5238, 5259, 5657.
-, -, -, letters from the, 153, 986–7, 1766 (2), 2866.
-, -, -, letters to the, 3425–6, 4815 ii.

Cardinals, (hostages with the Imperialists,) 4920, 4929, 4977.
-, -, new, 2092, 2633, 5025, 5991, 6362.
-, -, consistory of, 6772, App. 253.

"Cardinal's bundle," 3537.

Cardinals, the roode of the, Anglesea, 973.

Cardington, Beds., g. 1610 (11), 2193 (2), g. 2218 (30), g. 3008 (30), g. 5083 (6, 10), g. 5336 (8), 6516 (1).

Cardon, 5076.

Cardon, Alex., p. 990.

Cardona, bpric. of Treves, Germany, g. 6135 (15).

Care. See Carey.

Carent, Sir Wm., 4417, g. 6803 (12 D.)

Careteth. See Carteth.

Carethorpe, Yorksh., g. 1610 (11).
-, -, letter dated at, 3146.

Carethorpe, Linc., g. 4993 (28).

Carew or Cayrewe, letters dated at, 5190, 5345, 5372, 5399.

Carew, _, p. 341, p. 1395.
-, -, lady, App. p. 3105.
-, -, Eliz., g. 5815 (6).
-, -, Gawin, p. 794, 1939 (11).
-, -, Geo., p. 794, 2006, g. 2673 (21).
-, -, John, g. 3008 (23), g. 3142 (11), g. 6248 (12). See Carowe.
-, -, Maurice, 2528.
-, -, Nich., g. 2132 (und.), g. 5815 (6).
-, -, Sir Nich., master of the horse (or grand écuyer of England), g. 137 (8), 335, 400, 577, 627, g. 1049 (16), 1673, p. 797, 1939 (4, 6), g. 2002 (11), 2747, p. 1332, 3508, 3527, 3554, 3557, 3565 (1, 2), 3567, 3574–5, 3581, 3591, g. 3869 (29), 4358, 4429, 4583, 4914, g. 5083 (11), 5108, g. 5406 (25), g. 5815 (6), p. 2669, 5949, 5995, 6043 (2) i., 6069, 6074, 6092, 6190, 6192, 6205, 6209, 6268, 6328, g. 6490 (23), 6624, App. pp. 3104–5, App. 120, 164, 176, 240, 253.
-, -, -, letter from, 6092.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 240.
-, -, Peter, 1939 (11).
-, - (Care or Carrew), Ralph, g. 5815 (7).
-, -, Ric., 6069.
-, -, Sir Ric., 2507.
-, -, Th., g. 6248 (12), App. 247.
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 137 (18), p. 233, 819, g. 2002 (6), g. 5510 (und.), g. 6490 (20 Exet.), 6721, 6792, g. 6803 (4).

Carey (Care, Caree, Carre, or Karre), 3734 (4).

Carey, Eleanor, sister of William, 4197, 4408, 4488, 4497, 4703.
-, -, -, her eldest sister, 4477, 4497, 4507.
-, -, John, p. 863, g. 2927 (21), g. 3213 (21), g. 3747 (22).
-, -, -, of Hetton, 5085.
-, -, Mary (Boleyn), wife of William, g. 464 (18), 1939 (4).
-, -, Rob., p. 233.
-, -, Thos. (qu. John ?), 4477.

Carey, Wm., squire of the Body, p. 83, g. 464 (15, 18), 966, 1264, 1906, 1939 (1,4,6), g. 2002 (20), g. 2218 (12), p. 1331, g. 3087 (und.), p. 1391, p. 1605, 4005, 4197, 4408, 4413, 4440, g. 4687 (6), g. 4896 (14), 5248, g. 5510 (6), g. 6072 (24).
-, - See also under Carr.

Cargo, Cumb., g. 6248 (20).

Carguy, Jehan, App. 231.

Carham (Karram), Northld., letter dated at, 1808.

Cariar, Wm., p. 985.

Carinthia, 3488, 5767.

Carisbrook castle, I. of Wight, 5293.

Carleton, 1227, p. 673 note.
-, -, letter dated at, 4790.
-, -, near Skipton in Craven, York., g. 297 (und.)
-, - See Carlton.

Carleton, Chr., p. 150.
-, -, John, 366, p. 236, g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Rob., 366.

Carlile, Wm., 2370.

Carlion. See Caerlyon.

Carlisle, 29, 191, 279, 332, 432, 434, 448, 705, 1151, 1223, 1431 (6), 1517 ii., 1700, 1727, 1762–3, 1779, 1896, 2003 i. ii., 2299, 2374, 2413, 2729, 3477, g. 3869 (29), 4134, 4151, 4421, g. 4445 (20), 4495, 4531, 4828, 4835 ii. iii. iv. v. viii., 4855, p. 2691.
-, -, letters dated at, 434, 1896, 2003 i., 2052, 2110, 2401, 2449, 3975, 4835.
-, -, castle, 6490 (28).
-, -, -, deputy captain of, 2052, 4421.
-, -, -, constable of the, 705, 5952.
-, -, -, survey of, 5952.
-, -, keeper of the city and castle of, 1431 (6), g. 5906 (6).
-, -, demesnes of, App. 184.
-, -, garrison of, 2374.
-, -, markets at, 1223, 2374.
-, -, mayor of, 2110.
-, -, steward and bailiff of the socage adjoining, 1763.
-, -, priory or convent of, 4421.
-, -, prior of, 968, 1763.
-, -, Chr., prior of, 5952.
-, -, bishopric or diocese of, 29, 1151.
-, -, dean of, 220.
-, -, archdeacon of, Wm. Burbank, 1137 (2), p. 2587.

Carlisle, John Kite, bishop of, 29, 128, 220, g. 297 (und.), 448, 571, 849, 903, 1117, g. 1610 (11), 1762–3, 1896, 2216, 2322, p. 1331, 3748, 4603, 5227, 5341, 5749, 5751, 5773 (2), 6469, 6513, 6748 (9, 11, 14), 6784, g. 6803 (6).
-, -, -, -, letters from, 29, 448, 1117, 1896.
-, -, -, -, sig. and seal of, 5751, 6513.
-, -, -, -, chaplain of, p. 3048.

Carlisle herald, 366, 613, 636, 672–3, 703 (2), 704 (2), 715, 726–9, 733, 763, 812, 1259, 1268, 1636, p. 869, 2468, 2751, 5794, 5886, 6071.
-, -, letter to, 6071.

Carlostadt, _, 1547.

Carlow (Carolagh), Ireland, pp. 1077–8.

Carlton Lodge, letter dated at, 3477.
-, -, Notts, p. 1699.
-, -, Carleton, Suff., 4473.

Carlton Lyndrick, Notts, 3544.
-, - See Carleton.

Carlym. Benedict, p. 237.

Carmaniola, 2465.

Carmarthen (Kermerden), 976, g. 1230 (27), g. 1610 (14), 1872, 1887, 1941, 2200–1, 5686, 5774 (5).
-, -, letters dated at, 4485, 5682, 5686, 5693, 5770.
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 2701.
-, -, mon. of St. John, abbot of, 283.
-, -, -, prior of, 399.
-, -, Griffin prior of, p. 2701.
-, -, New, g. 6248 (30).

Carmarthenshire, 5190.

Carmeliamus, Pet., 348, 2001, 3748, 5465. See Brescia, Peter de.

Carmyan, Ellys, p. 1395.

Carmynowe, John, g. 137, (18), p. 235, g. 1136 (12), g. 2002 (6), g. 3991 (12).
-, -, Nich., g. 137 (18), p. 236, g. 1136 (12), g. 2002 (6), g. 3991 (12), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, (Carmynall,) Th., g. 1377 (28), 1939 (8), g. 5748 (22), g. 6072 (9, 21), g. 6248 (4), g. 6751 (24).

Carnaby (Karnabe), Gilb., 2527.
-, -, Marg., g. 297 (21).
-, -, Th., g. 297 (21).
-, -, Wm., 313, 5085.

Carnarvon, N. Wales, 182, 973, 1941, 5288.
-, -, sheriff of, 3747.
-, -, (Carnarvyn), Edward of. See Edward.

Carnarvonshire, 973.

Carne (Kerne), Dr. Edw., 5866–7, 5928, 6605, p. 3024, 6760, 6769.
-, -, -, letter to, 6760.

Carnesecca, Andrea, 2820.

Carnesewe, John, p. 341, g. 6751 (24).
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (18), p. 236, g. 1136 (12), g. 2002 (6), g. 3991 (12).

Carneton, 2603.

Carniola, 2637.

Carnn, Rob., g. 137 (6).

Carnok, Alex., 4701.

Carntorse, Nich., 890.

Carolagh. See Carlow.

Carondelet, John de, abp. of Palermo, 4579.

Carowe, John, letters from, 4209, 4215. See also Carew.

Caroza, 774.

Carpanus, D. Aurelius, 6251.

Carpenter, _, p. 990.
-, -, Rog., g. 1610 (14), g. 3213 (30).

Carpi, 1164, 1242, 1443, 2202, 2478, 2486, 2737, 2820, p. 1370.
-, -, Alberto Pio count de, 196, 583, 669, 899, 1447, 1449–51, 1487, 1491–2, 1625, 1643, 1748, 1812, 1879, 1885, 1895, 1899, 1905, 2273, 2510, 2600, 2632–3, 2704 ii, 2716 ii., 2732, 2875, 2890–1, 3001, 3003, 3062, 3108, 3352, 3472, 3517, 3714, 5250, 6442, 6537, App. 143.
-, -, -, commission to, 669.
-, -, -, letters from, 3352, 5250.
-, -, -, letter to, 1450.
-, -, -, his secretary, Sigismund, 1491.
-, -, -, a secretary of, 3758.
-, -, -, his servant, 3992.
-, -, -, -, Baltassare, 2633.
-, -, -, his wife and children, 3352.

Carpon,_, p. 354.

Carr or Carre. See also Kerr.
-, -, Hugh, 6121.
-, -, Jas., g. 2540 (30).
-, -, John, 1082 (2), 3380 (4), g. 3869 (47).
-, -, Sir John, 5020.

Carracciolo. See Caracciolo.

Carrick herald, 3, 9, 21, 47, 59 (2), 60, 73–4, 92, 104, 199, 215 (2), 225 (2), 231–2, 241 (2), 242 (2), 247, 253, 259.

Carrickmakgryffen, Ireland, 3937.

Carrofeith. See Carteth.

Carshalton (Carsalton), Surr., g. 5815 (6).

Carsydony, Anth., 6243, 6748 (13).

Carter, _, 4027, 4070, 5405, 6679, p. 3064, p. 3066.
-, -, John, 3380 (8, 9).
-, -, Rob., 1137 (1), 1728, 1834 (2), 2001, 2379, 5330 vii., 6402, 6579.
-, -, -, letter from, 6579.
-, -, Th., g. 6751 (24).
-, -, W., p. 990.
-, -, Walt., 2811.
-, -, Wm., 1577 (4), p. 990, g. 6709 (17).

Carterell in Normandy, 1435.

Carteret, Helyer, g. 612 (22).

Carteth, Careteth, or Carroteith, 328, 482, 1223, 3975.

Carthagena, 2569, 2590, 2596 ii., 2638, 2679, 2698, 3897, 4112, 5484.

Carthorpe. See Carethorpe.

Cartwryk, Wm., g. 2065 (20), g. 3008 (20), g. 3540 (10), g. 4231 (und.), g. 6751 (28).

Carvajal, Lorenzo Galvidez de, 1391.

Carvannell, Th., 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., letter from, 2815 (2).

Cary. See Carey.

Caryll, John, g. 464 (17).
-, -, Th., g. 464 (17), g. 2218 (12).

Casal Major, 2919.

Casale by the Po, 1109, 1164, 2786, 2820.

Casale, Sir Andrew de, 5073, 6607, 6613, 6619, 6622, 6624, 6633, 6637, 6639, 6643–4, 6670.
-, -, Crisostomus de, 6398, 6656, App. 265 (2).
-, -, -, letter from, 6474.
-, -, Fran., 2227, 2852, 4836, 5580?
-, -, Sir Giles de, g. 6600 (19).

Casale, Sir Gregory, 456, g. 464 (27), 502, 553–4, 568, p. 264, 542, 605–6, 615, 653, 675–7, 680, 718–19, 732, 751, 760, p. 333 note, 780, 841, p. 438, 1017, 1052, 1054–5, 1064–6, 1070–1, 1074–5, 1078, 1083–4, p. 477, 1086, 1102, 1107, 1131, 1139, 1147, 1153, 1159, 1165, 1175–6, 1179–80, 1197, 1201, 1212, 1237, 1402–3, 1410, 1425, 1440, 1443, 1487, 1491–3, 1521, 1528, 1624, 1643 ii., 1648–50, 1669, 1697, 1702, 1729, 1742, 1745, 1747–50, 1767, 1769, 1772–3, 1824–5, 1850, 1868, 1883–5, 1894–5, 1902, 1905, 1956–7, 1966, 1970, 1992, 2012, 2053, 2058, 2068, 2099, 2140–1, 2144, 2148, 2155–6, 2158, 2182, 2227, 2264, 2272–3 (2), 2274, 2314, 2373, 2419, 2494, 2509–10, 2584, 2596ii., 2617, 2632, 2633, 2670–1, 2679, 2685, 2704 i. ii., 2716 ii., 2720, 2731–2, 2779–80, 2782 ii. 2852, 2875–6, 2879, 2890–1, 2907, 2910, 2912, 2918, 2921, 2931, 2971, 3001, 3011, 3023–4, 3039, 3046, 3062–3, 3065–6, 3089–90, 3110, 3155, 3157, 3160, 3206, 3215, 3228–9, 3237, 3241, 3244, 3252, 3295, 3297, 3310, 3340, 3350, 3352, 3400, 3402, 3405, 3420, 3436 (2), 3482, 3493, 3497, 3498–9, 3511, 3524, 3561–2, 3571, 3578, 3585, 3591, p. 1619, 3599, 3600–1, 3604, 3640–2, 3644, 3647, 3650, 3657, 3662, 3672, 3680, 3682–3, 3687, 3693, 3701, 3715–17, 3749, 3758, 3763, 3769–71, 3779, 3787–8, 3802, 3821, 3825, p. 1741, 3918–19, 3949, 3970, 3995, 4063, 4090, 4118–20, 4167–8, 4171, 4246, 4249, 4251, p. 1872–4, 4288–9, 4338, 4358–9, 4379, 4390, 4406, 4430, 4519, 4553, 4644, 4656 (2), 4663, 4666, 4682, 4792, 4813–14, 4833, 4871, 4883, 4886, 4897–8, 4900, 4918, 4920, 4928–9, 4956, 4959–60, 4977–8, 4996, 5028, 5037–8, 5050, 5072–3, 5138–40, 5147, 5149–51, 5160, 5162–3, 5178–9, 5183, 5213, 5221–2, 5225, 5227–8, 5230, 5235, 5251, 5261, 5269–70, 5271, 5302–3, 5313–15, 5344, 5348, 5375, 5422, 5427–9, 5476, 5478–81, 5496, 5506, 5523–4, 5532, 5535, 5545–6, 5553, p. 2463, 5574–6, 5591–2, 5614, 5636, 5638–41, 5649–52, 5655, 5657, 5676–7, 5703, 5707, 5711, 5721, 5725, 5735, 5762, 5764, 5767, 5769, 5777, 5779–80, 5797, 5848, 5878, 5888, 5921, 5959, 5961, 5963, 5987–8, 5991, 6074–5, 6092, 6103–4, 6106, 6148, 6154, 6156, 6159, 6165, 6174, 6194, 6205, 6235, 6251, 6268, 6309–10, 6316, 6324, 6328, 6334, 6340, 6354, 6365–6, 6388, 6398, 6403, 6407, 6412, 6444–5, 6462, 6470, 6472, 6474, 6499–500, 6521, 6528, 6539, 6543, 6593, 6617, 6619, 6624, 6626–7, 6633, 6637, 6639, 6641, 6643–4, 6661, 6667, 6670, 6694, 6700, 6705, 6714, 6727–8, 6734–5, 6738, 6742, 6769, App. 130–1, 143–4, 149, 177, 196, 203, 206, 212, 232, 240, 262, 264.
-, -, -, letters from, 1747–8, 1772–3, 1884, 1956, 1957, 1970, 1992, 2012, 2140, 2144, 2156, 2158, 2182, 2272,2274, 2314, 2373, 2494, 2509–10, 2704 ii., 2716 ii., 2720, 2779–80, 2782 ii., 2852, 2875, 2890, 2907, 2910, 2912, 2918, 2921, 2931, 2971, 3001, 3011, 3024, 3039, 3046, 3062, 3065–6, 3089–90, 3497–8, 3511, 3561, 3604, 3650, 3672, 3682, 3763, 3769, 3918, 3949, 3970, 3995, 4120, 4167–8, 4171, 4960, 5037, 5138–9, 5161–2 i., 5221–2, 5228, 5230, 5235, 5251,5302–3, 5315, 5478–9, 5545, 5553, 5591, 5638, 5640–1, 5649–2, 5655, 5725, 5735, 5762, 5767, 5769, 5779–80, 5848, 5961, 5963, 6103, 6268, 6334, 6366, 6444, 6499, 6626–7, 6734, App. 262.
-, -, -, letters to, 2633, 3482, 3641, 3644, 3662, 3693, 3716, 3770, 4246, 4289, 4430, 4792, 4813 (1), 4897, 5050, 5178, 5183, 5271, 5313–14, 5375, 5427–9, 5523, 5576, 5639, 5676, 5703, 5707, 5711, 5797, 5988, 6154, 6412, 6474, 6667.
-, -, -, extracts of letters from and to, 1885, 1895, 2596 ii., 2891, 3600–1, 3758, 4663, 4666, 4871, 4918, 4956, 4959, 5592, 6499.
-, -, -, hand of, 4246, 5878 (2).
-, -, -, commissions or instructions to, 1491, 5269–70, 5577.
-, -, -, cousin of, App. 232.
-, -, -, his servant Baptiste, 2720.
-, -, -, his servant Nicholas, 6656.

Casale, John Baptist de, prothonotary, 150, 429, p. 438, 992–3, 1009–10, 1016, 1167, 1368, 1400, 1493, 1894, 1975, 2058, 2213, 2227, 2245, 2289, 2408, 2512, 2566, 2624 ii., 2633, 2640, 2685, 2704 i., 2731, 2779, 2782, 2851, 2853, 2877, 2920, 2931, 2982, 3016, 3023, 3030, 3045, 3078, 3122, 3168, 3215, 3254, 3553, 3584, p. 1635, 3645, 3701, 3824, 3825, 4089, 4212, 4213, 4255, 4258, 4372, 4482, 4655, 4680, 4681, 4713, 4836, 4883, 4886, 4900, 4905, 4918, 4920, 4929, 4932, 4956, 4959, 5038, 5050, 5151, 5187, 5194, 5213, 5217–18–19, 5261, 5329, 5352, 5386, 5421, 5481, 5524 (5), 5538, 5552, 5633, 5637–8, 5708–9, 5858, 5885, 5961, 6095, 6149–50, 6153, 6156–7, 6173–4, 6178, 6192–4, 6197, 6205, 6232, 6235, 6237–8, 6242, 6251, 6280 ii., 6287, 6307, 6309–10, 6316, 6318, 6322, 6326–7, 6334, 6353–4, 6365, 6387–8, 6398, 6403, 6405, 6407, 6423–5, 6427, 6434, 6445–6, 6472, 6491 (3), 6501–3, 6528, 6567, 6581, 6593, 6595, 6607, 6619–20, 6633, 6643–4, 6656–7, 6670–1, 6073, 6689, 6701, 6742, 6765–6, 6782, App. 264.
-, -, -, letters from, 2245, 2352, 2353, 2408, 2596, 2624 ii., 2640, 2670, 2671, 2685, 2700, 2704 i., 2731, 2782, 2785, 2851, 2853, 2920, 2931 ii., 2982, 3023, 3030, 3045, 3078, 3122, 3584, 3701, 3825, 4212, 4213, 4255, 4258, 4482, 4655, 4713, 4836, 4883, 4900, 4929, 5038, 5194, 5217–18, 5261, 5352, 5386, 5421, 5524–5, 5538, 5633, 5637, 5708–9, 5858, 6309–10, 6501 (3), 6618, 6620, 6656, 6691, 6694, 6696, 6702, 6727–8, 6745.
-, -, -, letters to, 1165, 2779, 2931, 3645, 5187, 5219, 5329, 6150, 6153.
-, -, -, extracts of, 256, 4680.
-, -, -, hand of, 3401 (2), 4240, ? 5607.
-, -, -, his two brothers, 5194.
-, -, -, his cousin, 4929.
-, -, -, his sister, 5538.
-, -, -, his servant Francis, 6656.

Casale, Paul, 2633, 4792, 4844, 4886, 4905, 5162 ii., 5187, 5217, 5229, 5230, 5259, 5329, 5538, 5981, 5990–2, 6007, 6056, 6069, 6074, 6205, 6316, 6318, 6327, 6427, 6463, ? 6559, 6642, 6769, App. 253, 260, 264.
-, -, -, letters from, 2633, 4792, 5162 ii., 5187, 5229, 5259, 5329.
-, -, -, -, extracts of, 4844, 4886.

Casale, Raphael, 6437.
-, -, Vincent, 3830, 4807, 4956, 5037–8, 5073, 5138–9, 5148–9–50, 5178–9, 5217, 5221–2, 5227–8, 5259, 5295, 5302–3, 5314, 5325, 5348, 5359, 5386, 5496, 6644, (Vuyenne de) App. 192.
-, -, -, letters to, 5139, 5217, 5222, 5228, 5259, 5302.

Casali, the, 3077, 6316, 6354, 6445, 6669.

Casaways, Cornw., g. 3008 (23).

Case, Sir Brian, g. 6248 (14).

Case, Th., 5842.

Casello or Cassello, 4959, 4960.

Casetum, 5234.

Cashel, Edmund Butler, abp. of, 757, 2404 (3), 4277, 4799.
-, -, Maurice, abp. of, 757.

Cashel, Rock of, (Cistereian abbey of Our Lady de Rupe,) 2426.

Cassano, 1010.

Cassay, Venetian camp at, 5796.

Cassel, George de Theimseke, provost of, 2345, 2346, 2388, 2485, 2497, 2569, 2604, 2646, 2664, 2721, 4010, 4011, 4072, 4100, 4147, 5889, App. 95, 164.
-, -, -, -, letters from, 2646, 4100.

Cassillis, Gilbert Kennedy, earl of, 540, 561, 593, 600, 602, 613, 621, 629, 651, 656, 670, 672, 702, 715, 727, 804, 813, 817, 832, 834, 836, 854–5, 864–6, 870, 878, 892, 903, 988, 1019, 1026, 1028 (2), 1029, 1031, 1034, 1035 ii., 1042, 1113, 1162, 1165, 1170–1, 1182–3, 1192, 1206, 1220–1, 1224, 1259, 1268, 1637, 1784, 2487, 2678, 4531, 4925, App. 97.
-, -, -, -, his sig., 540, 561, 629.
-, -, -, -, letters from, 1019, 1028 (2), 1162, 1165, 1268.

Cassin, 776.

Cassovia or Cassow in Hungary, 3488, 4949.

Cassy, Carssey, or Crassye, John, g. 6248 (2).
-, -, Leonard, g. 6248 (2).
-, -, Rob., g. 6248 (2).
-, -, Wm., g. 6248 (2).

Casteldon kirk, 2110.

Castel Franco, 6106, 6375, 6785.

Castel Hymel, or Fineshede, prior of, p. 2698.

Castell, John, g. 137 (12), p. 82, p. 234, g. 961 (18), g. 1610 (11), 1939 (9), 4809, g. 5083 (6).
-, -, Th., g. 137 (10), g. 1136 (11), g. 1377 (16), g. 6803 (6).
-, -, Wm., g. 464 (27), g. 2927 (10).

Castellaccio, 1065.

Castellamare (Castellomar), Balthazar de Gratiis, bishop of, 5591, 6521, 6572.

Castellana, in Italy, 2615.

Castello, Hadrian de, (temp. Hen. VII.,) letter from, 5773 (3).

Castelmartyn, Pembroke, Wales, g. 6418 (6).

