eSubmission: Projects (2024)


eSubmission: Projects (1)


eSubmission: Projects (2)

Human eSubmission
eCTD v3.2
eCTD EU M1 specification

eSubmission: Projects (3)
Veterinary eSubmission
eSubmission: Projects (4)
eSubmission expert group
eSubmission: Projects (5)

eSubmission expert group documents

eSubmission: Projects (6)

External Links

eSubmission: Projects (7)


Common Repository


CESP Delivery

Delivery file UI

eSubmission Gateway

PAM submission form

eSubmission: Projects (8)
PSUR Repository

Industry access

NCA access
eSubmission: Projects (9)


eCTD v4.0


Paediatric submissions



eSubmission: Projects (10)
eSubmission: Projects (11)


To facilitate the submission of regulatory information concerning marketing authorisations application for medicinal products to National Competent Authorities and EMA as well as to streamline the business process, standards for electronic submissions have been developed.

For human medicinal products, the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) developed an electronic exchange standard called electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD). This standard is based on “M4: The Common Technical Document (CTD)” in its various parts.

The current electronic version was developed by the eCTD Implementation Working Group and released as version 3.2 in February 2004. The European Union applies the eCTD Specification in the European region and has completed it with the European Module 1.

Preparation of the next major version (version 4.0) is now ongoing within the ICH.

For more information, please refer to the eCTD v.3.2, eCTD EU M1 specification and eCTD v.4.0 webpages.

For veterinary medicinal products, a specific EU standard, Veterinary Non-eCTD electronic Submissions (VNeeS), that is based on the EU Notice to Applicants format for veterinary applications, has been developed.
For more information, please refer to the Veterinary eSubmission webpage.

The EU standards and related guidance documents are developed and maintained by the different key user groups and approved by the eSubmission expert group before publication.

For technical support, visit the EMA Service Desk portal using your user credentials for a system hosted by EMA (except Eudravigilance). If you do not have an account or have forgotten your credentials, please click here.

For details on how to find us please click here.

RSS news feed

Previous news is available here

eSubmission: Projects (13)

What's New in eSubmission Today?

eSubmission: Projects (14)


Call for volunteers for testing eAF v1.26.0.0 veterinary variation and maa forms (reflecting the VMP-Reg)

The version of the electronic Application Forms (eAFs) is planned for release on 1st December 2021 (for review only) and mandatory use from 28th of January 2022. The release v1.26.0.0 will provide a major change in both variation and maa forms for veterinary applications to align with the new Veterinary Regulation (VMP-Reg). These changes will be detailed in the release notes. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is planned to support the release of this next version of the forms:
The testing by Industry and NCAs is planned to take place as follows:
  • Industry: from Fri 29/10/21 to Tue 09/11/21
  • NCAs*: from Wed 03/11/21 to Fri 12/11/21 (*Based on the eAFs received from Industry)
Please note that these dates are subject to change depending on the outcome of internal UAT. If you wish to participate in the UAT, please register by email with


Updated version of the Q&A on the Mandatory use of OMS for CAPs now available

An updated version of the Questions and Answers document to support applicants and Marketing Authorisation holders in the implementation of the mandatory use of OMS for CAPs can be found here.

Please note that a training webinar on OMS will be held on 21st of October 2021, where registered participants will have the opportunity to clarify any outstanding questions. The webinar will be recorded and made available after the event.


Questions and Answers document on the Mandatory use of OMS for CAPs now available

The use of Organisational Maintenance Services (OMS) will become mandatory for Centrally Authorised Products (CAPs) from 1st of November 2021.


eAF v1.25.0.0 now available

New version of all four eAFs is now available for immediate use.
The main changes in this version of the forms relate to the implementation of the Medical Device Regulation Art 2(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and include other changes as implemented in the latest version of the NTA application forms.

The version can be used immediately, and it strongly recommended that it will be used for applications for products containing medical devices as soon as possible, however, the one-month transitional period will run until end of October after which the use of version of the forms will become mandatory.
The version has now been removed from the eAF website however users can continue to submit applications using this version until the end of October 2021.

More details can be found from the release notes and a presentation on changes available here.

Applicants are reminded that the version of the form should not be changed during an ongoing procedure.

For any issues with the eAFs, for example reporting missing scopes, please raise a call via the EMA service desk.

Updated release schedule for eAF now available

An updated release schedule for the electronic Application Forms (eAF) is now available here.

Mandatory use of OMS in eAFs from 1st of November 2021

The use of OMS in the eAFs will become mandatory from 1st of November 2021. Please note that a release to remove the free text fields in the human forms for Centralised Procedure (v1.26.0.0) is planned for release in early December 2021.
Version will be mandatory for use for human domain from 1st of January 2022.
Please note that this version cannot be used for veterinary submissions prior to 28th January 2022. For veterinary domain, there will be no transitional period and the version will become mandatory on the 28th January 2022. The previous version of the forms should be used for already ongoing procedures and applicants are reminded that the version of the form should not be changed during an ongoing procedure.

