F1 24 has been out for a few days now, and despite the rather overblown negative reaction from Formula 1 content creators towards the game’s handling model, the game has generally received plaudits for how accessible the cars feel to drive with a gamepad (check out our review to find out our overall impressions).
However, given the Traxion team is made up of hardcore sim enthusiasts as well as casual racing game fans, I felt it necessary to work on F1 24’s steering wheel-led force feedback settings (mostly due to the default values feeling awful).
Using my Fanatec CSL DD (with the Boost Kit 180 to provide 8 Nm of torque) alongside my Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2, I had to tweak most of the game’s FFB options to achieve a feeling close to those I’d find in sims like Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2 and iRacing.
If you just want to see the in-game FFB settings I used, scroll down a few paragraphs, otherwise read on!
What do F1 24’s default force feedback settings feel like?
In a word, terrible. For me, F1 24’s default force feedback settings were borderline undrivable, with the wheel seemingly itching to oscillate out of my control as in-game speeds increase.
Unsurprisingly, F1 24’s default values for ‘Vibration & Force Feedback strength’ are set at 100, which felt far too high using my CSL direct drive wheelbase, removing any nuanced feelings the game was likely to provide.
The ‘Wheel Damper’ setting is also maxed out, and, as it turns out, it plays a huge role in F1 24’s FFB performance.
F1 24 force feedback settings
My first port of call was to reduce the overall FFB intensity. My personal preference is generally lower values in sims like rFactor 2, where I set the ‘Car specific multiplier’ to around 60-70% alongside an overall ‘Force feedback strength’ of 100%.
For F1 24, I eventually settled on a ‘Vibration & Force Feedback strength’ figure of just 45%, which allowed me to feel enough of the game’s extraneous effects without removing the clarity of steering feedback.
Due to personal preference, I also turned down ‘On Track Effects’, ‘Off Track Effects’, ‘Rumble Strip Effects’ and ‘Pit Stop Effects’, again helping reduce the chances of these secondary forces affecting how the car feels on-track.
However, the steering still felt a little tough to turn after these changes, so I turned my attention to the ‘Wheel Damper’ setting. By default this is set to 100%, preventing me from being able to quickly change direction – which was a pain when trying to catch slides or turn into Monte Carlo’s Grand Hotel hairpin.
Decreasing the damper value to zero left me with no feel whatsoever while reducing it to around 50% was still too ‘grabby’. Eventually, I settled on 5%, which loosened the steering while still providing me some tactile feedback.
Another aspect of configuring FFB in F1 24 is setting the correct ‘Maximum Wheel Rotation‘ value. Essentially, this affects how quickly the virtual steering rack in your F1 or Formula 2 car reacts to your inputs, when combined with whichever steering rotation setting you use on your wheelbase.
For me, setting this value to 450° worked well with my wheelbase rotation value of 540°, offering a less ‘pointy’ handling balance than if the ratio were one-to-one (both set to 450°). You may prefer a quicker-feeling steering rack in-game (it’s very quick by default, though), so to exaggerate this try reducing your wheelbase’s rotation in small increments until you’re satisfied.
- Vibration & Force Feedback strength – 45%
- On Track Effects – 70%
- Rumble Strip Effects – 30%
- Off Track Effects – 30%
- Pit Stop Effects – 25%
- Wheel Damper – 5%
- Maximum Wheel Rotation – 450°
Fanatec CSL DD wheelbase settings for F1 24
To caveat my preferred FFB settings for F1 24 above, I’ve listed the universal wheelbase settings I use with my Fanatec CSL DD wheelbase when playing other sims like Assetto Corsa Competizione, rFactor 2, iRacing, Le Mans Ultimate and Richard Burns Rally.
Naturally, you may be able to find other settings (Fanatec’s official forums are a good place to start) that suit your driving style better, but if you discover any useful F1 24 FFB tips then please do let us know in our Discord server.
Time to box, box, box? F1 24 review