Castel Nove (Castrum Novum), in Italy, 2615, 4103.

Castelton, Rob., g. 137 (8), p. 234, g. 1049 (16), 1939 (9), g. 2002 (11).

Casthonia, 2589.

Castiglione, count Baldassare, Papal nuncio in Spain, 565, 609, 2260, 2667, 2826, 2833, 2877.
-, -, -, letters from, 2667, 2826, 2877.
-, -, -, letters to, 565, 609.

Castile, 276, 1296–7, 1378, p. 1610, 1391 (3), 1455, 1485, 2096, 2148, 2865, p. 1414, 3152, 3982, 5489 (2), 6379, 6321, 6528, 6761, App. 71.
-, -, king of. See Charles V.
-, -, emblem of, 2152.
-, -, council of, 3585.

Castile, the comendador major of. See Cobos, Fr. de los.
-, -, constable of, 146, 3897, 3982, App. 209.
-, -, president in, 6437.

Castilians, the, 3897.

Castillon. See Chatillon.

Castilman, John, g. 2132 (30).

Castimberg, James de, 5230, p. 2305.

Castleacre, deanery of, 971.
-, -, Th., prior of, p. 2699.

Castle Bernard, g. 1377 (10).

Castle Bromwich, 1688.

Castle Combe, Wilts, g. 5906 (20).

Castlecurre, Ireland, 1352 (2).

Castlemarch, N. Wales, 973.

Castle St. John, in Italy, 113.

Castlesourby, g. 3087 (und.)

Castlethorp, Hanneslap, Bucks, g. 4896 (28).

Castle Warning, Ireland, 1279.

Caston, dame Ann, 6034, 6039, 6061.

Castres, Mons. de, 1333.

Castro, in Italy, 3758.

Castrop, Linc., 367.

Castry Cabii, Bangor dioc., rector of, p. 2701

Catalonia, 357, 579, p. 263, 827, p. 615, p. 1618, 3898.
-, -, viceroy of, p. 263.

Catannyo, Carlo, 2814 (5).

Caterham, 2347, g. 3991 (15).

Catesby, _, 3216.
-, -, Edw., g. 961 (26), g. 2002 (11), 4914, g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Geo., 5870.
-, -, John, 293, g. 5748 (9).
-, -, Ric., App. 53.
-, -, Th., 2217 (3).
-, -, Wm., 3331, g. 4687 (1).

Catford, John, g. 5336 (12).

Cathedrals, erection of, 4921 (1), 5608, 5639.

Cather, Denis, 5501 (2).

Cathorpe, 1503.

Catilia, 711.

Catillion. See Chatillon.

Catlen, Th., 1091.

Catterick, Yorksh., 1942 (1), 6381.

Caton, bailiff of, 799.

Catteley, prior of, p. 2698.

Cattisayshe, Soms., 4536 ii.

Catton, Norf., 1366, 5404.
-, -, Yorksh., 294, 388 (3, 7, 13), 716 2474.

Catton, Rob., 1366.

Catts, Gerard, 1962 (3).

Catulo, Fr., of Brescia, 4883, 6657.
-, -, -, letter from, 5219.

Catzianer, John, 4863.

Caukewood, 6313.

Caulton, in Northumb. (?), 145.

Caunsfield, John, 1939 (8).

Cauriana, don Æmilius, 1064–5.

Causay or Causway. See Calceto.

Causton, Anne, 2844, 4229 (10).

Cavalcant or Cavalcanti, _, 3380 (3).
-, -, Bernard, 4662 (4).
-, -, John, 717, 1282, g. 1298 (und.), 1435, g. 1533 (11), 2453, g. 4321 (und.), 6604, 6748 (13).

Cavalcanti, the, 3763.

Cavalari (Cavaller or Cavallary), Ant., 273, 1729, 1939 (9), 2567, 3435, 4334, 5117 (1), 5330 ii., 5743, 5974, 6119, App. 55.
-, -, -, letters from, 4983, 5743 ii.
-, -, Elyn, letter from, 5120.
-, -, John, 3435.

Cave, Ant., 4388, 4481.
-, -, Edw., p. 236.
-, -, Eliz., g. 4896 (18).
-, -, John, g. 137 (18), p. 236, g. 895 (20), g. 2002 (11), g. 2927 (15), g. 5243 (26).

Cave, Ric., g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, -, letter from, 4388.
-, -, -, his cousin Rowland, 4388.
-, -, Tho., g. 4896 (18).
-, -, -, letter from, 4481.

Cavendish or Candish, Suff., p. 238, 2710.

Cavendish or Candish, Mr., 1396 (1), 4229 (9), 5052.
-, -, John, 1939 (11).
-, -, Ric., 47, 75, 94, 97, g. 287 (und.), 488 (2), 571, 685, 803, 821, 1261, 2751, 2995, 3276, 4778, App. 18.
-, -, -, his sig., 2995.
-, -, -, letter to, 488.
-, -, Th., 246, 613.
-, -, Wm., 269 (4).
-, - See Candishe.

Caversham, Th., 5520 (2).

Cavrill. See Cabrik.

Cawcy park side, 2370.

ca*wke, prior of, p. 2699.

Cawmond, Ric., 4545 ii.

Cawnton, Notts, p. 1699.
-, -, vicar of, p. 1699.

Cawood, 388 (6), 6558, 6748 (12, 15).
-, -, par. priest of, 6748 (15).

Cawodd, Gervase, letter from, 6315.

Cawpland, Ric., 799.
-, - See Coupland.

Cawston (Kawston), Norf., 5808.

Cawsy, Th., 136 (2).

Caxby, 6377.

Cayhir Donacske, in Ireland, 1352 (2).

Cayhir Namona, in Ireland, 1352 (2).

Caynho, Beds., 1309, g. 6751 (28), g. 6803 (11).

Caynini, D., 5234. See also Cagninus.

Cayrniss, And., 5086.

Cayrus, Adam, App. 132.

Ceccanum or Cechanum, 2843, 2907.

Cecil (Cicyll or Sicile), David, g. 213 (2), 1540, 1939 (9).
-, -, John, p. 867, g. 2599 (8).
-, -, Mistress, letter to, 6678.
-, -, -, her husband, 6678.
-, -, Ric., g. 1230 (1), g. 4687 (27).
-, -, Sir William, (temp. Eliz.) See Burghley.

Cedmenki, _, 2550 ii.

Cely, Geo., 1939 (8), g. 5243 (8).

Centron, 1495.

Centurio, Augustine, 463.

Ceprano or Seperano, 2715, 2870, 2907, 2912.

Ceresdon, Oxon, 1468.

Ceri, John Paul, 4498.

Ceri, Renzo de, (frequently called the Sieur Renzo or Rance,) 389, 732, 774, 1009, 1064, 1165, 1242, 1365, p. 1020, 2715–16, 2731, 2733, 2779, 2782 ii., 2842, 2870, 2875–6, 2890–1, 2899, 2908, 2910, 2919, 2921, 2928–9, 2971, 3001, 3024, 3062, 3090, 3114, 3116, 3405, 3441, 3476, 3497, 3561, 3802, 4498, 4663, 4776, 4792, 4833, 4836, 4851, 4905, 4942, 4996, 5013, 5041–2, 5139, 5157, 5202, 5270, 5315, 5321, 5344, 5348, 5352, 5380, 5448, 5579, 6290, App. 203, 232.
-, -, -, son of, 5061.

Cerne, Dorset, mon. of, 326.
-, -, abbot of, 436, 559.
-, - (Scerne) Th., abbot of, p. 2700.

Cerney, North, Glouc., 256.

Cervia, in Italy, 3598, 3683, 3715, 3768, 3824, 3947–8, 3989, 3996, 4089, p. 1822, 4168, 4171, 4368, 4374, 4391, 4409, 4430, 4447, 4487, 4642, 4655, 4681, 4683, 4736, 4745, 4857, p. 2105, 4898, 4929, 4942, 4956, 5016, 5028, 5038, 5050, 5063, 5133, 5230, p. 2305, 5270, 5421, 5584, 5595, 5637, 5689, 5709, 6101, App. 145, 147, 149, 158, 163, 177, 180, 196, 199, 206, 212, 224–6.

Cesanus, Gab. See Cæsano.

Cessford, in Scotland, 6274.
-, -, laird of. See Kerr, Andrew.

Cesis, card. de, 3114, 3693, 3788, 3802, 3995, 5230, 5477, 6362.

Cesse, duke de. See Sessa.

Cessia, the river. See Sesia.

Cestria (in Italy ?), 6106.

Chabannes (Chambanes), Marshal de, 773–4.

Chabot, Ph., &c., 3495.

Chace. See Chase.

Chacye, Wm., 366.

Chadelworthe, Berks, 1913, 2167, App. 103.
-, -, -, church of, p. 3069.

Chadenwyche, 4442 (5).

Chadlyngton, g. 6072 (24).

Chadsey or Chaddesley Corbet, g. 2002 (23), 6124.

Chadworth woods, Glouc., g. 6072 (24).

Chaffer closes, 388 (6).

Chafyn, Chr., 4479.
-, - or Chaffyn, Th., p. 233, g. 3991 (12), p. 2692, 6136.
-, -, -, letter from, 6136.

Chagford, Devon, g. 6248 (13).

Chailly, abbot of, p. 2896.

Chalcedonia, bishop of, p. 1350 note.

Chalcote, Geo., g. 4687 (8).
-, - or Chaldecote, Walt., p. 235, g. 1136 (18), p. 869, g. 2002 (6), 3587 (1), g. 6751 (24).
-, - See Caldecott.

Chalfon (?) _, 958 (2).

Chalford, Chalkforde, Oxon., 4471.

Chalforde of Wallingford, p. 3067.

Chalgrave, Oxon., 4471.

Chalk (Chelke), deanery of, 971.

Challers, Herts, g. 6731 (28).

Challyngton, Suss., g. 546 (6).

Challysworth, Geo., g. 6803 (11).

Chalmer, John, g. 5510 (und.)

Chalmor, Ric., g. 6490 (29).

Chalner, Dr., 5125.

Chalon, _ de, 4566.

Chaloner, master, 2527.
-, -, Rob., of Yorkshire, p. 237, 1285, g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (10), g. 6490 (20 Y.), 6515–16 (1), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Th., p. 82.

Chalons sur Saone (Shallon), p. 887.

Chalvedon, g. 1533 (12).

Chalwodley, John, p. 233.

Chalys, John, g. 1945 (30).

Chambanes. See Chabannes.

Chamber, treasurer of the, 4632. See Wyat, Sir Hen.: Tuke, Brian.

Chamber, the Apostolic, auditor of. See Ghinnucci.

Chamber (or Chambers), Dr., p. 795, 1939 (4, 6), 3748, 4125, 4409, 4442 (1), 4877, 6679.
-, -, Agnes, 5508 (1).
-, -, Alice, 5508 (1).
-, -, Brian, 5508 (1).
-, -, Edw., 1939 (9).
-, -, Eliz., 5508 (1).
-, -, (Chambre,) Geoff., 5330 i.
-, -, Hen., g. 5748 (12).
-, -, John, 1939 (8), g. 5083 (22), g. 5406 (1), p. 2698, g. 6654 (30), p. 3047.
-, - or Chambur, Rob., 3544, g. 5046 (1), p. 3047, App. 176.
-, -, Th., 4029 (2), 4242.
-, -, Wm., 136 (2), p. 234, 1778, 2811.

Chambers, _, poulterer, 3379.

Chamber. See Camber.

Chamberi (Shambery), in Savoy, 1382, 2821, 5152, 5677, 6375.
-, -, letters dated at, 542, 5073.

Chamberlain, the, 6432.

Chamberlain, Great, of England, earl of Oxford, 2713.

Chamberlain, the lord, 2406, 2597. See Sands, William lord: Worcester, Charles earl of.

Chamberlain, lord, office of, 1580.

Chamberlain, the Queen's lord, 1939 (4, 6).

Chamberlain or Chamberleyn, _, 2006, 4321, 4342, App. 176.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 176.
-, -, Edw., p. 236, 6516 (1).
-, -, Sir Edw., g. 137 (12), p. 234, 819, g. 1049 (24), 1091, g. 2002 (11), p. 2692, 6792.
-, -, John, 366.
-, -, Leon., 1091, g. 6072 (15).
-, -, Th., 1965.
-, -, Wm., p. 3047.

Chamborn, John, 1939 (11).

Chambort, letter dated, 2495.

Chamburne, _, 3759.

Chamerlyn, Pat., 558.

Chameley, Rog., 3032.

Chamlegh, Devon, deanery of, 971-

Chamley, Ric., 4711.

Chamound or Chamond, John, g. 137 (18), p. 235, 819, g. 1136 (12), 1795, g. 2002 (6), 2672, g. 3991 (12), 4914, g. 5510 (und.), g. 6072 (9), g. 6490 (20), 6598 (2), g. 6751 (24), g. 6803 (4).
-, -, Sir John, g. 1533 (11), g. 4445 (23).
-, -, Th., g. 6751 (24).

Champagne, 463, 1275, 1320, 5133.

Champeney, John, 3086 (2), 4633.

Champernon, Ph., p. 2 33, 819, 1795, 2672, g. 5510 (und.), g. 6490 (20 Exet.)
-, -, Sir Ph., g. 6803 (4).

Champion, _, 6377, p. 3064, pp. 3066–8.
-, -, Laur., 5934.

Champnes, Sir John, 969 (3).
-, -, Th., g. 2927 (15), 5508 (1), g. 5510 (23).

Champney, Pet., 1939 (8).

Chancellor, lord. See Wolsey, Thomas: More, Sir Thomas.

Chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 103, 1939 (6). See also More, Sir Thos.: Fitzwilliam, Sir W.
-, -, the Queen's, 1939 (6).
-, - of Scotland. See Beton, James: Angus, Archd. earl of.

Chancery, keeper of the records of, (or master of the Rolls). See Hanniball, Thos.: Tayler, John.
-, -, the six clerks of, g. 3991 (5), g. 4801 (19), 5772, 6748 (15).
-, -, masters of, 4261, 6082.
-, -, spigurnel or sealer in, g. 6709 (17).
-, -, notary or prothonotary of, g. 6803 (21).

Chandoyse, _, 6375.

Chaney. See Cheneye.

Channy ?, letter dated at, 5771.

Chanterell, Nich., 970.
-, - See Chaun erell.

Chantilly (Shantely), 3309, 3466, 5913, 6563, 6565, App. 141.
-, -, letter dated at, 3466 (1).

Chantry goods, 527.

Chapel, Derby, g. 546 (21).

Chapel Brampton, Northampt., p. 673 note.

Chapel Royal, g. 895 (5).
-, -, minister of the, g. 6248 (14).
-, -, dean of the, See Sampson, Ric.
-, -, gentlemen of the, 1941, g. 2132 (und.), g. 2218 (12), g. 2927 (26), g. 4954, g. 5336 (12).

Chapelle, _ de la, prothonotary, 5016, 5231, App. 187, 190, 192, 195, 200, 219, 231–2.

Chaplain, Bob. 6467.

Chapman, Hen., 4545 ii.
-, -, Hugh, p. 237.
-, -, John, p. 238, 4029 (1), 4218, 4254 (3).
-, -, Ric., 4029 (1), 4545 ii.
-, -, Rob., 83 (2), g. 4993 (9), p. 2691.
-, -, Th., p. 237, 691.
-, -, Wm., 6144.
-, - See Wilkins.

Chapuys, Eustace, Imperial ambassador, 5889, 5958, 6026, 6199, 6560, 6738, 6757.
-, -, -, letters from, 6026, 6199, 6738, 6737.

Chard, Somers., 929, 5100.
-, -, curate of, 929.

Chard, Th., 2476.
-, -, Wm., jun., p. 2692.

Chargerye (Hargerie), _ la, App. 181.

Charingdon, p. 3065.

Charkle, Hen., App. 1.

Charlecote, 5870.