Updated PAM submission form now available

The PAM submission form has been updated to contain new fields (Product name and MA number) and the updated for v2.0.0.0 is now available here.


Further extension to deadline for mandatory use of OMS for all CAP submissions

In order to allow applicants and MAHs to timely register in OMS, the deadline for mandatory use has been further extended and the mandatory use of OMS Organisation Management Service (OMS) for CAPs now starts on 1st of November 2021. Early registration of site(s)/organisations in OMS is encouraged.

The EMA would like to emphasise the importance of site registration in OMS before the regulatory submission. This will avoid any delay in the start of these applications as applicants will be requested to register the site(s)/organisations during validation and prior to the start of the procedure.


DADI Project update now available

DADI project update is now available here. This update includes a timeline for the first forms to be released, a list of features of the human variation form and an updated questions & answers document.


Updated release schedule for eAF now available

An updated release schedule for the electronic Application Forms (eAF) is now available here.


Call for volunteers for eAF v1.25.0.0 (reflecting the updated Medical Devices regulation)

The version of the electronic Application Forms (eAFs) is planned for release at the end of September 2021 with a short 1-month transitional period and mandatory use from 1st of November 2021. The release v1.25.0.0 will provide a major change into the section 2.2.4 of the human MAA form as well as adding similar section in the human variation form. Additionally, there are other minor changes across all forms. These changes will be detailed in the release notes. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is planned to support the release of this next version of the forms: The testing by Industry and NCAs is planned to take place as follows:
  • Industry: from Tue 24/08/21 to Wed 01/09/21
  • NCAs*: from Mon 30/08/21 to Fri 03/09/21 (*Based on the eAFs received from Industry)
Please note that these dates are subject to change depending on the outcome of internal UAT. If you wish to participate in the UAT, please register by email with
Further details on the release scope and the confirmed dates for the UAT will be provided soon.

An updated release milestone plan and release schedule for the electronic Application Forms (eAF) will be published shortly.


Updated technical documents for eAF v1.25.0.0 now available

Updated draft DES summary and draft XSD files for the forms are now available on the eAF website here.


Extended deadline for mandatory use of OMS for all CAP submissions

The EMA would like to inform applicants and Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs) of human and veterinary medicinal products that as part of the development of the Substance, Product, Organisation and Referential (SPOR) data management services, and in anticipation to the upcoming Digital Application Dataset Integration (DADI) project, the registration in Organisation Management Service (OMS) will become mandatory for new sites and organisations to be registered for a Medicinal Product as part of any regulatory procedure submitted to the Agency. This includes but is not limited to pre-submission phase activities (eligibility requests, pre-submission meeting requests, change in contact person requests, ...), marketing authorisation applications, line extensions and variations (type IA, IB and II) and renewals.

In order to allow applicants and MAHs to timely register in OMS, the previously communicated deadline of 1 August 2021 is extended until the end of September 2021. Early registration of site(s)/organisations in OMS is encouraged.

In the future, registering the site(s)/organisations in OMS will also become mandatory for national procedures. The Agency will provide additional information in due time.

The EMA would like to emphasise the importance of site registration in OMS before the regulatory submission. This will avoid any delay in the start of these applications as applicants will be requested to register the site(s)/organisations during validation and prior to the start of the procedure.


Updated draft version of the VNeeS specification v3.0 now available

An updated version (v3.0) of the draft guideline on the specifications for provision of an electronic submission (eSubmission) for veterinary medicinal products (Draft VNeeS guideline) and further information is now available here.


Mandatory use of OMS in eAF for all submissions to EMA

The EMA would like to inform applicants and Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs) that as part of the development of the Substance, Product, Organisation and Referential (SPOR) data management services, and in anticipation to the upcoming Digital Application Dataset Integration (DADI) project, the registration in Organisation Management Service (OMS) will become mandatory from the 1st of August 2021 for new sites and organisations to be registered for a Medicinal Product as part of any regulatory procedure submitted to the Agency. This includes but is not limited to pre-submission phase activities (eligibility requests, pre-submission meeting requests, change in contact person requests, ...), marketing authorisation applications, line extensions and variations (type IA, IB and II) and renewals.

The EMA would like to emphasise the importance of site registration in OMS before the regulatory submission. This will avoid any delay in the start of these applications as applicants will be requested to register the site(s)/organisations during validation and prior to the start of the procedure.


DADI Project Questions and Answers now available

The European Medicines Regulatory Network's Digital Application Dataset Integration (DADI) project has released a Questions and Answers (Q&A) document with further details about the purpose and scope of the project.

The project team aims to follow up in the coming month with further details, including key milestones, the full list of features and the first draft of the FHIR message.