Charles V., Emperor of Germany and King of Spain, 7, 8, 14, 17, 18, 26–7, 30, 36, 38, 40, 50–1, 53, 59, 61, 68–9, 88, 92–3, 101–2, 109–10, 113–4, 121, 134 (2), 146, 158, 170, 173–8, 184–8, 199, 200, 206, 209, 229, 233, 253, 261–2, 268, 270–1, 276, 285, 293, 295 (2), 296, 301, 305, 307, 320, 333, 335–6, 347, 349–51, 355–7, 360, 362–3, 365, 375, 379–80, g. 390 (4), 392, 394–5, 398, 401, 408, 410, 416, 420–4, 438, 440–1, 444, 446, 458, 463, 483, 495, 500, 502–5, 510, 542–3, 552, 555, 566–8, 574, 578–30, 583, 586, 589–90, 596, 605–7, 609–10, 632, 642, 645–6, 648, 652, 653 (2, 3), 654, 669, 671, 675, 677–8, 684, 698, 706, 711, 718–20, 724–5, 732, 735, 747, 751–2, 760–1, 764–5, 767, 769, 776–7, 779–80, 788, p. 355, 795, 824–7, 837, 839, 840, 841, 843, 853, 872, 897 (2), 905, 910, 911, 912, 924–5, 930, 931, 934, 936, 937, 939, 940, 950, 982, 992, 994, 997, 1002, 1009–10, 1015–16, 1018, 1022, 1026, 1836, 1038–9, 1045–6, 1052–5, 1059–60, 1061 ii., 1063, 1066, 1070, 1072, 1074–5, 1077–9, 1083, p. 476, p. 478, p. 479, 1092, 1098, 1107–8, 1120–21, 1123, 1127, 1131–2, 1148–9, 1152–4, 1159–60, 1164, 1169, 1177, 1186, 1189, 1190, 1197, 1203, 1208 ii., 1209, 1211, 1212 (1 to 9), 1213–16, 1219, 1229, 1233, 1236–8, 1240, 1242, 1245, 1247–51, 1255–7, 1274, 1280, 1282, 1286–7, 1290, 1296–7, 1301 (1, 2), 1302–4, 1307, 1318, 1320, 1322, 1326, 1336–7, 1339, 1346, 1351, 1357, 1364 ii., 1365, 1369–71, 1375 i. ii. iv., 1376, 1378–83, 1390, 1391 (2, 3), 1392, 1400–1, 1404–8, 1409 (2), 1410, 1413–14, 1418–19, 1421–3, 1425–6, 1430, 1439–44, 1452–4, 1456, 1462–4, 1474–7, 1479–80, 1483–5, 1488–91, 1493–5, 1498, 1504, 1516, 1520–1, 1523, 1525, 1528, 1532, 1534, 1536–7, 1549, 1556–7, 1558 (3), 1559, 1562–3, 1569, 1582–6, 1589, 1598, 1624–32, 1633 ii., 1635, 1643, 1647–8, 1652, 1655–8, 1666, 1684, 1687, 1689, 1697, 1699, 1702, 1705, 1709–10, 1719, 1722–3, 1730, 1734, 1735 (2), 1737, 1748–9, 1758–9, 1761, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1771, 1775, 1777, 1780–1, 1783, 1789, 1798–9, 1800–2, 1805–6, 1811–12, 1815, 1819, 1824, 1831–2, 1835, 1837–9, 1850–1, 1866–8, 1871, 1875–6, 1883–5, 1889, 1891 (6, 7), 1894, 1899, 1902, 1905, 1914, 1916–17, 1920, 1923–6–8, 1931–4, 1937–8, 1946, 1950, 1955–7, 1959, 1963, 1967, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1981, 1986–8, 1999, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2021–3, 2025, 2033–4, 2039–40, 2051, 2053, 2055, 2058, 2061, 2068, 2078, 2091–2, 2094–9, 2103, 2111 ii., 2112, 2115, 2117, 2133, 2135, 2140, 2143–4, 2148, 2154–5, 2160, 2165 ii., 2172–4, 2182–3, 2185, 2189–90, 2195–6, 2202, 2209, 2213, 2215, 2221, 2227–8, 2232, 2237–9, 2241, 2243, 2245–7, 2249, 2251, 2259, 2260, 2262–4, 2267, 2269, 2271 ii., 2273–6, 2282, 2285, 2289, 2290, 2296–7, 2300, 2302, 2304–5, 2309, 2314–15, 2317, 2320, 2325, 2332, 2345, 2349–50, 2352, 2363, 2369, 2376, 2382, 2388–90, 2399, 2403, p. 1077, 2410, 2416–17, 2443, 2445, 2451, 2455–6, 2462, 2470, pp. 1102–4, 2471–3, 2477–8, 2480–1, 2485–6, 2488–9, 2493–4, 2497, 2500, 2503, 2505, 2509–11, 2524, 2530–1, 2533, 2536, 2547–9, 2556, 2566, 2569–71, 2573–4, 2585–6, 2591, 2596 ii., 2600–2, 2604–6, 2626, 2628–30, 2633, 2638, 2640, 2642, 2646, 2651–2, 2657–8, 2662–7, 2670–1, 2674, 2676, 2679–85, 2687–8, 2693, 2698–9, 2700, 2703, 2704 i. ii., 2705–7, 2709, 2711 (2), 2715, 2716 ii., 2718–19, 2721, 2723, 2726–8, 2732, 2737, 2741, 2763 2764 ii., 2773–4, 2780, 2782 ii., 2785, 2790, 2797, 2804, 2809–10, 2812–13, 2814 (1), 2816, 2819–21, 2823, 2825, 2827, 2828 (2), 2829, 2831–4, 2842, 2852, 2856, 2859–60, 2863–4, 2870–1, 2873–5, 2878–9, 2883–4, 2886–7, 2892, 2894, 2898, 2903, 2907, 2910, 2912, 2913 (2), 2914–15, 2917, 2919, 2921, 2929–31, 2934, 2938, 2942–4, 2948, p. 1320, 2950–2, 2959, 2961–2, 2966, 2971, 2974, 2981, 2986–8, 3001, 3003 i. ii., 3009, 3012–13, 3016, 3023, 3025–6, 3028, 3030, 3040–2, 3046–8, 3050–2, 3055 ii., 3063, 3065–7, 3071, 3075–6, 3077 i., 3080–1, 3088, 3091–2, 3099, 3101, 3105, 3112, 3114–16, 3128, 3130, 3132, 3136–7, 3143–5, 3151, 3152 (1, 2), 3167 (1), 3169, 3173, 3179, 3181, 3186 (1, 5, 6), 3191, 3200–1, 3297, 3225, 3228, 3243, 3245, 3247, 3262–3, 3268, 3270–4, 3283, 3284 (1, 2), 3285–7, 3290–1, 3298, 3308, 3310–13, 3319, 3321–2, 3327, 3330, 3332–3, 3337 (1), 3339–41, 3343, 3350, 3353, 3355, 3356 (3), 3361–4, 3366, 3374–6, 3381, 3387 3391, 3393, 3400, 3411, 3412 (1, 2, 3), 3413–15, 3417, p. 1550, p. 1551, 3427, 3429–31, 3434, 3436 (1), 3441, 3443 (1, 2), 3444 (1, 2), 3445, 3453–5, 3457, 3464, 3473, 3476, 3482, 3484–5, 3497–8, 3504, 3509, 3512–15, 3518–19, 3523, 3529, 3531–2, 3541 (1, 5), 3550, 3556, 3558, 3561, 3568, 3571, 3578, 3585–6, 3594–7, 3599, 3602–3, 3605, 3621, 3632, p. 1636, 3661, 3672, 3687, 3690–1, 3707, 3715, 3749–51, 3758, 3770, 3783, 3788, 3792, 3799, 3800–2, 3808, 3813, 3826, 3327 (1, 2, 3), 3828, 3831, 3837, 3839, 3844, 3857, 3870, 3873, 3876–7, 3879–80, 3885, 3889, 3894–8, 3900, pp. 1742–3, 3916, 3928, 3939–40, 3947–8, 3951, 3956–9, 3966, 3976–7, 3982, 3989, 3992–3, 3996, 4002, 4008–9, 4011, 4019, 4024–5, 4034–6, 4049, 4050 (1, 2), 4063, 4066, 4069, 4071, 4080, 4108–10, p. 1820, 4123, 4128, 4147, 4153, 4155–7, 4164, p. 1841, 4168, 4171–2, 4182, 4206–7, 4212, 4244, 4266, 4269–71, 4285–6, 4288, 4292, 4312, 4341, 4343, 4368–70, 4373, 4376, 4377 (1), 4378 (5), 4385, 4389–91, 4400, 4409, 4426, 4431, 4440, g. 4445 (22), 4446, 4448, 4451, 4493–4, 4511, 4515–16, 4523, 4535, 4540, 4559, 4563–6, 4568–9, 4578–80, 4596, 4625–6, 4636–7, 4642, 4644, 4649, 4655, 4662, (7), 4666, 4668, 4672, 4677, 4694, 4714, 4721–5, 4736–7, 4743–4, 4771, 4776–7, 4785–7, 4792, 4800, 4802, 4810, 4813, 4825, 4842, 4849, 4851–4, 4857–8, 4865, 4871, 4875, 4878, 4881, 4886, 4892, 4897, 4899, 4900, 4908–11, 4919–20, 4924, 4928–9, 4941–2, 4945, 4947–8, 4957, 4961–2, 4977–8, 4981, 4988, 4990–1, 4994, 4996, 5000 (2), 5001–2, 5004, 5014, 5016, 5018, 5027–8, 5039, 5041–2, 5044, 5050–1, 5053–4, 5061–3, 5065, 5067, 5072–3, 5078, 5081, 5133, 5138–40, 5150, 5154 i. ii., 5155–6, 5163–6, 5171, 5173–5, 5177, 5179–80, 5192, 5197, 5201, 5205, 5207–9, 5211 i. ii., 5213–14, 5222, 5225, p. 2305, 5240, 5255, 5258, 5260–1, 5266–7, 5270, 5277–9, 5282 (2), 5283–4, 5289, 5292, 5298–9 (1, 2), 5301, 5306–7, 5311–12, 5314, 5322 (1–5), 5323 (1–5), 5327–8, 5333, 5335, 5338, 5340, 5342, 5346, 5351–2, 5355–6, 5370, 5375, 5379–80, 5385, 5387, 5390, 5393, 5395–7, 5401, 5403, g. 5406 (29), 5417, 5420–1, 5423, 5425, 5427–8, 5434, 5438, 5440–42, 5447, 5449–52, 5454–5, 5457, 5461, 5468–71, 5473, 5475–8, 5480, 5482–7, 5489–90, 5493, 5494, 5499, 5500–1 (2), 5509, 5512, 5514, 5517–18, 5523, 5529, 5531, 5534, 5535–6, 5538, 5544, 5551, 5554, 5562, 5564, 5566–7, 5570, 5572, 5577, 5579, 5581–2–3–4, 5591, 5595, 5597–8–9, 5601, 5604, 5606, 5610, 5618–21, 5628–33, 5636, 5641, 5645–6, 5649–51, 5654–5, 5659, 5665, 5670–1–2, 5675–6–7–8–9, 5681, 5683, 5687–8, 5690, 5701–2–3–4, 5707, 5713, 5722–3, 5725, 5735, 5737, 5739–40, 5742, 5744 (1 to 6), 5745, 5749, p. 2556, 5756, 5762, 5764–6, 5771, 5773 (1), 5779–80, 5784, 5789, 5796–7, 5801–3, 5814, 5821–2, 5824, 5827, 5829 plur., 5832–3, 5836, 5839–41, 5845–6, 5848, 5853–4, 5856, 5858, 5864–5, 5873–4, 5877, 5882, 5885, 5887, 5889–93, 5895, 5897, 5899, 5905, 5909, 5911, 5913, 5919, 5921–3, 5927, 5931, 5937–8 (1, 2), 5942–3, 5945, 5957–9, 5961, 5963 (1, 2) i. iv., 5969, 5980, 5982, 5984, 5991–2, 5995, 6002–3, 6007–9, 6018–21, 6026, 6032, 6049, 6053, 6056–7, 6065, 6068–9, 6073–4, 6087, 6089, 6092, 6101 (1–4), 6103, 6105–6, 6109, 6111, 6122, 6127, 6142, 6147, 6152, 6154–5 (1, 3), 6158, 6161, 6165, 6169–70, 6177 (1, 2), 6179, 6189, 6192–3, 6196, 6199, 6205, 6215 (1), 6227–8 (2) 6229, 6231, 6235, 6241–2, 6244–5, 6254–5, 6257–8, 6265–6, 6268, 6273, 6280–1, 6284–5, 6290, 6293, 6297, 6300, 6304, 6307, 6310, 6312, 6318–19, 6321, 6323, 6328, 6338, 6355, 6359, 6369, 6372, 6375, 6378–80, 6387, 6392–3, 6399, 6405–6, 6408, 6411, 6413, 6421–3, 6437, 6440–2, 6444–5, 6449–54, 6468, 6470, 6472, 6476–80, 6498, 6503, 6507, 6511, 6514, 6520–1, 6526–8, 6531, 6533–8, 6550–1, 6557, 6559–60, 6562, 6565, 6571, 6573, 6581 (1–3), 6591–4, 6606, 6610, 6617–18, 6626, 6633–5, 6637, 6640, 6642, 6660–2, 6667–70, 6672–3, 6675, 6684–5, 6690–2, 6694, 6697, 6699, 6700, 6704, 6710 (2), 6715, 6717, 6719–20, 6723, 6728, 6730–1, 6733–4, 6737–9, 6742–5, 6752–3, 6757–9, 6761, 6765–7, 6770, 6773–4, 6778, 6780, p. 3069, 6789 (3), App. 4, 10, 15, 21, 27–8, 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, 49, 69, 71, 75, 81–2, 86, p. 3108, 89, 94–5, 104–7, 112, 116, 121, 123–4, 127, 130, 136, 139–41, 144, 147–9, 153–4, 158, 160, 162–4, 167–70, 173–4, 177–8, 180–1, 183 185–6, 192, 196, 199, 200, 203, 206 212, 214, 223–4, 226, 232, 240, 253, 261, 269.
-, -, -, letters from, 175–6, 194–5, 349, 350, 579, 632, 678, 735, 752, 930–1, 1059, 1208 ii., 1213–14, 1257, 1304, 1364 ii, 1441–2, 1453, 1532, 1559, 1562, 1583–5, 1589, 1626, 1851, 1889, 1914, 1920, 1924–5, 1981–6, 2051, 2061, 2488, 2505, 2663–6, 2676, 2825, 3308, 3312, 3332, 3393, 3457, 3464, 3515, 3519, 3596, 3876, 3896, 3916, 4722, 4785, 4991–2, 5266–7, 5299, 5301, 5312, 5327, 5346, 5468, 5551, 5937, 5938 (2), 5958, 6142, 6152, 6369, 6477, 6507, 6535, 6538, 6634, 6761, App. 21.
-, -, -, letters to, 63–4, 113, 224, 305, 583, 747, 769, 776, 1061 ii., 1209, 1229, 1274, 1405–6, 1426, 1658, 1710, 1767, 1780, 1950, 2185, 2249, 2276, 3191, 3417, 3792, 3808, 4910, 5081, 5154 i. ii., 5177, 5255, 5298–99 (2), 5355, 5379, 5397, 5417, 5485, 5500–1, 5529, 5534, 5599, 5630, 5687, 5803, 5827, 5846, 5854, 5877, 5909, 5919, 5927, 5938 (1), 5959, 5980, 5984, 5991–2, 6020, 6026, 6049, 6199, 6284, 6312, 6321, 6338, 6359, 6378–9, 6392, 6399, 6408, 6421–2, 6437, 6440–2, 6452–4, 6468, 6476, 6478–9, 6498, 6503, 6514, 6520–1, 6528, 6533–4, 6536–7, 6550, 6573, 6591–2, 6606, 6610, 6617, 6660–1, 6668, 6675, 6685, 6690–2, 6700, 6715, 6723, 6737–9, 6742–3, 6753, 6757–8, 6765–7, 6770, 6773, App. 27–8, 47, 49, 269.
-, -, -, has tertian and quartain fever, 671, 678, 732, 780.
-, -, -, commissions and instructions, &c. of, 174, 209, 333, 351, 2662, 2684, 2834, 3879, 5438, 5889, App. 4.
-, -, -, sign, token, or seal of, 174–6, 2666, 3515, 5889.
-, -, -, in treaties, &c., 365, 379, 1212 (1 to 9), 1477, 1558, 1891, 4625, 4668, 4771, 5509, 5737, 5739, 5744 (1 to 6), 5745, 5829, 6087, 6155, 6704.
-, -, -, propositions made to, 3413.
-, -, -, his relations with the Earl of Desmond, 5322, 5619–20.
-, -, -, acquittance to, of debts of Maximilian to Hen. VII., 6231.
-, -, -, his movements, 30, 146, 578.
-, -, -, his army in Italy, 121.
-, -, -, his journey into Italy, 5672.
-, -, -, defiance of, by Francis I., 3827, 3844, 4108 (1, 2), 4451, 4909.
-, -, -, marriage of, 2022, 2098, 2726.
-, -, -, his Empress. See Isabella.
-, -, -, his family, 2671, 3016, 3191, p. 1619, 3982, 5139, 5197, 5312, 5779, 6142, App. 186.
-, -, -, his natural daughters, 2022, 2737, 2860, p. 1370, 5535.
-, -, -, his brother. See Ferdinand.
-, -, -, his sisters, p. 141 note, 356, 578–80, 632, 780, 1283, 1379, 1410, 1443, 1528, 1589, 4941, 5044, 5258, 5289, 5452. See Katharine: Eleanor: Mary, Queen of Hungary.
-, -, -, his bastard uncle, 5240.
-, -, -, his niece. See Mary of Portugal.
-, -, -, his coronation, 6241–2, 6244, 6273, App. 253.
-, -, -, a plate with an image of, p. 3069.
-, -, -, owns a jewel called the Fleur de Lis, 5982.
-, -, -, his agent at Rome, 511, 765, 4666, 5417, 5641, 6633.
-, -, -, his ambassadors at Padua, 6540, 6633.
-, -, -, - to Bourbon, 17.
-, -, -, - to Éngland, 30, 349, 1083, 1154, 1163, 1190, 1203, 1257, 1390, 4002, 4011, 4018, 4389, 4391, 5173–4, 5351, 5942, 5995, 6560, 6672.
-, -, -, his ambassadors in England, letters to, 1163, 1257.
-, -, -, - in France, 5423, 5473, p. 2896.
-, -, -, - in the Low Countries, p. 2896 note.
-, -, -, - at Venice, 6501, 6581, 6702, 6713.
-, -, -, his commissioners for the affairs of Denmark, 747.
-, -, -, his sec. at Genoa, 5921.
-, -, -, English ambassadors to, 3429, 3431, 5299 (1, 2), 6069.
-, -, -, -, letter from, 5299 (2).
-, -, -, -, letter to, 5299 (1).
-, -, -, Florentine ambassador with, 680.
-, -, -, nuncio with, 4871, 6372.
-, -, -, -, letter to, 706.
-, -, -, his audiencer. See Blioul, Laur. du.
-, -, -, his chancellor. See Gattinara, Mercurin de.
-, -, -, his vice-chancellor, 4639.
-, -, -, comptroller of his household, 5473.
-, -, -, his chamberlain. See Rosimbos.
-, -, -, his chaplain. See Fernandez, Gonsalvo.
-, -, -, his confessor. See Loaysa, Garcia.
-, -, -, -, seal of, 5307.
-, -, -, his secretaries. See Almain, John: Barres, Wm. des: Maximilian: Sauche, John de la.
-, -, -, first secretary to. See Blioul.
-, -, -, notary of, 5487, 5489.
-, -, -, his president, 2987, 6765.
-, -, -, - of the Chancery, 5306.
-, -, -, his lieutenant, 684, 1719.
-, -, -, his chief physician, 1799.
-, -, -, councillor and master of requests to, 2345.
-, -, -, his chief esquire, 2601.
-, -, -, his artillery, master of, 2300, 2751.
-, -, -, great master, 1190, 1387, p. 1610, 1484–5, 1488, 1972.
-, -, -, master of his household, 2638.
-, -, -, his council, App. 112.
-, -, -, his council of Flanders, 3595, 4569 (2), 4578, 4580, 4640, 5000 (2), 5562.

Charles duke of Gueldres, 3443, 3446.

Charles VIII. of France, 1701 iii.
-, -, -, his sister, Madame de Beaujeu, 1367.

Charles Martel, p. 858.

Charleton, Soms., g. 5406 (5).
-, - See Cherleton.

Charleton, Ric., p. 234.
-, -, Sir Ric., g. 297 (28), g. 2002 (27), g. 2218 (9), g. 3869 (27), g. 5815 (4), g. 6418 (28), g. 6490 (6).
-, -, Wm., of Lee Hall, in the North, under bailiff, 5085.
-, -, -, in com. to make inquisitions co. Salop, g. 5624 (18).
-, - See Charlton.

Charleton's lands, Tottenham, Middx., g. 5336 (24).

Charlez, Nether, 5026, 5076.

Charley, John, 245.

Charlton, Kent, 72, g. 3087 (und.), g. 5624 (1).
-, -, near Dover, App. 89.
-, -, Worc., 327.

Charlton, Clement, 3975.
-, -, Edw., 1517 ii., 3975.
-, -, -, of Hesilside, 5085.
-, -, Gerard, 1429.
-, -, Gib of the Bowght Hill, 3975.
-, - or Cherlton, Hector, 1289, 1429.
-, -, Hugh, 328.
-, -, John, 1517 ii., 2176.
-, -, Nich., 1429.
-, -, Rauf, 3975.
-, -, Rog., 346, 405, 482.
-, -, Th., of Carroteith, 328, 346, 405, 482, 1223, 3975.
-, -, Wm., of Bellingham, 328, 346, 409, 482.
-, -, -, of the North, 2176.
-, -, -, late of Shotlyngton, 3849.
-, -, -, brother of Gib of the Bowght Hill, 3975.

Charltons, the, Border family, 405, 3383, 4336 (3).

Charmouth, Dorset, 5100.

Charpaigne, _, 1783.

Charpentier, Jehan, 670 ii.

Charolois (Charloys), 1891, 1963, 3430–1, 3443–4, 4341, 4636.

Charte, Parva, g. 5815 (28).

Charte, Mother, 4850.

Charteley, letters dated at, 1872, 1887, 2201.

Charteley. See Ferrers, lord.

Charteris, And., 3017.

Chartres, 2606.
-, -, bp. of, 2416.

Chase, John, 6683, 6708, App. 252 iii.
-, -, Wm., 136.

Chaseman, Rob., 969 (4).

Chasse, _, 6124.

Chasteauvieux, _, 1797.

Chastel or Chasteau, Jaques du, Imperial courier, 186, 305, 340, 761, 1256, 2943, 2948.

Chastelchinon (?), 3430.

Chastellet, 4784.

Chateauneuf, 1938 ii.

Chatellerault, 1938 ii.

Chaton, Matt., 5489 (2).

Chatesham, 1834 (2), 4424, 5076, 5526.

Chatillon, 6375.

Chatillon, (Catillion, Shatillion,) Mons. de, 3485, 3567, 3965, 3976, 3987, 4026, 4954–5, 5064, 5197, 5380, 5633, App. 120, 124, 126–8, 141, 144, 154, 156, 163, 192, 202.
-, -, his elder brother, 3548.

Chatina, castle of, in Valencia, 1485.

Chators, the, Border family, 4336 (2).

Chatwyn, Ph., 1939 (8).

Chaucombe, Th. prior of, p. 2698.

Chauffer, Ric., p. 2224.

Chaulor, John, 955 (1).

Chault or Chaulx, La. See Sauche.

Chauncy, Gerard, g. 390 (26).
-, -, (Chauncey), Hen., g. 5624 (10), g. 6187 (12).
-, -, John, p. 239.

Chaundler, Wm., g. 1533 (12), 6438, p. 3047.

Chaunet, M., 1830.

Chaunterell, Ric., 2217 (1, 5).

Chaunterell, Rob., g. 390 (2), p. 239, g. 961 (12), g. 1377 (12), g. 1610 (11), g. 2002 (11), 3587 (2), 3665 (2), g. 5083 (6, 11), g. 5748 (28).
-, - See Chanterell.

Chauntrell, Hugh, g. 3991 (26).
-, -, Isab., g. 3991 (26).

Chaury or Chawry, Marg., prioress of Cheshunt, p. 152, p. 154, 368.

Chauser, Tho., letter from, 5160.

Chaussin, 3430.

Chawe, La. See Sauche.

Chaworth, Geo., g. 137 (12).

Chawsey, Wm., g. 6072 (13).

Checheley, Rob., g. 2362 (6).

Chechely, Th., 819, g. 1377 (16), 1795, g. 6803 (6).

Chedder (Somerset), 6124.

Cheddon Fitz Paine, 3380 (7).

Chedstan, 5076.

Chedsey, 1854.

Chegeley. See Chicheley.

Cheingher, Hen., 4112.

Cheke, Wm., 4188.

Chekke, Sir John, p. 149.

Chekynge, John, letters from, 4314, 4433, 4560, 4837, 4906, 4916, 5757, 6219, 6722.

Chelismore (Warw.), g. 137 (6), g. 464 (7), g. 1676 (20), g. 2218 (15).
-, -, steward, &c. of, g. 1860 (10).

Chelke. See Chalk.

Chelmershe, Salop, g. 6187 (17).

Chelmondiston (Suffolk), 4424, 5076.

Chelmsford, 966, 1321, 6128, 6489, g. 6490 (28).

Chelnam. See Cheltenham.

Chelsea. See London.

Chelsham, Surr., p. 989.

Chelsyn, Herts, g. 3540 (21).

Cheltenham (Chelnam), Glouc., 4442 (5).

Cheltenham, Rob., g. 6038 (9).

Chempton, g. 2132 (27).

Chenye, Cheyne, &c.:
-, -, Sir _, g. 4896 (2).
-, -, lady, 3005.
-, -, Anne, 2757
-, -, Fran., 4442.
-, -, Sir Fran., 5020.
-, -, John, p. 235, g. 1136 (4), g. 1377 (16), g. 2065(19), g. 2218 (12), 5020, g. 5510 (und.), g. 6490 (20 Ayl.), g. 6751 (24 Bucks, Berks), App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letter from, 4988.
-, -, Sir John, g. 693 (13).
-, -, Laur., p. 237, 3005.
-, -, -, his wife, 3005.
-, -, Rob., p, 235.
-, -, Sir Tho., p. 235, 1261, g. 1466 (16), 1795, p. 860, p. 863, 1939 (4), g. 2002 (11), 2037, 2039, 2042, 2044, 2075, 2079, 2087, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2102, 2115, 2135, 2136, 2142, 2148, 2163, 2183, 2194, 2197, 2205, 2206, 2243, 2257, 2672, 2757, p. 1331, g. 3008 (12), p. 1404, 3581, 3619, 4026, 4081, 4422, 4429, 4440, 4456, 4584, 4710, g. 4896 (2, 14), g. 5083 (2), 5210, 5341, 5461, g. 6038 (2), App. pp. 3104, 3107–8.
-, -, -, letters from, 2075, 2087, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2115, 2135, 2136, 2183, 2194.
-, -, -, letters to, 2102, 2148, 2197, 4026.
-, -, Wm., g. 6751 (9).

Chepstow, John, prior of, p. 2701.

Chepyngton, 5085.

Chereton, John, g. 6248 (13).

Cherington. See Churton.

Cheriton, Devon, g. 5510 (und.)

Cheriton, Hants, rectory of, 6748 (16).

Cherleton als. Cherleton Camvyle, Charleton Cammyll, or Southcherleton, Soms., g. 6135 (6).

Cherry Burton, Yorks., 1942 (3).

Chertsey (Surrey), 2407, g. 6709 (13).
-, -, mon. of St. Peter, g. 612 (13), g. 2362 (4), g. 2599 (5), 5522, 5627, g. 6709 (28).
-, -, abbot of, 5522, 5627, g. 5748 (4), 5782, 6438.
-, -, John, abbot of, p. 2697.

Chery, Hen., p. 796.

Chesam. See Cheseholm.

Cheselet, Th., g. 6072 (13).

Cheseman, John, p. 233.
-, -, Rob., g. 5083 (16), 6516 (1), 6598 (1).

Cheseholm or Chesam, John, 813, 818, 1372, 1396 (1), 1592, 3396, 5718.

Cheshire, p. 82, p. 84, 972, 1200, g. 1230 (23), 1941, 2672, 3762, 5124, 5508 (1), g. 6542 (14), 6721.
-, -, officers of, 1941.

Cheshunt or Chesthunt, Herts, g. 213 (17), 367, p. 673 note, 4038, 4229 (4, 7), 4577 (1, 2), 5076, 6330, 6516 (15).
-, -, prioress of, (Marg. Chawry,) p. 152, p. 154, 368.
-, -, vicar of, 368.

Chesley, Berks, 1913 (1).

Chesnaie, Nich. de la, letter from, App. 249.

Chessyll, John, p. 236.

Chessynden, Kent, 1931 (2).

Chestane, 5076.

Chester, g. 787 (28), 1795, 1939 (8), 1941, 2431, g. 2673 (3), 3139, 3205, 3534, 4017, g. 6542 (14), App. 235 (1, 2).
-, -, letters dated at, 2431, App. 235 (1).
-, -, officers of, 1941, 2254, g. 3087 (und.), g. 6363 (13).
-, -, St. Mary's, 1989 ii.
-, -, -, prioress of, 1565, 1594.
-, -, St. Werburg, abbot of, 1989 (ii.), 6075.
-, -, -, John Byrchenshawe, abbot of, 160, g. 546 (19), 1278, p. 2700, 6411.
-, -, -, Tho. Highfeld, abbot of, g. 297 (14), g. 546 (19), 1278, 3528.
-, -, -, Th. Marshall, abbot of, 3669, 4096.
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, p. 2700.
-, -, archdeacons of, jurisdiction of, g. 546 (19).
-, -, dean and deanery of, 971, 5384 (2).
-, -, lieut. justice of, App. 207.
-, -, chamberlain and escheator of, App. 235 (2).
-, -, collector of, 5384 (2).
-, -, castle of, 611.
-, -, bishop of. See Coventry and Lichfield.

Chester Herald, g. 1533 (11).

Chester, West, 1989 ii.

Chester, Wm., 1577 (12).

Chesterfield, g. 3213 (5).
-, -, vicar of, 4912.

Chesterton, deanery of, 4351.
-, -, Staff., App. 245 (2).

Chestfeld in Swalclif, 72.

Chesyngbery Priors, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Chett. See Cheyt.

Chetham, Ric., 147.
-, -, Th., 147.

Chetinglie, Suss., g. 546 (6).

Chetten ch., Heref. dioc., g. 5510 (und.)

Chettisham, Suff., 1833, 2167 (3), 4229 (1), 5076.

Chetwood, prior of, p. 2698.

Chetwyn, Wm., p. 235.

Chevall, _, daughter of, 4546.

Chevance, M. de, 4827.

Cheverell, Th., g. 2991 (28).

Cheverton, Ric., p. 237.

Cheyne. See Chenye.

Cheyt (or Chett), Yorkshire, p. 237, g. 2132 (und.), 3581.
-, -, letters dated at, 3915, 4838.

Chiaro (Clari), 2288.

Chiavari, 3336.

Chiaveluti, Pietro, 5479.

Chicheley or Chegeley, Bucks, g. 137 (1), 1913 (1), 2167 (1), p. 986, p. 991, 5117 (4).
-, -, vicar of, p. 986.
-, -, parsonage of, 6075.

Chicheley, Th., g. 137 (10), p. 237, g. 1136 (11), g. 6072 (9), g. 6490 (20 Cam. C.), 6721.

Chichester, 367, 969 (2), g. 1533 (16), g. 3398 (20), 3866, p. 2253, p. 2691.
-, -, schoolmaster at, 6384.
-, -, mon., g. 3540 (18), g. 6038 (14), g. 6803 (20).
-, -, mayor and bailiffs of, p. 234, g. 2132 (30).
-, -, cathedral of, chaplain of, g. 6803 (14).
-, -, dean and chapter of, 1708, 2340, g. 4231 (6), p. 2700.
-, -, bpric. of, (temp. Hen. VII.,) 5773 (3).
-, -, diocese of, 2059, p, 2700.
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 2700.
-, -, staple of, g. 3540 (24).
-, -, canon of. See Michell, Sampson.

Chichester, Robert bp. of, p. 83, 518, g. 961 (22), 1252, 1708, g. 2002 (11), 2340, 2368, g. 4231 (6), 4627, 4805, g. 5243 (28), 5465, 5986, 6488, 6513, App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letters from, 1708, 4831, 5465.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.

Chichester, _, p. 339.
-, -, John, p. 233.

Chicksand (Chiksand), Gilbertine priory of, John prior of, p. 2699.

Chiddingfold (Chedingfold, Surr.), 5108.

Chief Justice. See Fitzjames, Sir John.

Chief Baron of the Exchequer. See Fitzjames, Sir John (1522–6): Broke, Ric. (1526–9): Lister, Ric. (1529–45).

Chieradata, 1957.

Chieri, Renzo da. See Ceri.

Chieti, in Italy, 3996.
-, -, (Theatinus), Jo. Pietro, bp. of, 3682, 6149–50, 6156, 6159, p. 2756, 6173–4, 6192–4, 6229, 6350, 6352–4 6378, 6392, 6408 ii., 6421–2, 6445, 6470, p. 2949, 6559, 6581, 6592.
-, -, -, letter from, 6421.

Chievres, Wm. de Croy, lord of, 110, 2053, 2099, 4378 (4).

Chigenhall, Essex, 850.

Child-Compton, Soms., 3607.

Child-Okeford, Dors., g. 4445 (12).

Childewyk, Herts, 4472.

Chilfrome, g. 5748 (3), g. 5815 (16). See Errata.

Chilmlegh, Devon, deanery of, 971. See also Chymney.

Chilton, Bucks, 293.

Chilton Foliat, Salisbury dioc., ch., g. 6363 (und.)

Chilton or Chylton, John, 72, p. 235.

Chilwell, Notts, g. 1136 (1).

Chimay (Simay), prince of, 3594.

Chinchilla, Spain, 1442.

Chingford, Essex, pp. 152–3.

Chinnor, Oxon, 4471.
-, -, rector of, 4471.

Chioggia (Chiodi), 6375 (1, 3), 6785.

Chipchase or Chipches, Northumb., 278, 683, 1338, 3914, 5085.

Chippe, Hugh, g. 137 (18).

Chippenham, Wilts, 4199, p. 2692.

Chippenham, Nich., g. 5083 (11), g. 6490 (20 Heref.)

Chipping, New, Herts, g. 5624.

Chipping Norton, Oxon, 4442 (5), g. 6072 (10), 6489.

Chipping Ongar (Chepingongre) ch., London dioc., g. 6363 (6), g. 6490 (27).

Chipras, Cornw., g. 2927 (28).

Chipstead (Chepsted), Kent, g. 3747 (4).
-, -, Surr., 3991 (15).

Chirbury, Oliver, prior of, p. 2701.

Chirderne, Ric., 5508 (1).

Chiriell, Wilts, g. 4445 (17), g. 6363 (und.)

Chirke or Chyrk, Denbighshire, g. 1049 (12), g. 1610 (23), 1854, 1941, g. 2673 (8), g. 2839 (19), g. 3622 (15), g. 6301 (28), g. 6418 (20).

Chirkelande, Wales, g. 1610 (23), g. 2761 (1), g. 2839 (18), g. 3622 (15), g. 4231 (14), g. 6418 (20).

Chisholm. See Cheseholm.

Chisi, Agostino, 4425.

Chislehurst, Kent, 72, g. 3087 (und.), g. 5624 (1).

Chiswick, 969 (9).

Chobham, Essex, 4442 (5).

Chobingdon parsonage, 5117 (1).

Chokke, John, p. 233.

Cholderton, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Chollerfurth (on the Scotch March), 4336.

Cholmeley or Chomeley, Eliz., g. 137 (8), g. 2291 (5), g. 5336 (8).
-, -, Hugh, 1939 (8).
-, -, Sir Ric., g. 137 (8), g. 2291 (5), g. 5336 (8), p. 2554, 6707.
-, -, Rog., p. 233, 1299, 1939 (8), g. 2002 (11), g. 2673 (2), 3822, 6516 (1), 6598, g. 6600 (8), g. 6803 (12 E.)
-, -, -, jun., g. 895 (26), g. 5083 (12, 16).
-, - (Chomley), Sir Rog., 969 (4), 3379.
-, -, Wm., g. 3087 (und.), g. 3213 (29).

Chomyns, dominus de Aloyn, baron in, 337–8.

Chophill, Beds., 1309.

Chorleton, Cheshire, g. 3087 (26).

Chorleton, Wm., g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26), g. 5748 (4), g. 6490 (20 Shr.)

Chosa, in Italy, 6785.

Chopsey, Tho., p. 236.

Chosell, near Dokkyng, Norf., p. 154, 367.

Chowne, Agnes, p. 990.
-, -, Jo., p. 990.

Chremis. See Cremis.

Christchurch, Hants, g. 895 (25).
-, -, -, prior of, 5330 ii., 5746.

Christiern II., king of Denmark, 7, 8, 42, 125, 141, 631, 747–8, 777, 896–7 (2), 898, 908, 1566 (2), 1653, 1709, 1960, 1987, 2013, 2025, 2055, 2160, 2547–8, 2687, 3803, 5133, 5289, p. 2463, p. 2560, 5825, 5831, 6652, App. 10, 76–7, p. 3109.
-, -, -, letters from, 748, 777, 896, 908, 1566 (2), 1653, 1960, 2547.
-, -, -, his queen. See Isabella.
-, -, -, his vice-chancellor, 777.
-, -, -, his children, 2013, 2025, 2051, 3028.

Christmas, _, 4218.
-, -, Ann, 4545 ii.
-, -, Cath., 4545 ii.

Chrysostom, St., his works, 6140, 6149, 6153, 6156, 6165, p. 2756, 6173, 6179, 6192, 6197, 6229.

Chrysostom, Mr., inquisitor of St. Dominic, minister of the Franciscan province of Bologna, 6366.

Chubnall, John, p. 3047.

Chudleigh, Devon, g. 1049 (28), 1792.

Chudlegh, Ric., g. 895 (11), g. 5748 (3).
-, -, Wm., g. 895 (11).

Chulmleigh. See Chilmlegh and Chymney.

Church, the, gonfalonier of, 1722.
-, - properties, 6061.
-, -, states of the, 3534.

Church Cowley, Oxon, 1913 (1).

Church Eton, Staff., 1985 (1).

Churche, Wm., 1621 (2).

Churchehall, in Wormingforde, 1834 (2), 2167 (2).

Churchehyll, Giles, g. 6363 (20).

Churchill, Oxon, 1468, p. 3068.
-, -, parsonage of, 6116.

Churton or Cherington, Bucks, g. 137 (1).

Chute, warrant dated at, 2475.

Chute Forest, Hants and Wilts, g. 137 (23).

Chute, Anth., g. 6072 (19).

Chybborne (Scotch Borders), 4336.

Chydlyngton, Kent, p. 673 note.

Chymney, Devon, 3759. See also Chilmlegh.

Chyntyng, 1551.

Cibirus (Transylvania), 2027.

Cibo, Innocent, card., 1147, 2508, 2971, 3114, 3253, 3493, 3578, 3637, 3680, 6772.
-, -, -, letter from, 1147.
-, -, -, letter to, 3253.
-, -, Giovanni Baptista, 3405.

Cicill. See Cecil.

Ciconia, D. Lewis, 6251, 6340.

Cilly, _, courier of the Emperor, 195, 1059, 1213.

Cinami or Cynamye, Pandulphus, 6669, 6696, 6714.

Cinque ports, the, 459, 1820, 4334, p. 2691.
-, -, admiral or warden, &c. of, 403, 957, 2250, 4455, 5016, 5874, g. 6542 (16).
-, -, -, bounds of the jurisdiction of, 1820.

Ciprane. See Ceprano.

Cipser, Stanislaus, 4262.

Circuits of the judges, g. 137 (1, 12), g. 546 (11), g. 1136 (12, 13), g. 1533, g. 2002 (3, 12), g. 2927 (12), g. 3213 (26, 28), 3324 (1), g. 3869 (29), g. 3991 (3, 12, 13).

Cirencester (Siscestre and Cicester), 6489.
-, -, mon. of, g. 213 (16), 4096, 4450.
-, -, deanery of, 971.
-, -, John abbot of, g. 5083 (6), p, 2700, 6489, 6513.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.

Cisceter, Rob., 3678.

Cistercian and Cluniac Orders, benefices of, 5600.

Citadella, near Venice, 6785.

Citeaux (Burgundy), 844.

Civil or Cyvil. See Seville.

Civille, Alonse de. See Seville.

Civita, bpric. of, 6782.

Civita Castellane, 1086, 3476, 3526, 3598.

Civita Novo, in the diocese of Fermo, 4535.

Civita Vecchia (or Vetula), 642 1178, 1193, p. 525, 2615, 2670, 2699, 2716, 2786, 2827, 2852 ii., 2857, 2875, 2898, 3089–90, 3110, 3114–15, 3405, 3970, 4368, 4792, p. 2104, 4900, 4920, 4929, 5213, 5230, 5517.

Civitate S. Angeli, Marquis de, 776, 1099.

Clagthon park, 1264.

Claiburgh (Cleybroke, Clayborough, &c.), Wm., LL.D., canon of York, prothonotary, 2969, 3140, 3334, 3869, 4281, 4841, 4931, 5613 (1–3), 5626, 5685, 5694–5 (10), 5768, 5810, 5812–13, g. 5906 (29), 6082, 6299, p. 3048, g. 6803 (21).
-, -, -, his sig., 4931, 5694 (1).
-, -, -, letters from, 5810, 5813, 6299.
-, -, -, letter to, 5812.
-, - See also Claybroke.

Claiote, Mons. de, 773.

Claley. See Cleley.

Clampe, Nich., 5738.

Clamport, John, 5774 (8).

Clandon, Surr., g. 6418 (25).

Clandon, East, Surrey, 5108.

Clannok, provost of, p. 2701.

Clanworthe, parsonage of, 4291.

Clapham, letter dated at, 4831.
-, -, parsonage of, Yorks., 967.
-, -, Surr., g. 3869 (19).
-, -, Suss., g. 5510 (und.)

Clare, Suff., Austin Friars of, 4254 (3).
-, -, college of Stoke near, 6121.
-, -, Norf., 4001 (2, 3).

Clare, John, prior of Wallingford, 3537 (24).
-, -, Steph, p. 237.
-, - See Clere.

Clareborough (Clarburhe), Notts, 3544.

Clareden or Claverdon, Warw., 4583, g. 4687 (6), g. 5083 (4).

Clarela, in Italy, 2786.

Clarell, Jas., 4442 (1).
-, -, John, 293.

Clarencieux king at arms (Thos. Benolt), 70, 366, 531, 1538, 1939 (9), 2054, 2335, 2487, p. 1413, 3675, 3827, 3829, 3844–5, 3870, 3940, 4109, p. 1992, 4613, 4884, 5284, 5330 vi., 6010, 6314, 6347, 6744, 6754 ii., p. 3106.
-, -, -, letter from, 3940.

Clarer, John, 6189.

Clark. See Clerk.

Clarkson. See Clerkson.

Clarybald, town in the Merse (Marches of Scotland), 4116.

Claryngdon alias Paunset, Wilts, g. 464 (3), g. 895 (25–6).

Classelyn, N. Wales, 973.

Clatercote, Oxon, prior of, p. 2698.

Clatford, Up, Hants, g. 3991 (15).

Claude, Queen of France, 1 note, 134 (2), 155, 219, 917, 2499, 2520, 2523.

Claudius, count, 5708.

Claudyn, minstrel to the Princess Mary, 1577 (2) ii.

Claverdon. See Claredon.

Clavering, Essex, chapel at, 100.
-, -, bailiff of, 100.

Clavering, _, p. 150.
-, -, John, 5085.

Clavering, Rob., g. 1610 (11), 6382.

Claverings, lands called, g. 6363 (29).

Claverings, the, (northern family,) 25.

Clay or Cley-juxta-Mare, Norf., 5101.
-, -, rector of, p. 3010 note.

Clay, Matthias, 5455.
-, -, Rob., 6034.
-, -, Cley or Clec, Wm., 2553, g. 2599 (15), 3154, 5402, 5436, 5459, 5461, 5483, 5493, 5622–3, g. 5748 (12).

Clayborough. See Claiburgh.

Claybro, manor, 5870.

Claybroke, Giles, 2106 (1), App. 133.

Claybrugh, _, Master in Chancery, 4261.

Clay Coton, Northt., g. 1377 (28), 2000.

Claycourt, Berks, g. 3622 (12), g. 5406 (27).

Clayde, John, g. 6301 (31).

Claydon (Cleydon), 5076.
-, -, East, Bucks, 4471.

Claydon, John, g. 137 (18), g. 213 (2).

Claymond or Cleymond, John, 419, 1138 (2), 2738, 4004, 6796.
-, -, letter to, 6796.

Clayton, Claiton, or Cleyton, Dr., 6776.
-, -, Hen., 1939 (8).
-, -, Laur., 244, 512, g. 612 (18), 1577 (4), 1939 (8).
-, -, W., 1962, 5613 (1, 3).
-, -, -, letter from, 5122.

Clayworth, Notts, 3544.

Clecarde, Edw., p. 794.

Clee. See Clay.

Cleget, John, g. 6072 (19).

Cleley (Claley), Northt., 3665 (2).

Clement, Geoff., g. 3213 (14).
-, -, Gruffin, g. 3213 (14).
-, -, John, 1939 (8), g. 3213 (14).
-, -, Matilda, g. 3213 (14).
-, -, Ph., g. 3213 (14).
-, -, Ric., 99, 1939 (8), 4188.
-, -, Rob., g. 3213 (14).
-, -, Th., 5973.
-, -, Wm., g. 3213 (14), g. 4594 (20).

Clement, the Orations of, p. 2863.

Clement VI., pope, g. 546 (19).

Clement VII., pope, 6, 8, 14, 15, 16, 23, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 49, 61, 77, 79, 88, 89, 93, 102, 107, 116, 119, 121, 126, 143, 148, 153, 169, 170, 185, 186, 188, 192, 195, 222, 252, 262, 264 (2), 276, 284, 295 (2), 296, 300, 301, 305, 306, 307, 316, 320, 322, 336, 344, 346, 354, 355, 358, 359, 360, 375, 376, 395, 408, 421, 422, 435, 440, 446, 458, 477, 505, 507, 508, 510, 511, 565, 568, 574, 583, 585, 586, 602, 610, 614, 618, 622, 640, 641, 649, 652, 662, 664, 665, 671, 672, 673, 674, 678, 679, 686, 690, 697, 698, 708, 709, 711, 717, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 728, 732, 751, 753, 757, 758, 759, 760, 784, 785, 788, 789, p. 354, 791, 793, 795, 797, 798, 815, 820, 826, 837, 839, 840, 841, 843, 852, 853, 861, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 883, 884, 887, 888, 894, 899, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 907, 909, 910, 911, 912, 916, 922, 924, 926, 936, 938, 939, 981, 982, 992, 993, 994, 1002, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1012, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1026, 1029, 1036, 1046, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1061, 1063, 1064, 1068, 1072, 1074, 1075, 1078, 1080, 1083, p. 475, p. 476, p. 478, p. 479, 1086, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1098, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1107, 1108, 1116, 1126, 1131, 1135, 1160, 1164, 1170, 1175, 1176, 1190, 1197, 1212 (3, 9), 1219, 1225, 1236, 1242, 1245, 1249, 1255, 1277, 1282, 1283, 1286, 1317, 1328, 1336, 1341, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1368, 1372, 1378, p. 612, 1380, 1405, 1409 (2), 1416, 1417, 1418, 1430, 1440, 1443, 1446 ii. iii. iv. (2, 3), 1447, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1456, 1467, 1480, 1491, 1493, 1521, 1522, 1528, 1536, 1537, 1552, 1553, 1563, 1573, 1588, 1589, 1624, 1625, 1628, 1633 ii., 1643 ii., 1644, 1648, 1649, 1650, 1651 (2), 1655 (4), 1657, 1659, 1666, 1686, 1719, 1737, 1745, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, p. 780 note, 1761, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1777, 1781, 1783, 1791, 1799, 1806, 1811, 1812, 1814, 1817, 1824, 1825, 1831, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1866, 1868, 1871, 1877, 1879, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1905, 1917, 1923, 1934, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2039, 2048, 2051, 2056, 2058, 2068, 2071, 2084, 2091, 2092, 2098, 2103, 2105, 2108, 2111 ii., 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2122, 2124, 2140, 2141, 2145, 2148, 2149, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2172, 2181, 2182, 2183, 2185, 2186, 2187, 2188, 2190, 2197, 2199, 2202, 2209, 2213, 2219, 2221, 2222, 2223, 2226, 2227, 2228, 2230, 2232, 2233, 2237, 2240, 2244, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2249, 2251, 2254, 2255, 2257, 2259, 2260, 2262, 2263, 2264, 2266, 2267, 2271 ii., 2272, 2273 (2), 2274, 2275, 2276, 2278, 2282, 2288, 2289, 2290, 2292, 2296, 2297, 2300, 2301 ii., 2302, 2306, 2313, 2314, 2315, 2317, 2325, 2327, 2328, 2333, 2349, 2350, 2352, 2355, 2357, 2363, 2373, 2380, 2383, 2388, 2390, 2393, 2398, 2399, 2403, 2408, 2409, 2410, 2414, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2419, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2425, 2429, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2456, 2461, 2462, 2465, 2466, 2470, p. 1102, p. 1103, p. 1104, 2473, 2477, 2478, 2481, 2486, 2488, 2490, 2493, 2494, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2506, 2508, 2509, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2516, 2522, 2523, 2524, 2535, 2542, 2543, 2544, 2556, 2557, 2558, 2559, 2561, 2563, 2566, 2569, 2571, 2572, 2573, 2578, 2579, 2583, 2584, 2585, 2587, 2596 ii., 2600, 2601, 2602, 2604, 2606, 2613, 2614, 2615, 2617, 2618, 2620, 2624, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2633, 2638, 2640, 2642, 2648, 2651, 2657, 2662, 2663, 2667, 2670, 2671, 2679, 2680, 2682, 2685, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2703, 2704 i. ii., 2705, 2709 (2), 2711 (2), 2715, 2716 ii., 2719, 2723, 2728, 2731, 2732, 2733, 2741, 2760, 2762, 2763, 2764 i. ii. iii., 2767, 2769, 2770, 2774, 2779, 2780, 2782 ii., 2786, 2790, 2795, 2805, 2809, 2810, 2821, 2826, 2827, 2828, 2832, 2833, 2841, 2842, 2843, 2847, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2855, 2856, 2857, 2858, 2859, 2860, 2863, 2868, 2869, 2870, 2875, 2876, 2878, 2879, 2886, 2889, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2894, 2895, 2896, 2898, 2899, 2903, 2907, 2908, 2910, 2912, 2913, 2914, 2915, 2916, 2917, 2918, 2919, 2920, 2921, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2934, 2940, 2943, 2945, p. 1319, 2952, 2962, 2971, 2974, 2981, 2982, 2986, 2987, 2988, 2998, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3003 i. ii., 3007, 3009, 3011, 3016 note, 3019–21, 3023, 3024, 3025, 3026, 3030, 3031, 3038, 3039, 3041, 3042, 3045, 3046, 3047, 3048, 3050, 3051, 3052, 3055 ii., 3060, 3062, 3063, 3065, 3066, 3070, 3071, 3072, 3074, 3077 i. iii., 3078, 3088, 3089, 3090, 3099, 3101, 3105, 3108, 3110, 3112, 3114, 3116, 3122, 3123, 3128, 3136, 3137, 3147, 3148, 3154, 3156, 3165, 3168, 3171, 3172, 3173, 3177, 3178, 3185, 3186 (2, 6), 3201, 3206, 3207, 3216, 3217, 3225, 3229, 3231, 3232, 3238, 3241, 3242, 3243, 3244, 3245, 3247, 3252, 3253, 3255, 3260, 3263, 3266, 3268, 3270, p. 1484, p. 1485, 3273, 3289, 3291, 3307, 3308, 3310, 3311, 3312, 3313, 3319, 3330, 3332, 3333, 3335, 3337 (1, 2), 3340, 3347, 3351, 3352, 3353, 3356 (3), 3363, 3365, 3374, 3376, 3382, 3387, 3400, 3401 (1, 2), 3402, 3405, 3411, 3412 (1, 2, 8), 3415, 3416, 3419, 3422, 3423, 3424, 3427, 3431, 3434, 3436 (1, 2), 3441, 3443 (2), 3444, 3473, 3476, 3482, 3493, 3497, 3504, 3505, 3512, 3513, 3524, 3532, 3537 (2), 3550, 3553, 3557, 3561, 3562, 3567, 3570, 3573, 3584, 3585, 3591, 3596, p. 1620, 3598, 3599, 3600, 3601, 3602, 3604, 3605, 3606, 3617, 3632, 3638, 3640, 3641, 3643, 3644, 3646, 3647, 3650, 3652, 3657, 3658, 3662, 3666, 3671, 3672, 3673, 3680, 3681, 3682, 3683, 3684, 3686, 3687, 3691, 3693, 3694, 3701, 3709, 3714, 3715, 3749, 3750, 3751, 3756, 3757, 3758, 3764, 3765, 3766, 3767 (1, 2, 3), 3768, 3770, 3771, 3779, 3783, 3784, 3787, 3788, 3790, 3792, 3799, 3800, 3802, 3806, 3810, 3814, 3821, 3824, 3827 (2), 3828, 3829, 3832, 3839, 3844, 3853, 3855, 3871, 3873, 3875, 3879, 3888, 3889, 3895, 3896, 3898, 3900, 3901, 3902, 3903, 3904, 3905, 3906, 3909, 3910, 3912, 3913, p. 1742, p. 1743, 3919, 3920, 3921, 3925, 3932 3938, 3941, 3947, 3948, 3949, 3954, 3955, 3956, 3957, 3977, 3978, 3979, 3980, 3981, 3989, 3992, 3995, 3996, 4003, 4007, 4034, 4054, 4076, 4089, 4090, 4103, 4109, 4118, 4119, 4154, 4166, 4167, 4168, 4169, 4171, 4186, 4218, 4222, 4245, 4246, 4249, 4251, p. 1872, p. 1873, p. 1874, 4255, 4257, 4258, 4259 (1, 2, 3), 4260, 4277, 4288, 4389, 4290, 4297, 4303, 4304, 4307 (1–14), 4319, 4345, 4347, 4348, 4352, 4355, 4364, 4865, 4368, 4370, 4372, 4379, 4391, 4409, 4424, 4425, 4440, 4444 (1, 2), 4447, 4458, 4471, 4482, 4487, 4535, 4540, 4550, 4553, p. 1993, 4599, 4605, 4642, 4651, 4655, 4656 (2), 4663, 4666, 4672, 4680, 4681, 4682, 4683, 4684, 4685, 4713, 4721, 4723, 4736, 4737, 4738, 4739, 4745, 4755, 4762, 4776, 4792, 4810, 4813, 4815 ii., 4825, 4833, 4836, 4841, 4842, 4851, 4852, 4857, 4858, 4865, 4871, 4875, 4879, 4881, 4886, 4897, 4898, 4899, 4900, 4902, 4903, 4905, 4909, 4915, 4918, 4920, 4921 (1, 2), 4928, 4929, 4932, 4942, 4956, 4959, 4976, 4977, 4978, 4979 (1), 4980, 4982, 4983, 4990, 4991, 4994, 5003, 5004, 5014, 5025, 5027, 5028, 5032, 5033, 5035, 5041, 5050, 5061, 5072, 5073, 5087, 5133, 5138, 5147, 5148, 5149, 5150, 5151, 5152, 5154 i. ii., 5155, 5161, 5162 i. ii., 5163, 5165, 5179, 5180, 5181, 5183, 5186, 5187, 5188, 5194, 5201, 5207, 5209–10–11 i. ii., 5213, 5217–18, 5222–23, 5225, 5226, 5228–30, 5234–5, 5237–8, 5244, 5249, 5250–1, 5255, 5259, 5261, 5266–7, 5269–70–1–2–3–4, 5277, 5282, (2), 5292, 5294, 5301–2, 5308, 5311, 5314, 5324–25, 5329, 5337, 5344, 5352, 5355–6, 5359, 5370–1, 5375, 5377, 5379–80, 5385–8, 5391, 5393–4, 5401–3, 5417, 5427–9, 5432, 5440–3, 5447, 5449–52, 5470–1, 5474–8, 5480–2, 5487, 5499, 5513, 5517–19, 5523, 5529, 5530, 5532, 5534–5, 5538, 5543–4, 5546, 5552–3, 5564, 5572–5–6, 5581–4, 5591–2 ii., 5595, 5600–1–8, 5604, 5606–7–8, 5610–11, 5613 (1, 3), 5616–17, 5633, 5635–6, 5638–9–40–1, 5649–50, 5655–6, 5665, 5668, 5676–7, 5679, 5681, p. 2516, 5689, 5695 (2, 3), 5700–1–2–3–4, 5707–8, 5710–11–12–13, 5715, 5721–2, 5725, 5729–30, 5733, 5737, 5740–1–2, 5744 (5), 5749, 5759–69, 5775, 5777, 5779–81, 5784–5, 5789, p. 2589, 5797, 5814, 5819–21, 5827, 5833, 5841, 5845, 5848, 5854, 5859, 5862–4, 5866, 5877–8, 5887, 5896, 5900, 5907–9, 5913, 5916–17, 5919, 5921–3, 5927, 5943, 5945, 5959, 5961, 5963, 5966, 5969, 5981, 5984, 5987, 5989–92, 5994–5, 6007–9, 6015, 6020–2 viii., 6035, 6049–50, 6053, 6056, 6065–6, 6068–9, 6073–4, 6095–7, 6101, 6103–6, 6109, 6127, 6140, 6142, 6147–9, 6155, 6157–8, 6161, 6165, 6168, 6170, 6175, 6189–90, 6192, 6205, 6207, 6229, 6232–3, 6235–6, 6244–5, 6250, 6254, 6256, 6266, 6279, 6284–5, 6290–3, 6300, 6304, 6307, 6310, 6316, 6318–19, 6321–24, 6337–8, 6350, 6354–5, 6362, 6369, 6387, 6399, 6403, 6405, 6408, 6412–14, 6416 (1), g. 6418 (21), 6419, 6421, 6423, 6425–8, 6433, 6437, 6440–2, 6444–5, 6449–50, 6452–4, 6458–9, 6462, 6465, 6468, 6470, 6472, 6474, 6476–81, 6483, 6491 (1, 2), 6498–9, 6503, 6511, 6513–14, 6520–1, 6527–8, 6531, 6537, 6548, 6550–1, 6559, 6571, 6577, 6581, 6592–5, 6605, 6610, 6612, 6617–19, 6622–4, 6626–7, 6632–5, 6637–9, 6641–2, 6661, 6667, 6675, 6685, 6690, 6693–5, 6697, 6700, 6705, 6712, 6714–15, 6717, 6719, 6729, 6731, 6733–5, 6737–9, 6741–2, 6747, 6757–60, 6765–7, 6769–70, 6772, 6774, 6778, 6780–2, g, 6803 (26), App. 5, 15, 20, 32, 71, 77, 81, 86, 95, 101, 104, 106–8, 125, 130–1, 136, 139–50, 158, 163, 177–8, 181, 196, 199, 203, 206, 212, 214, 218, 224–6, 234, 240, 253, 260–3, 266 (4).
-, -, letters from, 23, 35, 45, 79, 143, 148, 284, 336, 344, 435, 477, 507, 508, 640, 641, 679, 757, 784, 874, 884, 887, 894, 902, 904, 905, 992, 993, 994, 1317, 1877, 1966, 1994, 1995, 2118, 2119, 2228, 2276, 2327, 2429, 2453, 3504, 2571, 2572, 2617, 2618, 2723, 2889, 2916, 3018, 3019, 3154, 3482, 3658, 3666, 3671, 3756, 3792, 4348, 4425, 4458, 4487, 4982, 5181, 5388, 5441–2, 5442–3, 5474–5, 5600, 5616–17, 5759–60, 5784–5, 5916–17, 5981, 5990, 5994, 6056, 6284, 6291, 6638.
-, -, bulls of, 585, 649, 2760, 3266, 4166, 4229 (1, 5), 4257, 4259, 4297, 4307 (1–14), 4347, 4365, 4599, 4652, 4902, 4921 (1, 2), 5859, 5900, 6233, 6256, 6279.
-, -, instructions by, 1491.
-, -, imprisonment of, 3436.
-, -, commission of, 4345.
-, -, letters to, 33, 115, 119, 184, 192, 306, 354, 355, 359, 664, 708, 709, 717, 722, 723, 758, 759, 785, 791, 820, 852, 875, 901, 916, 1008, 1012, 1061, 1094, 1095, 1116, 1277, 1355, 1368, 1416, 1417, 1446, 1447, 1644, 1817, 1831, 1892, 2048, 2084, 2105, 2108, 2145, 2223, 2301 ii., 2306, 2355, 2380, 2454, 2488, 2584, 2767, 2769, 2770, 3424, 3434, 3596, 3640, 3646, 3647, 3714, 3765, 3766, 3771, 3779, 3901, 3902, 3909, 3912, 3977, 3978, 3979, 4245, 4303, 4304, 4682, 4815 ii., 4980, 5025, 5308, 5324, 5573–4, 5689, 5966, 5987, 6292, 6322, 6324, 6513, 6712, 6729, 6731, 6741, 6759, App. 260.
-, -, kinsman of, 121, p. 1370, 3171.
-, -, his ambassador's nephew, App. 150.
-, -, his chamberlain, 262, 305, 395, 2828, 2859, 3266, 3851, 5178, 5209.
-, -, his messenger in Spain, 511.
-, -, his chaplain, 6256.
-, -, report of his death, 5194 seq.
-, -, his niece, 926, 2875, 2876, 3561, 5640, 6593.
-, -, his admiral, 2172.
-, -, ambassador from, 89, 107, 614.
-, -, treaty proposed by, 1236.
-, -, the Florentines attempt to poison, 6476.
-, -, his legate in France (Salviati), 4679, 5655, 6255.
-, -, his lieutenant general, 2465.
-, -, nephew of, 2790, 2916, 5139, 5779, App. 108. See Salviati, Bernard de.
-, -, his nuncio with the Emperor, 2860, 5756.
-, -, -, at the camp, 4222.
-, -, in treaty, 5737.
-, -, his secty., 4222, 4721, 5230, 5656.
-, -, his major domo, 5478.
-, -, his nuncio in England, 6739.
-, -, his lieut. at Bologna, 3023.
-, -, his maitre d'hotel, 3114, 5261, 5572, 6403.
-, -, French amb. to, 4427.
-, -, capitulation with the Pope, App. 178.
-, -, ambassadors to. See Rome.