More details and Q&A are available here


All EMA IT systems unavailable from 18 to 20 June 2021

EMA will be performing essential maintenance to components of our IT infrastructure during the weekend of 18 to 20 June. The work will start at 18:00 on Friday, 18 June, and finish by 23:59 on Sunday, 20 June. From 18:30 on Friday, 18 June to 18:30 on Saturday, 19 June, all EMA systems will be unavailable. The EMA corporate website will remain available during this period but it may not be possible to access any other EMA-hosted website or online application.
The EMA product emergency hotline and phone number for notifying EMA of suspected quality defects or product recalls will operate as usual during this period.


Planned maintenance of the eSubmission Gateway and the eSubmission Gateway Web client (Production Axway Gateway) this weekend

The Production Axway Gateway (eSubmission Gateway and the Web Client) will be unavailable from Friday 23/04 at 18:00 until Monday 26/04 at 06:00 due to essential maintenance. For any further information, please contact Service Desk


Essential maintenance to SPOR data services - 24 April 2021

Essential maintenance is scheduled to be carried out to SPOR data services - between 8:00-12:00 on Saturday 24 April. Applications consuming real-time RMS data (PSUR Repository, MMS-e, EudraGMDP, EudraCT, EU PAS (ENCepp) and eAF Web Application) will be affected, as well as internal or external access to SPOR portal. For any further information, please contact Service Desk


All EMA IT systems unavailable from 16 to 18 April 2021

All European Medicines Agency (EMA) information technology (IT) systems apart from the corporate website ( will be intermittently unavailable from 18:00 on Friday 16 April to 11:00 on Sunday 18 April 2021 (Central European Summer Time, CEST), due to essential maintenance. The EMA corporate website will remain available during this period but it may not be possible to access any other EMA-hosted website or online application.
The EMA product emergency hotline and phone number for notifying EMA of suspected quality defects or product recalls will operate as usual during this period.


Updated eCTD EU M1 specification now available

The eCTD EU Module 1 specification has been updated. The updated EU M1 spec v3.0.4 and the related release notes are available
here. There are no changes to the DTD and hence this version enters into force as of date of publication and can be used immediately. It is recommended to use the new version as soon as possible.
Please note that the release notes provide practical information on the changes and it is strongly recommended to review the release notes to fully understand the changes made in the specification.


Digital Application Dataset Integration (DADI) project

The European Medicines Regulatory Network has launched a new telematics project called the Digital Application Dataset Integration project (DADI) to modernise and improve use of the EU electronic Application Forms (eAFs). DADI has been established as the successor to the Common European Single Submission Portal (CESSP) phase 1 project.
More details are available here.


A new version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file is now available

An updated version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file user interface is now available. This update has introduced changes to the delivery file (addition of ‘nitrosamine related’ radio button for initial variation submissions (human domain only) and renaming the ‘Customer Reference’ field to ‘purchase order number’ for all relevant submission types and submission units (H&V).
The details on the changes are provided in the related release notes which are available here and the updated user guide is available here.

Users should note that the delivery files created prior to the new release will not work after the go live


A new version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file for veterinary changes is now available

An updated version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file user interface for veterinary MRL and referral submissions is now available. This update has introduced changes to the delivery file (changes in the available submission units and mandatory use of customer number and Purchase Order number). The details on the changes are provided in the related release notes which are available here and the updated user guide is available here

Users should note that the delivery files created prior to the new release will not work after the go live


A new version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file for veterinary changes is planned for release in the evening of 8th March 2021

An updated version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file user interface for veterinary MRL and referral submissions is planned for release in the evening of 8th March 2021. This update will introduce changes to the delivery file (changes in the available submission units and mandatory use of customer number and Purchase Order number).

Users should note that the delivery files created prior to the new release will not work after the go live.


A new version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file planned for release in the evening of 11th March 2021

An updated version of the eSubmission Gateway XML delivery file user interface is planned for release in the evening of 11th March 2021. This update will introduce changes to the delivery file (addition of nitrosamine related radio button for initial variation submissions and renaming the Customer Reference field to PO number for all relevant submission types and submission units.

Users should note that the delivery files created prior to the new release will not work after the go live.


Updated version of the VNeeS specification now available

The Guideline on eSubmissions for Veterinary products has been updated to version 2.7.1, applicable immediately. This minor change is Brexit related change in the list of country codes in table 4.

This change has no impact on the validation rules and the current VNeeS Checker tool (v2.6) remains unchanged.


Mandatory use of eAF v1.24.0.1

It is now mandatory to use the version of all four eAFs.

The term United Kingdom has been removed from the EU/EEA country grouping on 1st of January 2021 for selection in any version of the forms (in the fields where EU/EEA countries are listed).

Applicants are reminded that the version of the form should not be changed during an ongoing procedure.

For any issues with the eAFs, for example reporting missing scopes, please raise a call via the EMA service desk

For the UK, as from 1.1.2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI.

eSubmission: Projects (15)
©1995-2021 European Medicines Agency | Disclaimer | For technical support, please visit the EMA Service Desk portal using your user credentials for a system hosted by EMA (except Eudravigilance). If you do not have an account or have forgotten your credentials, please click here

eSubmission: Projects (2024)
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