Clemond. See Claymond.

Clencheston, Dors., g. 5624 (8).

Clennell, John, 5085.

Cleobury, Salop, g. 2599 (24).
-, -, Wales, 1941.

Cleobury Barnes, Wales, 1941, g. 2599 (24).

Cleobury Mortimer ch., Hereford dioc., g. 2362 (12), g. 3008 (1), g. 5510 (und.)

Clepistone. See Clipstone.

Clerc, Agnes, 2081.
-, -, John, g. 2132 (und.)
-, -, Ric. See Clerk.

Clere, Alice, 3741.
-, -, Edm., p. 236, g. 4313 (11).
-, -, Eliz., 3741.
-, -, John, p. 236.
-, -, Rob., p. 83, 1577 (12), 6748 (15).
-, -, Sir Rob., 137 (23), p. 236, g. 1533 (12), g. 2002 (11), 3056 (1), 3741.
-, -, -, letter from, 3056.
-, -, Th., 83, 691.
-, -, Wm., 3741.
-, -, See Clare.

Clergy, 6183, 6401.

Clerical fees, 2360, 6043 (7).
-, - subsidy, 2753.

Clerici, John, 6127.

Clerk of the Crown, 6748 (15).

Clerke, Clarke, or Clerk, Chr., g. 464 (23), g. 6363 (25).
-, -, Edw., 5108
-, -, Hen., g. 6709 (14).

Clerke, Hugh, g. 213 (2), p. 287.
-, -, -, letter from, 48.
-, -, John, p. 234, p. 238, 655, 1939 (8), g. 3087 (und.), 4545 ii., g. 4594 (20), App. 1.

Clerk, John, canon of Cardinal's College, Oxon., 3968, 4017, 4074, 4690.
-, -, -, letter from, 4607, 6100.
-, -, -, his brother (Richard), 4607, 6100.

Clerk, John, master of the Maisondieu, Dover, 4800.
-, -, -, of Wodmore, Soms., g. 5510 (und.)

Clerk, John, bp. of Bath and Wells, 14, 15, 16, 61, 88, 93, 102, 116, 119, 126, 170, 173, 177, 185, 252, 276, 284, 320, 355, 358–60, 375–6, 388 (2), 408, 410, 422, 446, 458, 466, 483, 503, 511, 568, 586, p. 263, 10, 652, 684, 698, 724–5, 759, 765 815, 820, 837, 841, 853, 909–11, 923–4, 939, 942, 1002 (2), 1010, 1015, 1017, 1045–6, 1054, 1080, 1085–6, 1098, 1108, 1131, 1152–3, 1159, 1197, 1205, 1236–7, 1242, 1245, 1249, 1251, 1277, 1282, 1334, 1336, 1341, 1351, 1416–19, 1440, 1443, 1491–3, 1521, 1534, 1552, 1563, 1589, 1593, 1624, 1633, 1650, 1719, 1742, 1745, 1747, 1749–50, 1771, 1777, 1824–5, p. 864, 1939 (4), 1962, 2108, 2140, 2151 (2), 2215, 2260, 2272, 2292, 2320, 2325, 2342, 2369, 2386, 2393, 2410, 2416, 2455, 2461, 2481–2, 2520, 2541–2, 2544–5, 2557, 2561, 2568, 2583, 2587, 2605–6, 2651, 2657, 2674–5, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2724–5, 2727–8, 2731, 2741, 2771–4, 2782 ii., 2790, 2799, 2806, 2838, 2862–3, 2892, 2894, 2897, 2908, 2929, 2940, 2948, p. 1320, 2954, 2966–7, 2980, 2985, 2996, 3023, 3042, 3052, 3060, 3105, 3112, 3124, 3136, 3143–4, 3169–70–1, 3173, 3185, 3188, 3193, 3215, 3225, 3244, 3247, 3268, 3278, 3297, 3309, 3340, 3365, 3381–2, 3392, 3400, 3423, 3485, 3503, 3639, 3718–19, 3757, 3764, 3801, 3963 (2), 3992–3, 4137, 4142, 4155–8, 4177, 4194–5, 4212, 4251, 4266, 4268–9–70, 4292–4, 4319, 4325–30, 4337–8, 4340–1, 4343, 4358–9, 4363, 4390, 4394–6, 4406, 4409, 4446–8, 4451, 4464–5, 4493, 4515, 4540, 4553, 4559, 4564, 4611–12, 4641–6, 4649, 4656, 4665, 4679, 4723–4, 4733, 4736, 4743–5, 4749–50, 4752–4, 4761, 4767–8, 4775, 4789, 4795, 4802, p. 2082, note 4820, 4841, 4851, 4861 (1), 4875, 4878, 4899, 4909, p. 2130, 4915, 4955, 4981, 5053–4, g. 5243 (26, 28), 5303, 5337, 5613 (1, 3, 5, 6), 5635–6, 5694 (1, 2), 5749, 5751, 5762, 5864–5, 5867–9, 5923, 6025, 6047 (2), 6488, p. 3022, App. 5, p. 3109, 102, 105, 153–4, 156–60, 162–6, 170, 177, 180, 193, 196, 203, 209, 226, 240.
-, -, -, letters from, 14–16, 93, 116, 170, 276, 320, 358, 376, 408, 446, 511, 568, 586, 610, 652, 698, 724, 837, 853, 910, 924, 939, 1002 (2), 1010, 1046, 1085, 1131, 1197, 1245, 1282, 1336, 1351, 1418, 1440, 1443, 1493, 1521, 1563, 1589, 1624, 1719, 1742, 1777, 1824, 2215, 2342, 2386, 2393, 2416, 2461, 2481–2, 2520, 2542, 2544, 2557, 2561, 2568, 2606 (2), 2651, 2674–5, 2705, 2707, 2728, 2771–2, 2774, 2790, 2799, 2862–3, 2894, 2897, 2908, 2929, 2940, 2966, 2980, 2985, 2996, 3042, 3060, 3112, 3136, 3169–70, 3173, 3185, 3215, 3225, 3297, 3309, 3392, 3485, 3503, 3992–3, 4156–8, 4177, 4195, 4269–70, 4293–4, 4319, 4328, 4338, 4343, 4390, 4446–8, 4451, 4464–5, 4515, 4553, 4559, 4611–12, 4641–6, 4665, 4679, 4723, 4733, 4743–5, 4749–50, 4753–4, 4768, 4789, 4820, 4955, App. 102, 153–4, 156, 240.
-, -, -, letters to, 102, 185, 375, 1153, 2455, 2605, 3247, 4142, 4155, 4212, 4325, 4329, 4337, 4359, 5303.
-, -, -, hand of, 3941, 4981.
-, -, -, sig. and seal of, 5751.
-, -, -, his bailiff of Wells, App. 242.

Clerk, Sir John, sheriff of Northampton, 83, pp. 238, g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Nich., g. 2065 (28), g. 3142 (25).
-, -, Ric., g. 390 (12), p. 237, 692, 1082, g. 1533 (26), g. 1945 (28), g. 2002 (11), 2527, g. 3747 (2), 3926, g. 5083 (16), g. 5748 (28), 6100, p. 3067, App. 109.
-, -, -, sig. of, 692, App. 109.
-, -, Rob., 459, 3379.
-, -, Th., 1227, g. 2002 (11), 2217 (3), g. 4993 (5), g. 5243 (26), 5411, g. 6490 (29).
-, -, Wm., g. 1610 (21), g. 4896 (28), g. 6542 (16), p. 3047.
-, -, Sir Wm., 1276.

Clerkes, the, (Border family,) 4336 (2).

Clerkson, Clerkeson, or Clarkson, John, p. 985.
-, -, Sir Rog., priest, App. 227.
-, -, Wm., g. 390 (2), p. 235, g. 2002 (11), 2882, g. 6490 (20 Nott.)

Clermont, France, 4251, 4750, 5597, 6375.
-, -, letter dated at, 5274.
-, -, governor of, 1770.
-, -, Mons. de, 3877, 5512, 6175.
-, -, provost of. See Barre, Jacques de la.

Clero, marches of Wales, g. 1676 (4).

Clery, France, 2520, 5380.

Clesse, _, 167.

Cletherall, Hugh, p. 3048.

Cleton, Alice, g. 6418 (14).
-, -, Lewis, g. 6418 (14).

Cleugger, Sir John, 3733.
-, -, Ric., 3733.

Cleveland, Yorksh., 3539, 4697 ii.

Cleves (Clive), 648, 653 (2), 1275, g. 1736 (30), g. 2839 (3), g. 3869 (3) g. 5815 (20), g. 6542 (15).
-, -, John duke of, 653, 4112, 6364.
-, -, -, his family and alliances, 6364.
-, -, -, his son William, 6364.
-, -, Anne of, 3898, 6364.
-, -, Mary of, 6364.

Cleve, Philip de, 6364.

Clewer, 462.

Cley. See Clay.

Cleybroke. See Claybroke.

Cley Coton. See Clay Coton.

Cleydon. See Claydon.

Cleyton. See Clayton.

Cliburn, Hugh, 1310.

Clifden, Soms., g. 2761 (1).

Clif, Wm., g. 6751 (22).

Cliff, Clif, or Clyffe, Jas., priest, 3307, g. 5817 (17), 6164, 6411, p. 3048.
-, -, -, letter from, 6411.
-, - See Clyffe.

Clifford, Wales, 1941.
-, -, prior of, p. 2701.

Clifford, Dorothy, p. 3047.
-, -, Eliz. lady, 2905.
-, -, Florence, widow of Henry lord, p. 1331.
-, -, or Clifforth, Master, 3380 (4).
-, -, Master Harry, 3380 (2).
-, -, Sir Harry, 3380 (1, 2, 8).

Clifford, Westmoreland, and Vesey, Henry lord, afterwards earl of Cumberland, g. 137 (10), 278, 377–8, 1117, 1200, 1289, 1292, 1431 (8), 1433, g. 1610 (11), 1700, 1727, 1762–3, 1779, 1896, 1910, 1915, 2003 ii, 2017, 2035, 2052, 2110, 2299, 2402, 2483, 2672, 2729, p. 1331, 3134, 3146, 3184, 3370, 3380 (10), 3404 (3), 3477, 3971, 4020, 4132–3, 4211, 4419–20–1, 4495, 4531, 4790, 4828, 4855, 4914, 5111 (1), 5920, 5954, 6489, 6513, 6677, 6721, g. 6803 (6), App. 184.
-, -, -, letters from, 377, 1762, 2003 i., 3134, 3184, 3477, 3971, 4211, 4790, 6677.
-, -, - sig. of, 6513.
-, -, -, letters to, 2003 ii., 2299, 4495.
-, -, -, created earl of Cumberland, 1433.
-, -, -, his brother, 1762, 2052.
-, -, -, his father Henry, p. 1331.

Clifford, Jas., p. 84, g. 390 (2), p. 238, g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (4), g. 6418 (23).
-, -, John, 5330 ii.
-, -, Th., g. 137 (12), p. 237, 4421.
-, -, Sir Th., g. 1610 (11), 1763, 2052, 3370, 3477, 4134 (2), 4790, 4835 ii., 4855, g. 5748 (22), 5920, 5952, g. 6072 (17), 6077–8, g. 6135 (3, 17, 22), g. 6187 (11), g. 6248 (1, 11, 12, 17), g. 6301 25), 6516 (7), g. 6803 (6, 10), App. 184.
-, -, -, sig. of, g. 6248 (11).

Clifton, g. 6301 (12).

Clifton (Clyston), Oxon, 1913 (1).

Clifton (Clyfton), Bucks, g. 137 (1).
-, -, South, Notts, 3819 (2).

Clifton, Doctor Gamaliel, dean of Hereford (1529), p. 1699, g. 3991 (28), p. 2701.
-, -, John, 1137 (2).
-, -, Wm., LL.D., 5353 (5).

Clint, Yorksh., g. 5336 (27).

Clinton, Edw. lord, 969 (2), p. 1332, p. 2252.
-, -, Nich., 558.
-, -, Piers, 1352.
-, -, Wm., p. 234, g. 895 (21), g. 1610 (11), p. 990, 2672, 3581, 4914, g. 5083 (4), g. 6072 (9), g. 6490 (20 Heref.), 6721.

Clipston, Notts, g. 546 (12), g. 895 (23), 3819 (1), g. 4231 (1).

Clive, Wm. abbot of, p. 2697.

Clive, duchy of. See Cleve.

Clock, a church, App. 91.

Cloge or Clogge, John, 244, 512, g. 1610 (5), p. 869, g. 4993 (28).

Clok, Sir John, p. 154.

Clon, John, 1939 (8).

Cloncurry, Ireland, 3937.
-, -, letter dated at, 4248.

Clonnard, Ireland, abbot of, 4264.

Clonne or Clune, Maurice or Mores, 1941, g. 2927 (1, 12).
-, -, Th., g. 390 (3).
-, - See Clune.

Clopcote, Berks, 4471.

Clophill, Beds, g. 6751 (28), g. 6803 (11).

Clopton, Suff., 4424, 5076.

Clopton, _, App. p. 3107.
-, -, Eliz., g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Wm., g. 1298 (und.), 3665 (1).
-, -, -, sig. of, 3665 (1).
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 390 (6), p. 238, g. 961 (20), g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26).

Cloth and Clothiers, 4239, 4276, 4287.

Cloth of Gold, Field of the, 633.

Clotton, _, 6460.

Clovis, king of France, 1938 ii.

Clovyll, Hen., p. 236.

Cloyne, Ireland, archdeacon of, 5756.

Clubberd, John, App. 17 (2).

Clugny, France, abbot of, 4868.

Clunde, _, 1649.

Clune or Cluny, John, g. 1230 (28), g. 2927 (19).
-, -, Nich., g. 1230 (28), g. 2927 (19).

Clunn, Shropsh., deanery of, 971.

Clutton, Somers., g. 2132 (11), g. 2362 (11).

Clyf park, 1540.

Clyf, Clyffe, or Cleff, Jas. See Cliff.
-, -, Sir John, p. 151.
-, -, Rob., LL.D., chanc. of the bp. of Ely, 4629, 4885 (1, 2, 5), p. 2699, 6247.
-, -, -, letter from, 4885 (5).
-, -, Wm., p. 2697.

Clyffton, Wm., 3544.

Clynton. See Clinton.

Clyston, Dartmouth, Devon, g. 6248 (12).

Clyston, John, g. 2599 (27).

Cob, Geo., 1567.

Cobbe, Wm., heir of, g. 6600 (8).

Coberley, Glouc., g. 3991 (23).

Cobham coll., Kent, master of, g. 297 (und.)

Cobham, Geo. Broke, sixth lord, (1506–29,) 6513, g. 6542 (8), g. 6751 (24).

Cobham, Th. Broke, seventh lord, (1529–58,) p. 83, g. 464 (2), 614, 969 (2), 1305–6, 2758, p. 1332, 4331, g. 4896 (23), g. 5083 (2), p. 2252, g. 6542 (8), App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letters from, 1305–6.

Cobham, Anne, g. 5336 (22).
-, -, Geo., 6542 (8).
-, -, Marg., g. 5336 (22).
-, -, Raynold or Reginald, g. 3622 (9), g. 5336 (22), g. 5906 (3).
-, -, Sir Reginald, g. 5336 (22).
-, -, Sir Th., g. 5336 (22).

Coblentz, 2933.

Cobley, John, p. 233.

Cobos (Covos), Francisco de los, comendador major, 1378, 5001–2, 6443, 6452, 6504, 6561, 6724, 6730, 6747.
-, -, -, letters to, 6443, 6504, 6561, 6724, 6730, 6747.

Coca, in Spain, 1532.

Coche, John, p. 233.

Cochlæus, John, 2358, 2530.
-, -, -, letter from, 6272.
-, -, -, letter to, 5412.

co*ck, John, 5989.

co*ckburn, Rob., bishop of Ross (1508–25), of Dunkeld (1525–7), 382, 499, 540, 561, 651, 656, 662, 664, 670 i. ii., 672, 715, 727, 763, 785, 803, 812–4, 817, 830–2, 834, 836, 854, 864, 878, 892, 988, 1004, 1029, 1094–6, 1129, p. 525, 1206, 1221, 1245–6, 1268, 1313, 1396 (1, 2), 1644.
-, -, -, letters from, 785, 1094, 1129, 1246, 1313.
-, -, -, letter to, 1221.
-, - (co*keborn), Wm., 191.

co*ckburnspath, or Colbrandspath, or Coperspeth, Berw., 4701, 4709, 4924.

co*ckden, Dors., 4536 ii.

co*ckermouth, Cumb., g. 3213 (18), 3380 (3), 4698.
-, -, -, bailiff of, 278.

co*ckis, Wm., g. 5815 (13).

co*kdale (Kokdale), Scotch Borders, 1448.

co*ckes, co*cks, co*kks, or co*ckys, _, 2698.
-, -, Eliz., p. 3047.
-, -, Hen., 1137 (11).
-, -, Jacomyn, 2970 v.

Cookes, John, LL.D., canon of Salisbury, archdeacon of London, p. 153, 1518, 1620, 3307, 6127.
-, -, -, letter from, 2669.
-, -, Ric., 2970 v.
-, - (co*ckys), Walt., g. 5815 (21).

co*ckesford, prior of, 3005, 4808, 5511.

co*cklaw or Koklawe, Scotch Borders, 1448, 1469, 1527.

co*ckshall. See Coggeshall.

Codenham, Suff., 4424, 5076.
-, -, manor and parsonage of, 6132.
-, - (Codyngham), parsonage of, 6586 (2).

Coderey, John, 5782.

Codgrave, Notts, g. 1136 (1), 3819.

Codicote, Herts, 4220, 4318 (2), 4472.

Codnor, Derb., 3475, 3506.
-, -, the Grays of, g. 5336 (21, 22).

Codred, Herts, g. 6542 (4).

Codryngton, John, 3678.

Codsheath (Coddeshoth), Kent, 4173.

Cœlius. See Calcagninus.

Coffen or Coffyn, John, g. 137 (18), g. 2002 (6).
-, -, Martin, g. 297 (28).
-, -, Sir Ric., App. p. 3108.
-, -, Wm., g. 6248 (25).
-, - or Coffin, Sir Wm., g. 137 (12), p. 84, p. 234, g. 1610 (11), 1939 (8), 2672, 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20 Derb.), g. 6803 (8).

Cogan, lord, p. 1078.
-, -, Maurice, 2970 v.

Cogenho, Northt., 969 (7).

Coggeshales in Fordham, Camb., 367.

Coggeshall (co*kesall), Essex, g. 546 (14), 4850.
-, - (co*ckshall), John abbot of, p. 2697.
-, - (Coxhall), abbey of, g. 5510 (28).

Coghen, Walron, 1939 (8).

Cognac, 1938, 2115, 2165, 2183, 2981 (2), p. 1550, 6527, 6562, App. 75.
-, - letters dated at, 2135–6, 2142, 2166 (2), 2185–6, 2205, 6597.

Coimbra, letters dated at, 3408, 4769–70.

Coin and Coinage, 951, 956, 1235, 1478, 1481, g. 1533 (11), 1679, 2338, 2423, 2467, 2541, 2595, 2609, 2636, 2649, 2686, 2903, g. 2927 (1), 3150, 3204, 3867, g. 3991 (12), 5341, 5977, 6043 (3), g. 6072 (11), 6075, 6395.

Coingne (Coni, in Piedmont), 776.

co*kayn, Sir Tho., g. 137 (12), p. 234, g. 1610 (11), g. 6072 (9), g. 6803 (8).
-, - See co*keyn.

co*ke, _, 1557, 1655, 1801, 2734. See also Cooke.

co*ke, And., g. 137 (11).
-, - (or Cooke), John, 293, p. 238, g. 1136 (1), g. 1466 (26), 5817, 5850.
-, - (co*k), Mistress, 2735.
-, -, Ric., 394, 1577 (12), g. 2132 (und.), g. 2599 (4).

co*ke, Rob., 281, 3702, 6004.
-, -, Tho., p. 237 plur., p. 989–90, p. 2692.
-, -, Wm., 691, g. 5510 (und.)

co*kecoo, Wm., 459.

co*kehill, abbot of, p. 2700.

co*ker, Th., 2180.

co*keram, Wm., App. 89.

co*kermothe, Wm., 5354 (3).

co*kesall. See Coggeshall.

co*kesbrome, Kent, 2217 (2) iii.

co*ksons, the, (Border family,) 4336 (2).

co*keson, Geo., 6289.
-, -, John, 2661.
-, - (Cuckeson), Ric., g. 3142 (18).
-, -, Tho., g. 464 (8).
-, -, Wm., 2661.

co*ket, Wm., p. 988.

co*keyn, Humph., g. 5336 (11).
-, -, Marg., g. 5336 (11).

co*kisforde. See co*ckesford.

co*kys, Rob., p. 1605.

co*kyston, Ireland, 558.

co*kk, Th., g. 1533 (11).

co*kke, Joachim, g. 2132 (20).
-, -, John, of Hoddesdon, Herts, g. 5748 (20).

co*kks. See co*ckes.

co*kkes, the George, ship, App. 87.

co*kkes, Nic., App. 87.
-, -, Rob., 1082 (2).
-, -, Th., g. 4445 (23).
-, -, Wm., g. 6803 (24).

co*kkeshall, Wm., g. 3540 (19).

co*krell, John, g. 1136 (17).

co*kshot, 388 (6).

co*kston, Kent, 842.

Colbones, Suss., g. 546 (6).

Colbrande, Rob., g. 2362 (1).

Colbrandspath. See co*ckburnspath.

Colbroke, John, p. 233.

Colbronde, Th., 1939 (8).

Colby, John, 4670.
-, -, Rob., g. 1796 (15).

Colchester, 513, p. 236, g. 1136 (11), 1833, g. 2291 (15), g. 3213 (3), g. 3622 (8), 3625, 3866, 4012, 4029 (1, 2, 3), 4030, 4145, 4162, 4175 (1), 4218, 4254, (2), 4545 ii., 5076, 5101, p. 2253, p. 2691, 6110, 6489, g. 6803 (24).
-, -, letters dated at, 2385, 4129.
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, p. 2697.
-, -, "Crowche Freerys," sanctuary of, 2385.
-, -, -, prior of, 2385.
-, -, St. Bartholomews, Th. prior of, p. 2697.
-, -, St. Botolphs, 513 iii., 3267, 4029 (1).
-, -, St. Giles, 4029 (1).
-, -, St. James par., 4029 (1).
-, -, St. John's mon., 4545 ii.
-, -, -, John abbot of, g. 1136 (2), g. 5083 (12), p. 2697.
-, -, -, Th. abbot of, 513, 6513, g. 6803 (12).
-, -, -, Th. prior of, 4545 ii.
-, -, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, -, sanctuary of, 2385.
-, -, St. Martin's Gate, 4029 (1).
-, -, St. Leonard's, 4242.
-, -, St. Leonard at Hithe near, 4242.
-, -, Holy Trinity par., 4029 (1), 4175 (3).
-, -, St. Nicholas, 4029 (1), 4175 (2).
-, - Castle, 4029 (3), g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20, 28).

Cold Ashby, 1913, 2167 (1), p. 987, 4275.

Cold Brayfield, Bucks, g. 137 (1).

Coldeale, John, p. 2691.

Coldherbar, 5774 (1).

Colherberd, Essex, 5115.

Cold Marte, the, at Antwerp, 1751, 4662 (7).

Cold Norton, 2138 (4).
-, -, (Çolnorton,) Bucks, g. 1945 (2).

Cold Norton, Oxf., prior of, p. 2698.

Coldingham, Berw., 800, 801, 807, 1862 ii., 4709, 4764, 4830.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 4717, 4718, 4719, 4812.
-, -, -, priory of, 662, 861, 870 ii., 1168, 1170, 1222, 1372, 4830, 5086.
-, -, -, ..., letters dated at, 4729, 4730, 4731, 4922, 4923.
-, -, -, prior of. See Douglas, William.

Coldstream, Berw., 21, 55, 59, 65, 73, 74, 104, 253, 332, 529, 550, 903, 1047, 1057, 1058, 1268, 1968 (2) iii., 1974, 2035, 2401, 2413, 2449, 2625, 2678, 2777, 5030.
-, -, -, prioress of, 47, 762, 1047.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 55, 65, 1047, 1268, 2575.

Cole, _, 3999.

Cole, John, p. 236.
-, -, Ric., g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Ro., g. 4445 (28).
-, -, Th., g. 2540 (18).
-, - See also Coole.

Coleman, Hants, g. 5336 (12).

Colenson. See Collenson.

Colet, Dr. John, dean of St. Paul's, 4107.
-, - or Collett, Th., App. 99.
-, -, Wm., p. 985.

Colepeper. See Culpeper.

Coleshill, Warw., 1688.

Colewich, prior of, p. 2700.

Coleyn, Pet., g. 137 (12), g. 2002 (6).

Coleyns, Th., prior of Tywardreth, App. 237 a.

Colfe, Ric., 5439.

Colham, Middx., 969 (4), g. 2065 (19).

Colhurst, Th., 4236.

Colier, Hen., 1577 (12).
-, - See Colyer.

Colingeham, Yorksh., 367.

Colion, Wales, g. 1230 (28).

Coll, island of, Scotland, 715.

Collaton Raylegh, Devon, g. 2673 (18).

Collayn (? Cologne), g. 137 (18).

Colle, Edm., p. 235.
-, -, Francesco da, 5604.
-, -, Jas., 390 (7).
-, - See Coly.

Collector, Pope's, office of, App. 5.

Collenbeke, Hans, 4282.

Colles. See Collis.

Collett. See Colet.

Colliment, _, (armourer of Augsburg), 4112.

Collingwood, Colynwood, or Colingwode, _, 3610.
-, -, Rob., 1469, g. 1610 (11), 2035, 5085, g. 5510 (21), g. 6301 (3), 6382.
-, -, Sir Rob., 6043 (2) i.
-, - See Colynwood.

Collioure (Collieure), France, 5512.

Collis, _, p. 341, 3759.
-, -, Humph., g. 2002 (6), g. 6490 (20 Exet.), g. 6803 (4).
-, -, Th., p. 341.

Colenson or Collenson, John, 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., 459.

Colleweston or Colyweston, Northt., 2359.
-, -, letter dated at, 1540.

Colley. See Coly.

Collop, Edm., 5330 ii.

Collumpton, Devon, p. 339, g. 2218 (5), 5510 (16).

Colly. See Coly.

Collyar. See Colyer.

Collyns, Ric., 4029 (2), 4545 (2).
-, -, Ro., p. 3048.
-, -, Th., 5102 (5).
-, -, Wm., 304.
-, - See Colyns.

Colman, John, p. 83, g. 464 (2), p. 235, g. 1533 (1), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2).
-, -, Th., 1857.
-, -, Wm., 1939 (10), g. 5510 (28).

Colmere, Hants, 1913 (1).

Colnbrook, Bucks, 5100, 6489.

Colneston, 5076.

Colne, prior of, p. 2697.

Colnewake, Essex, p. 673 note, g. 3747 (22), g. 6135 (22).

Colnorton. See Coldnorton.

Colocza. See Colotz.

Cologne (Collegnne, &c.), 1346, 1400, 1811, 2550, 2590, 2628, 2652, 2711, 3697, 4112, 4693, 4725, g. 4896 (19), 5402, 5490, g. 5624 (1), 6304, 6511, 6699.
-, -, letters dated at, 2530, 2554, 2563, 2603, 2637, 2668, 2718, 2932, 2933, 3605, 3898, 4810, 4811.
-, -, bpric. of, g. 6038 (19).

Cologne, Herman abp. of, 1400, 2554, 2718, 2932, 2933, 5402.
-, -, -, letter to, 2469.
-, -, cardinal of, (? an error for Brandenburg,) 6362.
-, -, the three kings of, p. 795.

Colonna, 6655.

Colonna, bp. of, 4498.

Colonna, Ascanio, 2486, 2629, 2633, 3573, 3601, 4224, 4232, 4240, 5779, 6499.
-, -, card. Pompey, 1131, 1430, 1771, 2249, 2393, 2486, 2509, 2543, 2556, 2558, 2569, 2585, 2615, 2624, 2629, 2630, 2657, 2704 ii., 2705, 2715–6, 2819, 2870, 2919, 3114, 3151, 3152 (2), 3206, 3286, 3473, 3497, 3604, 3995, 4255, 4372, 5230, 5921, 6290, 6362, 6451, 6477, 6483, 6527.
-, -, -, letters from, 4232, 6451.
-, -, -, letter to, 6477.
-, -, -, niece of, 6477, 6527.

Colonna, Julio, 3947.

Colonna, Prospero, 64, 440, 2763.
-, -, Seccara, or Sarra, or Sciarra, 3090, 3405, 3934, 5157, 6483.
-, -, Stephano, 5157, 6499.
-, -, Vespasian, 2629, 2633, 2704 ii., 2737.

Colonnas, the, 872, 909, 1054, 1131, 1197, 1430, 2237, 2289, 2290, 2417, 2444, 2481, 2494, 2502, 2503, 2508, 2510, 2511, 2531, 2543, 2600, 2604, 2606, 2624, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2648, 2657, 2667, 2679, 2680, 2685, 2699, p. 1200, 2704 ii., 2705, 2709 (2), 2715, 2716, 2733, 2763, 2764 ii. iii., 2782 ii., 2819, 2827, 2860, 2912, 2913, 2919, 2920, 3003, 3173, 3405, 3497, 3758, 4063, 4103, 4258, 4871, 4928, 4956, 5042, 5234, 5302, 5640, 5676, 5722, 5725, p. 2535, 5735, 5764, App. 95.
-, -, territory of, 2486, 2624.

Colnne (or Colune), Wales, g. 2002 (27).

Coloribus, John de, g. 3008 (23).

Colorno, 2786.

Colotz, or Colocensis, and Bath, Fran. archbishop of, 2048, 2056, 2306, 2380 (2), 2589, 4223.
-, -, -, letter from, 2301.
-, -, -, letter to, 2021.

Colsell, Alice, 6725, 6764.

Colston Bassett, Notts, g. 1136 (1), 3819 (1).

Colswell, Kath., 5275.
-, -, Wm., 5275.

Colt or Colte, _, 2710, 3703, 3926.
-, -, _, Sir Lewes, his chaplain, 2710, 3703.
-, -, Anne, 5838.
-, -, Geo., 366, 6516 (6, 15).
-, -, Hen., App. 252 i.
-, -, John, 3926.

Colthorpe, Hants, 1913 (1).

Colton, Yorksh., g. 5336 (27).

Colvile, Ric., g. 2447 (80).

Colverbyne, Hen., p. 238.

Colvyle, Tho., p. 237, g. 1136 (14), g. 1377 (23).

Colwel, _, 346.

Colwells, the, northern family, 4336 (2).

Colwyn Forest, Wales, g. 1676 (4).

Coly, Colly, or Colley, Ant., 952, g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, Kenelm, App. 91.
-, - See Colle.

Colyer or Collyar, Rob., p. 3066.
-, -, Th., p. 989.
-, -, Wm., 955 (2).

Colyn, John, 403.
-, -, John de, g. 4231 (und.)
-, -, Sir Wm., 692.

Colyngborne Duke, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Colyngham, South Notts, 3819 (2).

Colyns, John, g. 5748 (18).
-, -, Launcelot, letters from, 5400, 6682.
-, - See also Collyns.

Colynwood. See Collingwood.

Colyweston. See Colleweston.

Com, Thos., widow of, 2893.

Comacre, _, (French secretary,) p. 1484.

Comb, p. 340.

Combbs, Th., App. 19.

Combe (Cumba), Oliver abbot of, p. 2700.

Combe, John, 3678, p. 3047.
-, -, als. Cumbe, Rob., g. 297 (14), g. 390, (30), g. 1377 (17).

Combeburgh, Devon, g. 6248 (12).

Combe Martin, Devon, 4695, 5110.

Comberford, Edw., 1939 (8).

Combermere (Comhore), abbot of, 4096, App. 227.
-, -, Chr. abbot of, pp. 2700–1.

Combes, Tho., 393.

Combford, Th., g. 2065 (12).

Combwell, Th. prior of, p. 2696.

Comcroke, 1855.

Comc, Th., 6138 (3).

Comc (Ruthelan), Flint, g. 3540 (12).

Comendador. See Cobos, Fr. de los.

Comensis, Raphael. See Raphael.

Comer, Phil., p. 233.

Comet, 6561.

Comme, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Commerce, g. 6654 (1), 6686, App. 17.

Common law, reform of the, 4937.

Common Pleas, 6043 (6), 6052, 6210, g. 6600 (2), g. 6709 (10).
-, -, chirographer of, g. 1736 (12).
-, -, justices of, 413, g. 3087 (und.), g. 3540 (21), g. 4231 (6), g. 4896 (6), 5666.
-, -, chief justice of, 3150, 4221, g. 4993 (7), g. 6751 (22).

Commons, House of, 6183.
-, -, -, under clerk of the, p. 869.

Como, 996, 1946, 1957, 2289, 2352, 2357, 2363–4, 2393, 2470, 3490.
-, -, card., 3115.
-, -, Cæsar de Trivulcis, bishop of, 5959, 5963, 5984, 5991–2, 6007, 6053.

Compiegne, 3366, 3369, 3373, 3411, 3437, 3441, 3513, p. 2105, 5688.
-, -, letters dated at, 3400, 3418, 3420, 3422–3, 3472, App. 117–18.
-, -, instruments dated at, 3428 (1, 2), 3434–5, 3449, 3451 (1, 2), 3466 (2), 5696, 5704.

Compostella, 3041 (4).

Compton, Hants, 2407 (2).
-, -, letter dated at, 5643.
-, -, Berks, 1913 (1), g. 2599 (23).
-, -, Surr., 390 (7).
-, -, Warw., g. 297 (und.), 4442–3.
-, -, parson of, 4442 (1).

Compton, Eliz., g. 6072 (23).
-, -, John, g. 297 (28), g. 2761 (1).
-, -, Peter, son and heir of Sir William, 4442 (6), 4604, 5090, 5117 (1), 5317 (3), g. 5336 (24), g. 6072 (10, 11), g. 6135 (5), g. 6187 (12), g. 6363 (8, 20), g. 6418 (23), g. 6542 (16), g. 6654 (27), App. 233.
-, -, Rob., g. 6038 (9).
-, -, Wm., abbot of Pershore, 2458.

Compton, Sir Wm., under treasurer, g. 137 (12, 18), 149, g. 297 (und.), g. 895 (20), g. 961 (20), 966, 976, g. 1298 (und., 27), 1309, g. 1377 (12), g. 1533 (12), 1646, 1906, p. 863, 1939, (4, 6, 8, 9), 1941, g. 2002 (11, 22), g. 2218 (12), 2507, g. 2599 (23), 2672, g. 2673 (20), 2911, g. 2927 (22), 3057, g. 3087 (und.), 3167 (1), 3395, 3587 (1), 4438–40, 4442–3, 4449–50, 4452, 4454, 4463, 4466, 4468–70, 4476, 4483, 4501, 4536, 4544, 4547, 4562, 4582–3, 4593, 4604, 4618, 4654, g. 4687 (6, 19, 20, 26–8), 4734, g. 4896 (6, 28), 4927, 5020, g. 5083 (4), 5090, g. 5243 (27, 29), 5268, 5317 (3), 5330 ii, g. 5406 (5), g. 5510 (und.), g. 5624 (1), g. 5906 (2), 6043 (9), g. 6072 (10, 11, 23, 24), g. 6135 (5), p. 2768, g. 6187 (12), g. 6301 (10), g. 6363 (8, 20), g. 6418 (23), g. 6542, (16), g. 6654 (27), p. 3069, 6789 (3), App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letters from, 3057, 3395.
-, -, -, offices and lands of, 4439.
-, -, -, his wife and family, 4442, g. 6072 (23).
-, -, -, will of, 4442 (1).
-, -, -, his council, 5268.
-, -, -, executors of, 5330 ii., 6043 (9), 6183.
-, - See Comton.

Compton Chamberlen, Wilts, 1227.

Compton Longa, Warw., 4442 (5).

Compton Pauncefote, Soms., g. 1533 (12).

Compton Pole, Devon, g. 6072 (5).

Compton Vynyeats, Warw., 4442 (5).

Comptroller of the Household. See Guildford, Sir Henry.
-, -, wife of, 1939 (4).

Comton, Hen., p. 1699.

Condam, _, 6411.

Condom, in Gascoigne, g. 86 (24).

Condrieu, letters dated at, 1645, 1659.

Conesby. See Conyngesby.

Confelonero, John Baptista, 2981.

Conflans, treaty of, 1735 (2).

Conisheved (Connyssed), Lanc., priory of, 1253.

Connaghe, Ireland, p. 1077.

Connall, W. prior of, 4263, 4265, 4277.
-, -, -, letter from, 4264.

Connor, Father, 244.
-, -, Ph., 293, g. 1298 (11), g. 2065 (17).

Conolagh, Ireland, g. 6248 (23).

Conquet, in France, 2006.

Conradin, capt. of lansquenets, 3855.
-, - See Coradin.

Consaunt, Hen., 293.

Conserans, Mons. de, 4224.

Const, _, 6004.

Constable, _, 3216.
-, -, _, servant of the duke of Norfolk, 3301.
-, - or Cunstable, John, clk., dean of Lincoln, g. 390 (12), g. 961 (12), g. 2002 (11), 3943, 3998, 4514, 4521, 4525–6, g. 5083 (16), 5872, 6329.
-, -, -, letter from, 2101.
-, -, Sir John, of Holderness, 4914.
-, -, Sir John, p. 236, 819, 4914.
-, -, Sir Marm., p. 236, g. 1610 (11), g. 5243 (28), 6043 (2) i., 6129, g. 6135 (21), 6164, g. 6490 (14), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, -, letter from, 6164.
-, -, -, the elder, 1596, 6516–16 (1), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Marmaduke, 1939 (8).
-, -, Ph., 1939 (8).
-, -, Sir Robt., 172, p. 236, 1082, 1115, g. 1136 (22), g. 1610 (11), g. 1676 (14), g. 3008 (17), g. 5243 (28), g. 6301 (31), 6345, 6515–16 (1), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, -, his son, 1115.
-, -, Th., g. 6135 (21).
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 236, 1596, 2001, g. 5083 (11), g. 5243 (28), 6587.
-, -, Wm., 970 (2).
-, -, -, sig. of, 1218.
-, -, Sir Wm., of Carethorpe, g. 1610 (11).
-, -, -, letter from, 3146.
-, -, -, his nephew, 3146.
-, -, -, of Hatfield, g. 1610 (11).

Constable of Spain, 3514, 6244.

Constance, 3898.
-, -, council of, 6546.

Constans, Geo., 4810.

Constantine, Emperor, 2711 (2).

Constantyn, a captain of the king of Poland, 2960.

Constantine, 'Geo., vicar of Sodgley, 4030, 4396, 4693, p. 3048.

Constantine, a Greek scribe, p. 2863.

Constantinople, 263, 357, 1901, 1998, 2509, 2510, 2566, 2588, 2638, 2681, 2727, 2786, 5461, 5524, 5636.
-, -, emperor of, 3067.
-, -, emperors of, 3207.

Constantinus, D., 6251.

Contarini, Gasparo, 3578, 6101, 6403.

Convocation, 29, 2001, 6047 (1–3),

Conway, N. Wales, 973, 1941.
-, -, abbot of, p. 2701.

Conway (or Conwey), Chr., p. 2225.
-, -, Edw., p. 236, g. 961 (20), g. 2002 (6).
-, -, Hen., g. 213 (16), 4299, g. 6363 (20).
-, -, Pet., p. 2701.
-, -, Ph., 293.
-, -, (Conewaye), Ric., 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., p. 3047.

Cony, marches of Wales, g. 2599 (13).

Cony, clk. of St. Antony's, 4029 (1).

Cony, John, g. 5624 (8).
-, -, Rob., g. 2002 (8).
-, -, Wm., 4442 (5).

Conyas, Jas., 1939 (8).

Conye, Edm., 512.
-, -, Th., p. 3047.

Conyers, g. 297 (14).

Conyers, _, 2321 (2).
-, -, Chr. lord, g. 297 (14), g. 546 (16), 692, g. 1610 (11 Y. plur.), g. 1945 (29), p. 1331, 3539, 3822, 4474, 4697, g. 5083 (10, 11), 5091, 5793, 6489, p. 3064, 6513, g. 6803 (6, 12), App. 6.
-, -, -, letter from, App. 6.
-, -, -, his sig., 6513.
-, -, Cuthbert, 2527.
-, -, Fran., p. 239.
-, -, Sir Geo., 4678.
-, -, Jas., p. 236, p. 869, 2521, g. 6072 (18).
-, -, John, 1939 (8), g. 6600 (8).
-, -, Rob., g. 6135 (21), g. 6363 (und.)
-, -, Th., g. 6751 (26).
-, -, Wm. lord, g. 297 (14), g. 546 (16), 1218, p. 1331.
-, -, -, his sig., 1218.
-, -, -, wife of, p. 1331.

Conyes, Rauff, 799.

Conyngesby or Conesby, _, 19, 190, p. 153.
-, -, _, letters to, 19, 190.
-, -, Anne, g. 1945 (26).
-, -, -, son of 1945 (26).
-, -, Francis, 3587 (2).
-, -, Hump., p. 83, g. 3540 (26), 5508 (1).
-, -, Sir Humph., g. 137 (1, 12 M., Herts, War., Wor.), g. 390 (2, 12), g. 464 (30), g. 546 (11), p. 237, g. 787 (29), g. 961 (12, 14, 20, 26), g. 1136 (13, g. 1466) (26), g. 1533 (11), g. 1610 (11 Derb.), g. 1945 (6, 26), g. 2002 (3, 6, 11 Leic., Northt, Notts, Herts, Lin. Hol., 12), g. 2673 (17), g. 2927 (12), g. 3213 (28), g. 3540 (26), 3719, g. 3991 (3, 12), g. 4445 (20), g. 5083 (2, 4, 11, 16), g. 5243 (28), g. 5336 (20), g. 6490 (20 Hert., 28), g. 6803 (8).
-, -, John, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4), g. 6490 (20 Herts).
-, -, Th., 5508 (1).
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (23), p. 83, p. 236, p. 238, g. 2002 (11), 5666, g. 5815 (12), g. 6490 (20 Norw.), g. 6751 (28), App. 36.

Conysborough, Yorks., g. 961 (20).

Conyscliffe, Durham, 107.

Coo, Chr., 83 (2, 3), p. 85, 281, 293, 410, 691, 1435, 1853, 2242, 2375, 2751, 3543, 3625, 3663, 3744, 4065, g. 4445 (5), 4809, 5330 i., 6005, 6126, g. 6135 (3), App. 247.
-, -, -, letters from, 3543, 4065.

Coo, Ric., 83 (3), g. 213 (3), 293.
-, -, Wm., 57, 293, g. 1533 (7).

Cooke or Cook, _, 1569, 1577, 4040, 4274. See also co*ke.
-, -, _, of Calkett Hall, 5096.
-, -, Mrs., p. 1332.
-, -, Alan, 2073 (1).
-, -, Edw., 5095.
-, -, Humph., g. 297 (24), p. 869.
-, -, John, g. 297 (und.), 960, g. 1377 (8), 3117, g. 3142 (19), g. 4993 (10), 5060, 5933, 6034, 6361, g. 6363 (25), p. 3048.
-, -, -, letters from, 5095, 5933, 6361.
-, -, Laur., p. 1762 note.
-, -, Ric., g. 297 (und.), 459, 1577 (1, 2, iv.), 1938 (8), 2753, 6686.
-, - (or Cuyke), Rob., 692, g. 6751 (9).
-, -, Wm., p. 83, App. 247.

Cookeham, Oxon, 4471.

Cookessey, _, 4488.

Coole, John, p. 82, g. 4313 (15), g. 5510 (3).
-, -, Th., g. 4801 (19).
-, - See Cole.

Coommartyn. See Combe Martin.

Coope or Cope, _, 5293.
-, -, Steph., 348, p. 235, g. 895 (12), g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (11), g. 2218 (8), p. 1332, g. 5243 (26), g. 6490 (20 Win.)
-, -, Wm., p. 3068.

Cooper or Coper, Ric., g. 2839 (7).
-, -, -, letter from, 5457.
-, -, Rog., 6652.
-, - See Couper: Cowper.

Coopercioners lands, g. 137 (5), g. 1533 (6), g. 4993 (17), g. 5336 (14).

Cootes, Ric., g. 1533 (19).

Copcote, Kath., 6062 i. ii.

Copdock, Suff., 1833.

Cope, Wm., g. 3087 (und.)
-, -, -, letter to, 2437.
-, - See Coope.

Copeland, _, 2989, 2990.
-, - See Copland.

Copenhagen (Cowpmanhavonne), 742, 748, App. 76.

Copenhall, Cheshire, g. 3991 (8), g. 6490 (23).

Copildike. See Copledyke.

Copindale (Copyndall), _, 967.
-, -, Edm., g. 6363 (5).

Copland, E., priest, letter from, 5268.
-, -, Edw., 5330 ii.
-, -, John, 387.
-, - See Copeland: Coupland: Cowpland.

Copledyke, Copildike, or Coupuldyk, _, App. 89, 91.
-, -, John, 403, p. 238, 3997, g. 5083 (16).

Copleston, _, p. 341.
-, -, John, g. 6248 (13).
-, -, Th., p. 83.

Copley, Dorothy, g. 1230 (23), g. 1945 (29).
-, -, Edw., g. 4993 (16).
-, -, als. Litster, John, letter from, 5437.
-, -, Coppeley or Copleyn, Rog., p. 82, g. 297 (18), p. 233, g. 961 (22), 6598 (2).
-, -, Sir Rog., g. 2002 (11), g. 2839 (26), g. 3540 (21), g. 5243 (28), g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Wm., g. 1230 (23), g. 1945 (29), g. 6803 (12).

Copmanthorpe, Yorksh., 1942 (1).

Copwood, Wm., 366, 1939 (9).

Copyndall. See Copindale.

Copynger, John, 6395, g. 6490 (14), g. 6600 (18).

Coradin, _, 4224.

Corbavia, John count of, 3239.

Corbeil, in France, 6375.

Corbell, Sande, 1517 ii.

Corbett, 1854.
-, -, Joan, g. 2673 (7), g. 6490 (28).
-, - John, p. 84, 681, 819, 1795, g. 2002 (11), g. 2673 (7), 4326–7, 4338, 4374, 4394–5, 4761.
-, -, Pet., g. 3087 (und.)
-, -, Ric., g. 1230 (3), g. 5336 (23).
-, -, Sir Ric., g. 1136 (12), g. 1230 (3), g. 5336 (23).
-, -, Rog., p. 2692, g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Wm., 681.

Corbo, Francisco, 1892.

Corboulde, Wm., g. 6135 (6).

Corbula, in Italy, 6375, 6785.

Corby, Northt., 3587 (5).

Corcensis. See Gurk, cardinal of, 6362.

Corcye, John, App. 229.
-, -, Wm., App. 229.
-, - See Corsey.

Cordeliers, Angelo, general of the, and cardinal. See Quignones.

Corderey, John, 5627.

Corduba, Aloisius de, duke of Suessa. See Suessa.

Core, _, rector of Radwinter, 4541 i.

Corffe Castle, Dors., p. 673 note, 4536 ii.
-, -, stewardship of, 4547.

Corffe Hubbert, Dors., g. 4594 (20).

Corffe Mullen, Dors., g. 4594 (20).

Corfu, 2285.

Corgrewyn, Cornw., g. 3991 (12).

Cork, 80, p. 1077, 5501 (1).

Corlatzky, _, 2550 ii.

Cormagog, an Irish lord, 5620.

Corn, g. 6709 (12, 28), App. 128, 216.

Corn Survey, 3544, 3665, 3819, 3822, 3833, 4414, App. 273.
-, -, regrating of, 5857, 5998.

Cornaro, Andrew, card., 568.
-, -, -, his brother, 568.

Cornebrugh, Corneburgh, or Cornebery, 967, 1942 (3), 4582, g. 6072 (24).

Cornelis, goldsmith. See Hayes.

Cornelis, Martin, g. 1377 (18).

Cornelius, of Flanders, 2687, 2829, 2860.
-, -, the King's goldsmith, App. 99 (2). See also Hayes, Cornelius.
-, -, sec. of card. Salviati, letter to, 4498.
-, -, Fran., card., letters from, 4370–1.
-, -, M., card. Marcus, letter from, 429.
-, -, _, professor of theology at Milan, 6251.

Cornell, Chr., 167.
-, - ? See Cornille.

Cornelys, the King's corveser, p. 797.
-, -, Gertrude, 2701.

Cornelyse wif, 1227.

Corneto, 2670, 3898, 4379, 4401, 4533, 4605.
-, -, letters dated at, 3196, 3208.
-, -, Adrian card., 6362.

Cornewales or Cornwayles, Edw., g. 2599 (8).
-, -, Eliz., g. 5815 (12).
-, -, Sir John, g. 2291 (28), g. 5815 (12), 5985.
-, -, - his signature and seal, 5985.
-, -, Mary, g. 5815 (12).

Cornewall or Cornewayle, Sir Ric., 256, g. 1049 (12), g. 1610 (11), 1941, 2672, 5962, 6043 (2) i.
-, -, -, letter from, 5962.
-, -, Th., 819, g. 5083 (4, 5).
-, -, Sir Th., g. 137 (12), g. 390 (2), 1200, g. 1610 (11), 3475, g. 5083 (6), 5330 ii., 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20 Gl., Heref.)
-, -, -, baron of Burford, 3506.

Cornhill or Cornell, 59, 117, 137, 144, 1862 iii., 1968 (2) iii., 2035, 3762, 3777, 4870, 5085.
-, -, laird of, 4870.

Cornille, _, 826.

Cornish ship, 1938 ii.

Cornoilles, Anglesey, g. 3008 (7).

Cornuti, John, 1787.

Cornwall, g. 137 (18), pp. 82–5, g. 297 (und.), p. 235, p. 237, 819, 969 (2), 972, g. 1136 (8, 12), g. 1298 (und.), 1327, g. 1377 (27), 1533 (11), 1795, 1939 (8), g. 2002 (6), 2525, 2672, 2815, 3581, 3866, g. 3991 (12), 4914, 4967, 5124, 6043 (2) i., g. 6418 (24), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, p. 2699.
-, -, sheriff of, g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, bailiff errant of, g. 5748 (22).
-, -, tin coinage in, g. 4445 (23).
-, -, duchy of, g. 390 18), g. 464 (7), g. 1136 (8, 28), g. 1533 (11), g. 2673 (20), g. 2927 (28), g. 3142 (5, 30), g. 3213 (26), g. 3869 (16), g. 3991 (26), g. 4231 (und.), g. 5624 (13), 6278, g. 6418 (13), g. 6600 (7).
-, -, -, officers of, g. 1533 (11), g. 3991 (8), g. 4231 (und.), g. 4445 (23).

Cornwall, Ric. earl of (son of king John), 5726.

Cornwall. See Cornewall.

Cornysshe, Hen., p. 236.

Cornyshe, Wm., g. 895 (7).

Coronation (of Hen. VIII.), 6655.

Corpson, Wm., g. 1736 (12).

Correar, Cornw., 2815.

Correggio, terrritory of, 2237.

Corrson. See Curson.

Corseley, Norhamshire, 5085.

Corsey, Wm., 5330 ii.
-, - See Corcye.

Corsica, 4871.
-, -, St. Florence in, 2648, 2657.

Corsicans, 3802.

Corsino, Andrea, 3237.

Corson. See Curson.

Corstorphyne, near Edinburgh, 2678.

Cortesio, Jacobo, 5230.

Corticella, 6375.

Cortisford, Suss., 1913 (2).

Cortogoli, _, 680.

Cortona, 5848, 6007.
-, -, John Sylvius Passerinus cardinal of, 3353, 3637.

Cortun, Th., 436, 559.

Corwen, N. Wales, App. 11.

Corydon, _, his wife, p. 3067.

Corymallet. See Curry Mallet.

Coryrevell. See Curry Revell.

Cosbeck, 4424.

Cosen, Louis, 136.

Cosham, Hants, 5100, g. 5624 (8).

Cosley, 313.

Cosme. See Como.

Cossay, 5076.

Cossyn, Raynyer, 5840.

Costebrault, _, App. 220.

Cotegill, 4421.

Coterstoke, Northt., g. 4993 (4).

Cotes, John, p. 234, 2672, g. 4313 (13), 5508 (1).

Cotham, Notts, p. 1699.

Cother, John, p. 2692.

Cothie. _ Chaplain "in ponte Cothie," p. 3047.

Cothurne, Wm., p. 237.

Cotisford, Kent, p. 989.

Cotswold, 2538 (7).
-, - stone quarries, 6023, 6747 (8).
-, - wool, 327.

Cottescouth, Yorks., g. 2132 (und.)

Cottesloe (Cottyslowe), 3734 (5).

Cottingham, p. 673 note, 2527, g. 3142 (23), 4653.
-, -, bailiff of, 3069.

Cottingham, Sim., 2978.

Cottisford, Dr. John, commissary of university of Oxford, 6303 ii., 6308 ii.
-, -, -, letter to, 3999.

Cottismore, John, p. 234.

Cotton (Coton, &c.), _, p. 341, 1947, 1954.
-, -, Ant., 1939 (8).
-, -, Geo., g. 1230 (3), 4536, 4547, g. 6363 (16).
-, -, Hen., p. 870.
-, -, John, 1939 (8), g. 2673 (5), 5508 (2).
-, -, Leonard, p. 987.
-, -, Margery, g. 3324 (1).
-, -, Martynne, 366.
-, -, Ric., 1852, 1954, p. 987, 3135.
-, -, Sir Rob., g. 2673 (5), g. 3324 (1), 5508 (2).
-, -, Th., p. 237, p. 341, g. 2673 (5), g. 3324 (1), 5508 (2).
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8), g. 5624 (18).

Cotton Hall, Salop, 4219.
-, -, Warw., g. 6751 (8).

Cottons, the two, 1947.

Cotyngham. See Cottingham.

Couche, Ric., 4800, App. 89, 91.

Couche, Hugh, 1939 (9).

Couhé, in France, 1938 (11).

Coukson, Jo., 5102 (2).

Coulton, South, York., g. 6363 (29).

Couly. See Cowley.

Council, president of the, 6199.
-, -, the, p. 864.
-, -, diets of the, 1097.
-, -, letter to the, 2214.
-, -, lords of the, letter to, App. 8.

Council of the North, letters from, 1727, 1779, 1793.

Council, General, proposed, 2446, 3151, 3350, 3356 (3), 3476, 6520, 6571, 6606, 6733, 6738, 6752, 6769, App. 261–2.

Council Chamber, 2936.

Councils, Greek, 6174.
-, -, Epistles of the, 6174.

Counser, Wm., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 234, g. 1049 (24), g. 2002 (11).

Count Palatine. See Lewis V

Couper. See Cowper.

Coupland. See Copland: Cowpland.

Courcy, Sir Th., 5501 (2).

Courieres, Sieur de, 349–50–51, 356, 579.

Courlieu, castle of, 415.

Coursone, Rob. See Curson.

Courtbaron, Claude Bouton, sieur de, frequently called the Squire Bouton, the Emperor's maitre d'hôtel, 1312, 1320, 1322, 1333, 1480, 2505, 2638, 2646, 2682.

Courteney (Corteney), Agnes, p. 340.
-, -, Joan, g. 3991 (26).
-, -, John, App. 3109.
-, -, Ph., 1939 (8).
-, -, Ric., g. 3991 (26).
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 137 (18), p. 233, 1795, g. 2002 (6), g. 3008 (23), 3733 (2), 6043 (2) i., g. 5510 (und.), g. 6490 (20 Exet.), g. 6803 (4).
-, -, lord Wm., p. 341.
-, - See Devon.

Courteys, Bryan, g. 5624 (14). See also Curteis.

Courthope Street, Kent, (Courtopscet), Our Lady, of, 4806.

Courtray, Flanders, g. 2132 (30).

Coussy, letter dated at, 5727. See also Cussi.

Couste, Guilaume, 3916.

Cousyn, Rob., g. 3213 (16).

Cove, 5076.

Coveherst, Sussex, p. 988.

Covehithe, Suff., 5101.

Covel, Rob., 1857.

Covelehall, in Uxbridge, Midd., g. 6363 (29).

Coveling, Suss., p. 988.

Coventry, 105, p. 151, p. 234, 969 (2), 971, 1228, g. 1377 (5), 1568, g. 1676 (12), 1743, g. 2540 (26), 2751, g. 3622 (30), 3866, g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 5510 (16), 5795, p. 2691, 6127, g. 6135 (1), g. 6363 (16), g. 6490 (28), App. 1.
-, -, letter dated at, 1228.
-, -, county of the city of, g. 137 (6), g. 464 (7), g. 6301 (10).
-, -, sedition at, 105, 1568, 1743, App. 1.
-, -, archdeaconry of, 971.
-, -, deanery of, 971.
-, -, mayor, &c. of, 1568, 1743.
-, -, mayors and aldermen of, App. 1.
-, -, Bayley Lane, App. 1.
-, -, Croschepynge ward, App. 1.
-, -, Jurdenwel ward, App. 1.
-, -, Sponstret ward, App. 1.
-, -, Dede Lane, App. 1.
-, -, Cold House, App. 1.
-, -, St. Mary's, prior of, 3292, 3389, 3481, 3487, g. 3622 (16).
-, -, St. Michael's, curate of, 6127.
-, -, charter house of, 4442 (1).

Coventry and Lichfield, bpric. or diocese of, g. 546 (19), 971, 2059, 2360, 3307, p. 2700.
-, -, chapter of, 2700.
-, -, Geoffrey Blythe, bishop of (sometimes called bishop of Chester), g. 137 (12), g. 390 (2), g. 961 (20), g. 1610 (11), 1691, g. 2002 (6, 11), 2014, 2751, p. 1331, 3481, 3487, 4975, g. 5083 (4, 6), 5170 (2), g. 5243 (26, 28), 6488.
-, -, -, letter to, 2014.

Coverdale, p. 673 note.
-, - Forest, Yorksh., g. 2132 (und.)

Coverdale, Miles, letter from, 3388.
-, -, Wm., 5354 (3).

Covert, John, p. 2691.
-, -, Ric., p. 233, g. 961 (22), g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20 Lew.), 6516 (1), 6598 (2).

Covesgrove, Northt., g. 4896 (28).

Covington benefice, Hunts, 4476.

Covos, Fran. de los. See Cobos.

Covyntone, laird of, 499.

Cow, Isle of Wight, 1271, 1296.

Cowane, John, 3868.

Cowarde, Ric., p. 152.

Cowbridge Castle, constable of, 976.

Cowbridge, Marg., 4545 ii.
-, -, Mrs., 4029 (2), 4175 (3).

Cowde, Barth., p. 3047.

Cowdrey, Avelena, 5799, 5838.

Cowherst, Suss., 1913 (2), p. 989.

Cowland, John, g. 6038 (15).

Cowlane, Cheshire, g. 6490 (23).

Cowley, 2138 (4).
-, -, Oxford, 2538 (5), p. 3066, 6747 (8).
-, -, Glouc., g. 4124 (23).

Cowley, Couly, &c., _, 4277.
-, -, Rob., 1279, 2404 (3), 3700, 4799, 4847, 5349.
-, -, _, letter from, 4799.
-, -, Th., g. 297 (und.)

Cowlyng, Kent, g. 6542 (8).

Cowper or Couper, John, g. 548 (21), p. 234, p. 2691.
-, -, - See Thomlynson.
-, -, Matt., 167.
-, -, Sir Nich., 368.
-, -, Ralph, g. 1736 (20).
-, -, Ric., p. 234, 5330 v.

Cowper or Couper, Rob., 6748 (11, 15).
-, -, Sir Rob., 1385.
-, -, Th., 4229 (10), 5330 i., 5405, 6748 (8).
-, -, Wm., g. 1736 (5), 1939 (9).
-, -, -, letters from, 1385–6.
-, - See also Cooper.

Cowpland, bailiff of, 278.

Cowplande, _, 6099.
-, -, John, 1201.
-, -, -, letter from, 3720.
-, -, Ric., 2347, 2935, 4570.
-, - See Copland.

Coxe, _, 6186 (2).
-, -, Dr., of University of Oxford, 6308.

Cox., Leonard, letter to, 3129.

Coxford, Th., prior of, p. 2699.

Coxhall. See Coggeshall.

Coxham, Oxon, 4471.

Coye, in France, 1999, 2009.
-, -, lord of, 1938 ii.

Coyndrieu. See Condrieu.

Crabaten, earl of, (Hungarian,) 2637.

Crabatis, in Hungary, 4024.

Crabbe, Joan, p. 3047.

Crabete, marquis of, 2711.

Cracow, 2589.
-, -, governor of, 2241.
-, -, letters dated at, 1061 iii., 2823, 2824, 3102, 3103, 4262.
-, -, palatine and captain of, 2823.
-, -, castellan of, 4262.
-, -, consul of, 4262, 4478.

Cracow, Peter bishop of, letter to, 5242.

Cradock or Cradok, Agnes, g. 6072 (30).
-, -, Matt., g. 464 (16).
-, -, Sir Matt., 976, 1941, 2331, g. 3869 (4, und.)
-, -, Ric., 459.

Craen, _, 5078.
-, -, John, 4657.

Crafford, _, 952.
-, -, Guy, g. 4896 (6).

Craford, Ric., g. 4993 (16).

Cragfergus, Ireland. See Carrickfergus.
-, -, constable of, g. 3324 (20).

Crakanthorpe, Grace, 1310.

Crake, Sir John, priest, 4501.

Crakehall, Yorkshire, p. 673 note.

Craker, Th., 1082 (2).

Cramlynton, Th., 5085.

Cramoysy, Ph., 3014.

Cranbrook, Kent, 1471, 1913 (2), 2697 g. 3087 (und.), g. 3991 (4), 4287, 4301, 4310, 4455, 4693, 4694.
-, -, parish priest of, 1470, 1471.

Crane, _, 3675.
-, -, John, 5462.
-, -, R., letter from, 6783.
-, -, Rob., p. 238, g. 1136 (12).

Crane, Wm., 136, 1939 (9, 10), g. 2218 (12), g. 2839 (28), g. 2927 (2), g. 4313 (6), 5738, g. 6418 (8).
-, - See also Craen.

Craneford, John, 4254 (3), 4545 ii.

Cranerde, _, 5746.

Craneholme, Yorks., 4442 (5).

Cranford, Middx., 969 (4).

Cranke, _, 6652.

Cranlegh ch., Winch. dioc., g. 2002 (3).

Cranmer, Thomas, D.D., afterwards abp. of Canterbury, p. 1633 note, 3819, p. 1834 note, 4167, 4872, p. 2698 note, p. 2729 note, 6446, 6531, 6543, 6613, 6619, 6623-4, 6639, 6643–4, 6669, 6671, 6689, 6694–6, 6701.
-, -, -, his book on the divorce, 6247.
-, -, -, letter from, 6543.
-, -, -, letters to, 6613, 6643, 6669, 6671, 6689, 6696, 6701.

Cranmere park, 5108.

Crasset or Crescet, Sir Nich., 293.

Craswall, Otho, g. 6072 (10).

Crathorne, Wm., g. 6542 (12).

Craucinus. See Crucinus.

Crauford or Crawfurde, earl of, 2487, 2678.
-, -, -, his sig., 540, 561.

Crauford, Nycoll, his sig., 540, 561.

Craven, 377, 3184, 3380 (2).
-, -, deanery of, 970.

Crawe, David, 279, 3975.
-, -, Meles, 5085.

Crawford, Edw., 347, 742.

Crawhaw, Alex., 3795.

Crawley, 2217 (3).
-, -, Beds., g. 3213 (4).

Crawley, North, Bucks, rector of, 5533.

Crawley, Wm. Hearon, of, 5085.

Crayford, John, 3304.

Crayndon, Bucks, 293.

Craynford, New, 969 (4).

Craystock. See Graystock.

Creche, John, 6124.

Crechton ? Pet., his sig., 540.

Crechtoun, Sir Pet., his sig., 561.

Creechurch. See London.

Creghton, Rynyane, 2678.

Creichton or Criton, Dr. Jas., 664 (Christian name misprinted Robert), 785, p. 477, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1129, 1644, 1877, 2767, 2781.

Creichton, Wm., 4970. See Crichton.

Crek or Creyke, Rob., g. 1610 (11), g. 5243 (28), 6748 (15).

Creke, abbey of, 82, 5096.
-, -, (Cryke), Northt., g. 1298 (und.), g. 1533 (10).

Creke, John, 3086, 5034, 5126.
-, -, Rob., (of Beverley,) g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Th., p. 986.

Creker, _, 3379, 6750.

Crema, 826, 2244, 2255.

Cremis, Pet. or Phil. de, 6192–4, 6237, p. 2863 plur., 6581.

Cremni, 2589.

Cremona, 113, 370, 760, 776, 789, 872, 910, 937, 939, 996, 1006, 1017, 1054, 1065, 1070, 1071, 1109, 1122, 1197, 1761, 1771, 1835, 1868, 1883, 1937, 1946, 2111 ii., 2227, 2239, 2244, 2273, 2289, 2304, 2364, 2399, 2403, 2416, 2417, 2443, 2461, 2462, 2465, 2478, 2480, 2481, 2486, 2508, 2510, 2522, 2524, 2530, 2532, 2556, 2557, 2566, 2569, 2578, 2585, 2590, 2600, 2638, 2657, 2763, 2786, 6339, 6656, 6671, 6713, 6727.
-, -, castle of, 134 (2), 1131, 1197, 2352.
-, -, -, captain of, 1835.
-, -, letters dated at, 1006, 1065, 1070, 1071.
-, -, commission dated at, 2887.

Cremona, Antonio clerk of, 5888.
-, -, Franciscus de, friar, 6633, 6644, 6656.
-, -, Vincent de, App. 264.

Crenge, John, g. 6803 (12 D.)

Crequi, Mons. de, 5597.

Crescentio (Crefontio), Pierre Paule, 3855, 3895.
-, -, -, letter to, 3895.

Crescet. See Crasset.

Cressener, John, 3005.
-, -, Sir John, p. 236, 3005.

Cressingham, Norfolk, parson of, 5330 i.

Cressop, 3404 (3).

Cressy, Rob., 6302.

Crethyng, Walt., p. 2698.

Creting, Wm., p. 3047.

Cretingham or Gretingham, Suff., 4229 (1), 4259 (2), 4297, 4424, 5076, 5136.

Crevecoeur, 6410, 6439.
-, -, instrument dated at, 5836.

Creusse, John, 2475.

Crewce or Crwys, Alice, g. 3398 (16), 5508 (1).
-, -, Emily, g. 3398 (16), 5508 (1).
-, -, Kath., g. 3398 (16), 5508 (1).
-, -, Wm., g. 3398 (16), 5508 (1).
-, - See Creuwis and Cruse.

Creyford, John, g. 1533 (1).

Creyke, 2000.
-, - See Creke.

Crichton, Geo., 3617. See Edinburgh, Holyrood House, George abbot of: _ and Dunkeld, bishop of.
-, - See Crechton and Creichton.

Cricklade, p. 2692.
-, -, deanery of, 971.

Crigille, N. Wales, 973.

Crimea, the, 2190 ii.

Crimplesham, Norf., 4001 (2, 3).

Crishoips (?) the, 3421.

Crippys, Cripse, Crypps, or Cryppes, _, 998.
-, -, Hen., g. 1945 (2).

Crippys, John, g. 464 (2), g. 1945 (2), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2).
-, -, Ric., p. 234.
-, -, Th., 3867 (2), 5318.
-, -, Wm., 459, g. 1945 (2).

Crispyn, Ri., p. 3407.

Cristall. See Kirkstall.

Cristesoun, Matho, 6120.

Cristleton, Cheshire, g. 4313 (20).

Cristmas, John, p. 236, p. 988.
-, -, Th., 1577 (12).

Criton, Jas. See Creichton.

Croatia, 2798, 3068, 3239, 3488, 5767.
-, -, bans of, 2056, 2380 (2), 2589, 2795.
-, -, king of, 3068, 4223.

Croche, John, g. 1466 (20).

Crocqu, _ Le, 4224.

Croft, _, 1577 (2) iii.
-, -, Sir Edm., g. 1610 (11).
-, -, Edw., p. 82.

Croft (Crostes), Sir Edw., 1577 (2) ii., g. 1610 (11), 1795, 1940 (2), 1941, g. 2002 (6, 11 Salop), 2926, 4470, 4914, g. 5083 (6), 5243 (26), g. 6038 (8), g. 6072 (9), g. 6490 (20 Gl., Shre., Worc.)
-, -, -, his sig., 1577 (4), 3842, 3874.
-, -, Geo., g. 4896 (18), p. 3048.
-, -, Harry, p. 794.
-, -, Ric., p. 234.
-, -, Rob., 799, 2935.
-, -, Th., 459.

Crofton, Yorks., 955 (3).

Crofts, _, 2331 (2).

Croham, g. 1533 (12).

Croke, Mrs., 4422.
-, -, John, g. 5815 (12).
-, -, John, one of the Six Clerks of Chancery, 969 (4), 3154 (2), 3216, 3369, 3410, 4135, 4388, 4469, g. 4801 (19), 4885 (4), 5117 (1) ii., 5772, 5787, 6025, 6748 (15), p. 3068, App. p. 3107.
-, -, -, letters from, 3369, 4469.

Croke or Crokes, Ric., Nottingham pursuivant, g. 4313 (5), g. 5243 (20), g. 6363 (30). See also Crokes.

Croke, Ric., D.D., (sometimes called John of Flanders,) 385, 1141–4, 1947–8, 1954, g. 2291 (17), 3135, 3520, 4562, 4604, 5993, 6104–7, 6140, 6143, 6145, 6149–50, 6153, 6156, 6159–61, 6165, 6168, 6170, 6173–4, 6178, 6188, 6190–5, 6197, 6205, 6229, 6232, 6235–40, 6242, 6250–1, 6266–7, 6280–2, 6288, 6300, 6309–10, 6316–18, 6326–28, 6333–4, 6339–40, 6352–4, 6360, 6365, 6372–3, 6375, p. 2864 note, 6388, 6398, 6403, 6405–9, 6413–16 (1–3), 6423–8, 6434, 6445–6, 6463, 6465, 6470–2, 6491–4, 6500–2, 6512, 6528, 6531–2, 6540, 6543, 6551, 6559, 6567–70, 6580, (1–3), 6607, 6609, 6611–13, 6619–20, 6622–4, 6633, 6639, 6641 i. ii., 6643–4, 6656, 6659, 6669–74, 6680–1, 6684, 6689, 6694–6, 6701–2 (1, 2), 6713–14, 6727–8, 6742, 6745 (1–3), 6785–6, App. 259, 264, 265 plur.
-, -, -, letters from, 1141–4, 1947–8, 1954, 3135, 6104–7, 6149–50, 6153, 6156, 6161, 6165, 6170, 6174, 6192–4, 6197, 6207, 6209, 6229, 6232, 6235–40, 6242, 6250–1, 6266–7, 6280–2, 6288, 6300, 6616–17, 6326–28, 6339, 6352, 6354, 6365, 6373, 6403, 6406–7, 6409, 6413–15, 6423–6, 6445–6, 6463, 6470–1, 6491, 6500–1, 6512, 6531–2, 6551, 6559, 6567, 6581 (1, 2), 6612–13, 6540, 6607, 6609, 6619, 6622–4, 6639, 6641, 6643–4, 6656, 6669–74, 6680–1, 6684, 6694–6, 6701–2 (1, 2). 6713–14, 6727–8, 6745.
-, -, -, letters to, 6143, 6159, 6178, 6188, 6195, 6209, 6333–4, 6340, 6398, 6492, 6543, 6568.
-, -, -, hand of, 6143, 6145, 6159–60, 6178, 6188, 6195, 6207, 6209, 6334 (2), 6340, 6353 (1, 2), 6360, 6398, 6416 (1–3), 6424 (2), 6428, 6492, 6543, 6568–70, 6568, 6531 (3), 6611, 6620, 6641 ii., 6652, 6745 (2), 6785, App. 259, 264–5 plur.
-, -, -, his expences, 6875, 6502, 6785–6.
-, -, -, duke of Richmond's schoolmaster, 4562, 4604.
-, -, -, his brother, 6159.
-, -, Wm., p. 986.

Crokeham, 281.

Croker, Edw., p. 237.

Crokernwell, 5100.

Crokke, _, p. 153.

Crokes, Ric., goldsmith, g. 4231 (und.) See also Croke.

Croket, Rog., g. 6803 (21).

Crome, Edw., 6402.

Crome, Mr., 1288.
-, -, Dr., 6247 i. ii., 6367.

Cromer, 5101.

Cromer, Mr., 5774 (3).
-, -, Dr., letter to, 4462.
-, -, John, 4276, g. 4993 (28).
-, -, Walt., 6151.
-, -, See Crowmer.

Cromwell (Crumwell), Notts, g. 1945 (29), p. 1699.

Cromwell, Eliz., wife of Th., letter to, App. 57.
-, -, Greg., 3197, 4560, 4837, 4916, 5772.
-, -, -, letter from, 4561.
-, -, John, p. 1331 6185.
-, -, hob., p. 1331, 6185.

Cromwell or Crumwell, Tho., 39, 86a, 87, 99, 106–7, 166, 294, 304 (2), 311, 327, 368, 369, 385, 386, 387, 388 (2, 7, 2, 3, 4, 9), 393 ii., 437, 643, 681, 695, 955 (1, 2, 3, 4), 969 (4), 979, 989, 990, 1137 (2, 3, 8), 1138 (2), 1348 (2), 1385, 1386, 1499 (3), 1620, 1728, 1782, 1768, 1834 (2), 1845 iv., 1881, 1951, 1964, 1989 ii., 2024 vi., 2217, 2229, 2321 (2), 2329, 2347, 2348, 2365, 2375, 2379, 2387, 2400, 2538 (8), 2701, 2738, 2753, 2755, 2759, 2844, p. 1331, 2989, 2990, 2991, 3014, 3032, 3043, 3053, 3079, 3119, 3149, 3154, 3197, 3198, 3250, 3305, 3334, 3360, 3369, 3388, 3406, 3448, 3460, 3461, 3475, 3486, 3534 (1, 2), 3535, 3536 (1–3), 3539, 3675, 3676, 3720, 3733, 3736, 3737, 3740, 3741, 3742, 3961, 4055, 4107, 4117, 4135, 4201, 4229 (9), 4230, 4275, 4278, 4295, 4314, 4350 ?, 4364, 4388, 4433, 4441, 4479, 4481, 4543, 4555, 4560, 4561, 4570, 4573, 4581, 4607, 4613, 4614, 4628, 4634, 4662 (1, 11), 4690, 4697, 4755, 4778, 4793, 4794 (1), 4807, 4837, 4839, 4843, 4872, 4877, 4884, 4888, 4906, 4916, 4930, 4934, 5024 (1, 2), 5034, 5052, 5069, 5077, 5080, 5088, 5089, 5092, 5111 (2, 4), 5115, 5117 (1, 2, 5, 6), 5120, 5121, 5122, 5126, 5131, 5141, 5143, 5145, 5146, 5169, 5186, 5268, 5285, 5304, 5330, 5360, 5365–6, 5373, 5398–5400, 5405, 5409–11, 5421, 5437, 5446, 5456–60, 5491–2, 5503, 5507, 5526, 5533, 5542, 5550, 5556–7, 5590, 5622–3, 5673, 5743, 5757 ii., 5772, 5787–8 (2), 5792, 5809–13, 5849, 5860, 5876, 5901–2, 5930, 5933, 5944, 5946, 5948, 5953, 5962, 5970–2, 6001 (2), 6005, 6010, 6014, 6033–4, 6036–7, 6039, p. 2692 (7), 6055, 6058, 6061, 6064, 6076, 6080, 6094 (2), 6098–9, 6100, 6102, 6108, 6110, 6112–18, 6126, 6133, 6136–7, 6139, 6146, 6151, 6181, 6185–6 (2), 6196, 6202–4, 6212, 6217, 6219, 6221–3, 6226, 6230, 6249, 6262–3, 6294 (2), 6299, 6313, 6335–6, 6346, 6368, 6374, 6390–1, 6420, 6429, 6431–2, 6435–6, 6447, 6457, 6460, 6467, 6482, 6484, 6524, 6530, 6554–6, 6558, 6571, 6582–4, 6586 (1–3), 6588, 6598 (1, 2), 6678–9, 6682, 6698–9, 6722, 6744, 6748 (13), 6754, 6783–4, p. 3067, 6800 ii., App. 17 (1), 38, 57, 78, 83–4, 103, 109, 133–4, 227–9, 233–4, 237, 246.
-, -, -, letters from, 3741, 4135, 4441, 4697, 5186, 5757 ii., 5812, 6076, 6099, 6368, 6391, 6431, 6482, 6530, 6571, 6699, 6800, App. 57.
-, -, -, letters to, 1385, 1386, 1620, 1732, 1768, 1881, 1951, 1989, 2229, 2329, 2347, 2348, 2365, 2387, 2400, 2701, 2759, 3079, 3149, 3154, 3305, 3369, 3388, 3406, 3448, 3460, 3489, 3675, 3720, 3742, 4055, 4107, 4117, 4201, 4275, 4278, 4314, 4350, 4388, 4433, 4481, 4543, 4555, 4560, 4561, 4570, 4573, 4581, 4607, 4613, 4614, 4628, 4634, 4662 (1), 4690, 4793, 4807, 4837, 4839, 4843, 4872, 4877, 4884, 4888, 4906, 4916, 4930, 4934, 5034, 5069, 5077, 5080, 5088, 5089, 5092, 5111 (2), 5115, 5120, 5121, 5122, 5131, 5141, 5143, 5146, 5169, 5268, 5285, 5304, 5360, 5365–6, 5373, 5398–9, 5405, 5409–10, 5431, 5437, 5446, 5456–7, 5459–60, 5491–2, 5503, 5507, 5526, 5533, 5542, 5550, 5556–7, 5590, 5622–3, 5673, 5757, 5792, 5810–11, 5813, 5849, 5860, 5876, 5901, 5930, 5944, 5946, 5953, 5962, 5970–2, 6001 (2), 6005, 6010, 6014, 6033–4, 6036–7, 6039, 6055, 6058, 6061, 6064, 6076, 6098, 6100, 6108, 6110, 6112, 6114, 6116–18, 6133, 6136–7, 6139, 6146, 6151, 6181, 6196, 6203–4, 6212, 6217, 6219, 6221, 6223, 6226, 6249, 6062–3, 6335, 6346, 6374, 6420, 6429, 6432, 6435, 6457, 6460, 6484, 6524, 6554, 6556, 6558, 6584, 6682, 6698, 6722, 6744, 6754, 6783, 6800 ii., App. 78, 83–4, 103, 134, 227–8, 233–4, 237, 246, App. 271–2.
-, -, -, his will, 5772.
-, -, -, accounts of, 166, 3197, 3461, 5330.
-, -, -, handwriting and drafts of, 39, 86a, 99, 294, 304 (2), 311, 327, 368–9, 388 (2), 393 ii., 437, 461, 643, 681, 695, 955 (1, 2, 3), 1048, 1091, (2, 3), 1348 (2), 1499 (3, 20), 1794 (2), 1833 (3), 1845, 1965, 2106 (1, 2), 2193, 2375, 2755, 2844, 3032, 3053–4, 3197, 3212 (1), 3250, 3486, 3506, 3534 (1), 3535–6, 3736–7, 4001 (1), 4364, 4656 (2), 4662 (11), 4917 (1), 5107, 5117 (1, 6), 5126, 5285, 5330, 5378, 5757 ii., 5772, 5788 (2), 5948 (1), 6043 (7), 6094 (2), 6102, 6115, 6126, 6294 (2), 6336 (2), 6467, 6555, 6586 (1), 6598 (1, 2), 6784, App. 17 (1), 109, 229.
-, -, -, his wife, 1732, 1768, 2701, 4388, 5772.
-, -, -, his scholars, 4433, 4837, 5069, 6219.
-, -, -, his mother and family, 5034, 5398, 5772, 6196, 6223, 6429, App. 237.
-, -, -, his sisters, 5772.
-, -, -, his daughters Anne and Grace, 5772.
-, -, -, his sons, 5757.
-, -, -, his nephews, 5772. See Wellyfed, Chr.
-, -, -, his kinsman. See Morgan, Mr.: Carbot, Dr.

Cronica Cronicarum cum figuris, 6429.

Cronicus, Franciscus, 6207.

Crookeshanke, Hen., 631.

Croosyers. See Crosiers.

Cropthorn, Alice, p. 986.

Cropton, g. 213 (1).

Cropwell Bishop, 3819 (1).

Croquet, _, 5231.

Crosborowe, John, g. 2218 (2).

Crose, John, p. 236.

Crosiers, the, (Border family,) 2176, 2374, 2964, 2965, 3421, 3521, 4874.

Cross, Holy, cardinal. See Quignones.

Crossayne, Ireland, letter dated at, 3922.

Cross bows and hand guns, 4998.

Crosse, Hen., p. 3047.
-, -, John, g. 5815 (12).

Croste, John, g. 137 (12). See Crofte.

Crostes, Sir Edw., g. 2002 (p. 901).
-, - See Crofte.

Croston, Camb., 4472.

Croswike, in Britanny, 3053 i.

Crouche. See Crowche.

Crouge, John, g. 6751 (28).

Croughton or Crowhton ch., Linc. dioc., g. 2132 (20), g. 6709 (24).

Croughton, Wm., 1939 (8), 3469.

Crowche or Crouche, John, g. 5406 (20).
-, -, Wm., g. 86 (22), g. 1533 (4), p. 2692.

Crowdacote, John, g. 3008 (7).

Crowde, John, 459.

Crowe, Chr., g. 6490 (29).

Crowebetfelde, 1834 (2).

Croweshall, Debenham, Suff., 737.

Crowhton. See Croughton.

Crowhurst, g. 1533 (12).

Crowland, abbot of, g. 213 (2), 1540.
-, -, John abbot of, p. 2698, 6513.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.

Crowley, Alex., p. 238.

Crowley, parsonage of, 6075.

Crowmer, Geo., g. 297 (und.)
-, -, John, g. 297 (und.), p. 235, g. 5083 (2).
-, -, -, his sig., 4310.
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 297 (und.), g. 464 (2), p. 235, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2).
-, - See Cromer.

Crowmere, Suss., 2217 (2) iii.

Crowmersshe, Oxon, 4471.

Crown, clerk of the, 1673, 6025.
-, -, debts to the, 6216.
-, - lands, surveyors of, App. 16, 68.

Crowndon, 1264.

Croxden, Ric. abbot of, p. 2700.

Croxton, 4229 (1), 5076, 6516 (15).
-, -, vicar of, 4229 (9).
-, -, mon. of, 4442 (1).
-, -, abbot of, 4570.
-, -, Elias abbot of, p. 2698.

Croxton, Rob., 1939 (9), 5330 i.
-, -, Tho., p. 238.

Croy, Adrien de. See Beaurain, lord of: Reux, lord.

Croydon, g. 1533 (12), g. 2673 (3), g. 2761 (18), 4188, 5898.
-, -, letters dated at, 2712, 4930.
-, -, vicar of, 183, 366, 1470, 5898.
-, -, deanery of, 971.

Cruche, John, 1577 (12).

Crucinus. See Crancini.

Crucinus, Francis, 6250, 6266, 6287, 6339, 6340, 6354, 6360, 6365, p. 2863, 6388, 6407, 6416 (3), 6428, 6446, 6470, 6472, 6644, 6656, 6714.
-, -, -, letters from, 6340, 6360, 6388.
-, -, -, letter to, 6339.

Crudde, John, g. 6542 (16).

Cruewis, Rob., 2475.

Cruk, deanery of, 971.

Crukevalance, Cornw., g. 3008 (23).

Crummy, John, 288, 845.

Crump, Ric., g. 213 (16), g. 4687 (20).

Crumwell. See Cromwell.

Crusade, 2584.

Cruse, John, p. 339.

Crusham Orchard, 2475.

Cruste, Geo., 692.

Cruthyn, N. Wales, 973.

Crwys. See Crewce.

Crymbyll, Ric., App. 99.

Cryppys or Cryppes. See Crippys.

Cubfaunt or Cubsant, Essex, 1833, g. 6803 (24).

Cubfolde, 1833.

Cuchy, _, 1021.

Cuckeson. See co*keson.

Cuddesden, Oxon., 1913 (1).

Cuddeslowe, Oxon., 1468, 1695, 1964 (3), p. 3065.

Cudner, Th., 5870.

Cuerok, Over, 4835 vii.

Cuevas, Alonzo de, 5529.

Cuff, John, g. 2927 (15).

Cukwold, 388 (7).

Culme, Hugh, g. 2132 (27).
-, -, John, g. 2132 (27).

Culpack, Barth., 4545 ii.

Culpeper (Colepeper), Alex., p. 83, g. 464 (2), g. 546 (12), p. 235.
-, -, Sir Alex., g. 2002 (11 Suss., Kent), 4310, 4331, 4417, g. 5083 (2), g. 5243 (28).
-, -, -, his sig., 4417.
-, -, Constantia, g. 546 (12).
-, -, Edw., p. 235.

Culper, Ric., p. 234.

Culros, Th. de, sig., 561.

Culross, abbot of, 670, 4091.

Culter, Nich., 3926.

Culwen, _, 799.

Cumberland, 29, g. 137 (8), 220, 278–9, 705, 819, 1289, 1433, 1795, 1939 (8), 2052, 2435, 2672, 3022, 3380 (1, 3, 4, 7), 3383, 3404 (1, 3), 3628, 4134 (1), 4855, g. 6072, g. 6803 (6).
-, -, sheriff of, 278–9, 819, 1795, 2052, 3477, 3581, 4134 (2), 4531, 4914, 6721.
-, -, gaol of the shire of, 5952 ii.
-, -, justices of peace in, 4134 (2).
-, -, knights of the shire for, 6043.

Cumberland, Westmorland, and Vesey, Hen. lord Clifford, earl of, 1433.
-, -, - See Clifford.

Cumbermere. See Combermere.

Cumcarven, g. 2673 (22).

Cune, Rob., g. 5510 (14).

Cuniga, don John de, 1626.

Cuny, Walt., 1938 (8).

Cupar, abbot of, 1355, 1360.

Cupsolde, Essex, g. 6803 (24).

Curatte or Curat, John, 5589.
-, -, -, letter from, 6139.

Curinghe, letter dated, 5381.

Curio or de Curionibus, Ambrosius, 6251, 6340.

Currant, _, p. 3065.

Curry Mallet (Corymallet), Soms., g. 1298 (27), g. 4687 (28).

Curry Revell (Coryrevell), Soms., p. 673 note, 4536 ii.

Curson (Curzon or Corson), _, a courier, 567, 1488, 1628, 1655, 1799, 5283, 5423, 5471, 5486–7, 5489.
-, -, Mr., 3005.
-, -, John, g. 137 (15), 5182, 5298–9 (1, 2), 5306, 5311, 5319, 5327, 5347, 5403, 5523, 5618, 5670, g. 6248 (25).
-, -, -, sig. of, 5103.
-, -, Ralph, g. 1298 (und.)
-, - (or Coursone), Rob., g. 137 (15), p. 2692, g. 6187 (28).
-, -, Sir Rob., called lord Curson, g. 390 (6), 501, 519, g. 961 (20), 1261, g. 2002, (11), 2966, 5052, g. 5243 (26), 5505, 5590.
-, -, -, letters from, 5505, 5590.
-, -, -, his nephew, 501, 519.
-, -, Th., g. 137 (12), p. 84, p. 234, g. 1610 (11), g. 6803 (8).

Curta, Francischinus de, of Padua, 6644, 6656, 6745.

Curtato, the, 2671.

Curteis or Curteys, _, 4107.
-, -, John, p. 152, 1217 (2).
-, -, Laur., p. 153.

Curtella, 3875.

Curtevil, _, 2174.

Curticella, 6785.

Curtius, _, 6643.

Curwen, _, 2935.
-, -, Sir Chr., g. 137 (8), g. 297 (und.), 819.
-, -, lady Kath., g. 137 (8).
-, - or Curwyn, Ric., 3725.
-, -, Th., g. 3008 (17), 3380, g. 5243 (21), g. 6248 (11).
-, -, Sir Th., 3380–1.

Cusake, Chr., 4265.
-, -, Jas., 4635.

Cusserigg, Berks, 1913 (1).

Cussheman, Ric., g. 3991 (4).
-, -, Steph., g. 3991 (4).

Cussi, abbot of, 6562. See also Coussy.

Customs, App. 19.

Cuthenaioer, _, a Bohemian, 2464.

Cutlonde, Devon, g. 137 (22).

Cutt, _, 3216.

Cutte, Eleanor, g. 2673 (27).
-, -, Eliz., g. 5906 (5).
-, -, Hen., p. 150, g. 2673 (27).
-, -, John, p. 150, g. 5906 (5), p. 2692.
-, -, Sir John, g. 546 (15), g. 2673 (27), 2888, 4544, 5124, g. 5906 (5).

Cutterd, John, App. 7.

Cutturus, Raymond, 2755, g. 3142 (30).

Cuvert, Giles, 3154 (2).

Cuyke. See Cook.

Cuylcire, 5464.

Cynami. See Cinami.

Cyprianus (Syppryan), an Italian, (Wynter's tutor,) 4064, 4848, 5382.

Cyprus, truc king of, Anibal, son or cousin of, 2589.

Cyril, St., writings of, 6192, 6229.

Czypzar, Stanislaus, letter from, 4478.

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